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[News] Just Stop Oil

The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
Bit of an intake of recent joiners who post like some banned members.
Posting on the main board like they are in the bear pit.

Let’s not go back to those days. NSC is a much nicer place without the name calling and bear baiting .

Being a member for two months and already having the confidence to call someone names?

My advice would be if you’ve managed to circumvent a ban, play it cool.
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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2022
I was mildly mocked for championing democracy- imagine!! - but champion it I do. Bring about political change through politics👊

I refuse to accept that any of the oil protesters genuinely believe that their protests will bring about their claimed aim of influencing Government decisions because it so obviously won’t have any influence whatsoever.

I defend “a right to protest” but there has to be some form of compliance.

the animal rights activists gluing themselves to the Grand National fences, is that acceptable form of protest?

Doubtless they will be at Epsom on Saturday protesting and attempting to cause the extinction of the thoroughbred horse

“A high-profile member of Animal Rising has acknowledged the controversial group's objectives could lead to the disappearance of the thoroughbred breed – an outcome that would be deemed worthwhile as part of its wider "moral" aspirations.” 😳


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
What I want to know is what glue are these people using. I tried to glue my boys shoe last year and couldn't find anything that would stick for more than a week. These buggers have found stuff that glues them to dirty roads and fences. Where do they get it from?


“Vorsprung durch Technik”
NSC Patron
Oct 20, 2022
Shame it didn't break his f***ing entitled neck...
The right to protest is the cornerstone of any democracy and goes to the heart of our fundamental freedoms and civil liberties.

Anyone that can’t see how that principle has been slowly eroded by successive Tory governments to protect the self interests of their donators and lobbyists (an erosion of civil liberties btw that was precipitated by the Thatcher administration against the mining industry and the unions) then I would suggest they are the ones blinded by their own misplaced sense of entitlement - as Al Gore says, climate change is an ‘inconvenient truth’, none more so than to those who would bury their heads in the sand and treat vital resources as an infinite supply to which they erroneously believe they are entitled over any consideration for future generations or wildlife and our shared environment.

If people can’t cope with the inconvenience of protest, to the point they wish fatal injury on those protesting, it will be interesting to see how quickly they themselves become the protestors when petrol rationing and power cuts become routine or their house insurance becomes unaffordable when it is suddenly deemed to be in a new flood zone, or worse, their house becomes unsaleable for the same reason. They will be the ones justifiably earning the epithet of being ‘twats’.


Well-known member
May 5, 2012
i saw Starmer support the objective of JSO, to stop further licences on oil and gas exploration. given it's a certainty he'll be next PM, isn't further protesting unnecessay?

Is every other nation ending oil and gas exploration or is the UK expected to sacrifice alone?


“Vorsprung durch Technik”
NSC Patron
Oct 20, 2022
In the incidents listed, a fire engine was let through a protest to an emergency, and an ambulance that didn't have it's lights or siren on was held up in traffic.
Considering how much is made of the delaying emergency services argument I was expecting more.
If I've missed other incidences buried further up in the thread or elsewhere then I'm happy to have them pointed out to me.
Not wanting to sidetrack the thread topic into a discussion of strike action by healthcare workers and teachers (which I wholeheartedly support btw) - but the fact that ‘enraged’ from Tonbridge is focussing on this to discredit JSO seems very selective imo - I waited 90 minutes for an emergency ambulance last week (for sepsis), not because it was delayed in traffic due to protests about CC but because lack of funding and industrial action by key workers is still causing backlogs & ambulance queues at A&E etc - JSO has caused nothing like the same delays/interference with emergency healthcare or indeed their roadblocks caused the same amount of work days lost to parents due to school strikes yet the stakes (global climate security) at which billions of lives are at risk from the impact of anthropogenic causes of CC are just as high, if not higher.

