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[Albion] Your Man of Match this evening?


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
Simples. Not a player ratings thread. Your MoM this eve please with reasons why.

Bart Verbruggen for me

Outstanding. Several "top top" reaction saves (even if struck soundly from 20 yards out)
Looked so composed and in authority
The first game I've really understood why we've invested such a large sum for this keeper of such potential. 👏

And yet the BBC online vote has him as our lowest scoring player.
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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 15, 2004
Hurst Green
Dunk because he's Dunk. Without him we'd have lost


'The' Yaztromo
Bart man, followed by Dunk and then Hinsh for doing well - especially given the circumstances.

Bart kept us in it, and is starting to look rather good 👍

Mike Small

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
Igor. Thought he was imperious today. Made two or three powerful runs forward with the ball and set up Fergie with a one on one. Brilliant. I want him to play on Sunday and actually eat that cocky crap twat Jackson.

Then Bart, Dunk and JP. Without JP's surging run forward, we don't score.

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