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Great Forgotten TV Programmes


Dec 8, 2005
Soham, United Kingdom
Does anyone remember that kids programme set in Blackpool? I seem to remember the Kate Bush song - We're running up that road being in it, or maybe I imagined it. ???
Can't remember the name of it though.


Anti-greed coalition
Jul 20, 2003
Brond - Sotratford Johns as a right wrong 'un
Severed Head - Denis Lawson in an invidious-a-thon
Our Friends In The North - the best TV drama ever

stick yer Boys from the blackstuff

Lady Whistledown

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Going For Gold, with Henry Kelly

Treasure Hunt, featuring Anneka Rice, Kenneth Kendall and (of course) Wincey Willis

Lady Whistledown

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003


LUZZING chairs about
Sep 19, 2003
Chocky was one of my all-time faves as a kid. Absolutely loved it. Man, that clip you just posted sent shivers down my spine all over again. Superb stuff, really chilling.

I don't remember it being on ITV, though. I thought it was a Beeb show.

Chocky's Children was good, too, but never as good as Chocky itself.

Good call, Carrot Cruncher :clap2: :clap2:

Ive got all 3 series on DVD from :)

Series one and two are brillio, series 3 is SHITHOUSE. Watch them all in one go one rainy Sunday.

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
the twilight zone.

the early days of Coronation street - Alf Roberts, Ena Sharples, Minnie Coldwell

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
Going For Gold, with Henry Kelly

Treasure Hunt, featuring Anneka Rice, Kenneth Kendall and (of course) Wincey Willis

Going for Gold was class!! I, along with many others, used to watch the intro and only the intro in our TV room.

'Sven from Sweden!'
'Jan from Denmark!'
'Jacques from France!'
'Bob from England'


The much missed Ulysses 31 is up there with the best of them.


DJ Leon

New member
Aug 30, 2003
Having seen Neil Pearson in a play recently I was reminded of his excellent police drama 'Between the Lines'. Brilliant series.

Left Footer

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2007
PROSPECTS (1985-86)

EAST-END DESOLATION, Thatcher-style. The money-making schemes of two doleite friends, Pincy (GARY "2.4" OLSEN) and Billy (BRIAN BOVELL). Demolition ball opening titles set the scene for Isle Of Dogs Enterprise Zone shenanigans, with the duo establishing a variety of businesses (pest control, home-made booze, etc.) and getting into scrapes as a result. Typical "typical Channel 4" Channel 4.

I thought this was excellent when it came out, though couldn`t remember too much about it.The late Gary Olsen was superb.

Couldn't Be Hyypia

We've come a long long way together
NSC Patron
Nov 12, 2006
Near Dorchester, Dorset
Murder One

Two series in the mid-90's. Starred Steven Bochco (recently the new Head of ER on ER) and the great baldie actor Michael Hayden.


Not sure it was ever shown again or repeated. Might get the DVD myself though - it was a really good law series.

Screaming J

He'll put a spell on you
Jul 13, 2004
Exiled from the South Country
Misleading Cases

A comedy with serious overtones, about an eccentric old geezer who would take issues to court. He took his wife to court, on one program. I believe the cases were based on real-life legal loopholes, and they were always fascinating, wry and amusing.

Wow, that's well old, 1960s??? Based on books by AP Herbert; but I must admit I found them a bit dry after the TV series - I was probably too young.

Just found this:-


Carrot Cruncher

NHS Slave
Helpful Moderator
Jul 30, 2003
Southampton, United Kingdom
Does anyone remember that kids programme set in Blackpool? I seem to remember the Kate Bush song - We're running up that road being in it, or maybe I imagined it. ???
Can't remember the name of it though.

I know exactly what you mean and I believe it was called 'Running Scared' :)

Carrot Cruncher

NHS Slave
Helpful Moderator
Jul 30, 2003
Southampton, United Kingdom
I am not in the 30-35 category, but I remember this vividly. I had only recently got over the trauma of it. You have set me back years of therapy CC.


Sorry :down:

If it's any consolation at all, hearing the 'scream' bit at the beginning again made EVERY hair on my body (and there are a few :lolol:) stand on end for a good couple of minutes

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