I apologise for the ‘whataboutery‘ nature of my post but people don‘t always recognise that manipulating public fear responses to strike or protest action is part and parcel of a politically driven agenda to undermine the support for and consequently the efficacy of protest. Whether you agree with the methods of JSO or not, the bigger picture is that we are in the shit climatically but there is a strong lack of industrial or political (or personal) will to pay the price for real change - it’s still ‘everyone else’s problem’ or something that our grandkids can be left to sort out.
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Offended Liver Sausage
NSC Patron
Oct 17, 2008
It’s all gone a bit bear pittish.

This reminds me of me saying once “actually, I quite like being English” in response to lots of people slagging our country, which in turn empowered all the nutters to piggyback on my comment as if I am some kind of skinhead ultra-nationalist nutter. I’m not. I’m mixed race. I love my country.

Which in turn led to lots of people saying “WHY do you love your country, unfair distribution of wealth, poor cuisine etc etc”.

Not liking JSO’s methods doesn’t automatically make me a Tory-loving little Englander gammon.

Most of the middle ground are the same.


A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
It’s all gone a bit bear pittish.

This reminds me of me saying once “actually, I quite like being English” in response to lots of people slagging our country, which in turn empowered all the nutters to piggyback on my comment as if I am some kind of skinhead ultra-nationalist nutter. I’m not. I’m mixed race. I love my country.

Which in turn led to lots of people saying “WHY do you love your country, unfair distribution of wealth, poor cuisine etc etc”.

Not liking JSO’s methods doesn’t automatically make me a Tory-loving little Englander gammon.

Most of the middle ground are the same.
You get thrown in jail for saying you like being English.
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Offended Liver Sausage
NSC Patron
Oct 17, 2008
You get thrown in jail for saying you like being English.
That’s what a cabbie told me; well he didn’t really say that, it’s a conceit for comedic purposes. But he would have said that

Randy McNob

Now go home and get your f#cking Shinebox
Jun 13, 2020
Britain accounts for less than 2% 0f global do realise that don't you ...?? Asia , China , USA and Russia are the major offenders ....Joylon and Tarquin throwing tomato soup at ambulances is a totally futile display of misplaced energy.
They're not called Just Stop Oil in Britain

Randy McNob

Now go home and get your f#cking Shinebox
Jun 13, 2020
I am not going to pretend I wouldn't be pissed off if I had somewhere to be and JSO blocked the road, but I really do wonder what the alternative to direct action should be? As Chris Packham pointed out in that video above, he attended an anti-fossil fuel rally with 60,000 others and it wasn't even mentioned in any printed or visual media except a few inches in The Times. Yet a few people throw some powder over a snooker table and suddenly there is a discussion to be had.

If you're not at least sympathetic to the direct protestors than I'm glad you weren't around when our football club needed saving, because that wasn't achieved by a handful of strongly worded letters to the Albion board at the time, I can tell you.
yeah, 60,000 protesters - not a peep. 40,000 asylum seekers - 24/7 news coverage.

And the media portray the protestors as enemies of the people with journalists attacking them in a similar style to workers on strike to turn the public against them. Shame not more people rise above rather than follow the narrative


tinky ****in winky
Jul 11, 2003
town full of eejits
They're not called Just Stop Oil in Britain
what so Tarquin has the right to hurl comestibles at emergency vehicles to stop third world countries becoming richer..? its just not going to happen is it ..(rhetorical) its f***ing futile , the western world will slam the brakes on and reconfigure whilst the brown water economies forge forward with fossil fuels and when their countries flood we will be guilt tripped into donating to charity to help them out but most of that money will go on admin....ffs


tinky ****in winky
Jul 11, 2003
town full of eejits
yeah, 60,000 protesters - not a peep. 40,000 asylum seekers - 24/7 news coverage.

And the media portray the protestors as enemies of the people with journalists attacking them in a similar style to workers on strike to turn the public against them. Shame not more people rise above rather than follow the narrative
its a shame people don't rise up against being rinsed by banks , fuel and food supply corporation , profits for these entities are at record levels bank profits up 15% relative to the late 80's ...we are all being rinsed.

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