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Are Kids getting worse?


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
Rougvie said:
Our SPINELESS PC obsessed government dont exactly help matters tho do they ?
I f***ing hate this attitude. The reason kids turn out to be utter scrotes and chavs is f*** all to do with the government of the day and everything to do with a culture of not having to take responsibility for your actions. And that is down the parents not doing their jobs at a time when teachers are powerless to exert much discipline in the classroom, short of excluding the pupils.


Johnny Byrne-The Greatest
Jul 5, 2003
Wherever The Mood Takes Me
With regards to the poppy issue that was first mentioned in this thread I blame political correctness. These days kids are taught to be peace loving and to embrace everyone no matter what their colour or race - this in it self is obviously not a bad thing but with these teachings you lose the immence pride in your country that made these veterans fight for Great Britain in the first place. Unfortunately, I believe that a lot of the kids nowadays see the war vets as violent gits rather than great heroes as we did in our day.


Simster said:
The reason kids turn out to be utter scrotes and chavs is f*** all to do with the government of the day and everything to do with a culture of not having to take responsibility for your actions. And that is down the parents not doing their jobs at a time when teachers are powerless to exert much discipline in the classroom, short of excluding the pupils.

Nail on head.

However ...... there used to be some right scum as teachers, and pervading schoolkids' world with paedophilia (then known as 'going out with one of the students' but I bet many schools had 'em) and lecherers.
Also the hairpullers, earpinchers, head-bangers, blackboard eraser throwers, and other forms of violence and dangerous practises. That is ASIDE from the humiliators and prejudiced, homo gym-teachers, and generally BAD teachers who set wrong curriculums or wasted our time or 'let us get on with it' whatever 'it' was.

I recall an art teacher who used to bury his head in his hands and silently weep, while we sat with blank paper and were told to make up our own art.
Music teacher used to do painful tweaks if you played a bum note (so I used to mime instead of actually blowing into the recorder).
Her hubby the French teacher was a wino, often sloshed and slurring in any language!
A gym teacher who used to watch boys shower, and for any punishments would make boys stand naked for a half-hour - once walloped a kid with his clenched fist for calling him by his (innoccuous) nickname.
A geography teacher who taught us right up to the exams - the wrong areas, and lessons, for that exam year (so basically everyone failed their geog. GCE).
A biology teacher who was dating a 14 year-old in our class.
Our history teach got done for paedophilia on some little boys.

The headmaster ousted any teacher who refused to shave off facial hair, so a couple of the better teachers, bearded, left.
That was just in my school (King's Manor)

The schools are run by 'grown ups', but it's amazing all kids didn't rebel back then. The foundation for the future may be what you see now, but it's also what you can see in the past.

Robbie G

New member
Jul 26, 2004
As well as the parents influencing kids, media obviously influences kids as well

One example which i find stupid is that The Sun, for example, encouraged "Chav Culture" when it was just starting up. The amount of chavs around now causing disruption and annoyance to people is beyond belief.

Of course there are many teenagers that are well behaved. The ignorance of some teenagers, especially those at the march, is sickening.

It is known among teenagers that they can get away with a hell of a lot. Adults can't restrain them without a fear that they could get done for common assault for example :shootself

Community Support Officers (which are becoming more common), though useful for other things, do not offer a powerful presence among teenagers. They are aware of what limited powers these officers have and exploit that fact

Something has to happen to break up this Chav Culture, this appears to be the problem for a lot of anti-social behaviour

Theatre of Trees

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
caz99 said:
Whilst on my poppy parade yesterday on the way back through town. A gang of about 5 kids obviously had some drink aged at 14-15 proceeding to shout a volley of abuse at the people marching. One fat cow called the elderly gentleman in the front a c#'£$. a swearword i hate.

Had i not been marching in the parade i would have liked to have got them and bashed their heads on the kerb stone. I am only 25 and not a shining example by any means. however when i was that age i would never dream of shouting abuse at elders especially on remembrance sunday, and if i had dared i am sure my parents would have made a day for me to remember.

it seems to me that bloody kids these days are getting worse.:angry:

rant over. now sound very old.

Was this Lancing? If so I probably have the pleasure in teaching them as I work at Boundstone. Did the fat one have long, straight blond hair and have a screechy voice?

To be honest there is an awful lot of crap written on this thread, yes there are idiots who need to be dealt with and need to be taught that there actions have consequences. Now this usually lies with two sets of people, teachers and parents. We do our best and to be honest 95% of kids will accept our rules and discipline. However, there are sets of parents whom somebody has mentioned above who have absolutely no concept of responsibility for either themselves or their kids. Some of the stories you hear make you want to go round and ring their bloody necks. For instance a few years ago one of my ex pupils was encouraged by their mother to go out shoplifting because she couldn't cope with bringing them up and wanted to place them in care. She had worked out that that was the only way of getting social services involved. There are tons of other stories too which make you wince when you hear them. Kids need boundaries and in most cases want them, it needs responsible adults to set them.


A different kind of pasty
Jul 5, 2003
West, West, West Sussex
BarrelofFun said:
The trouble is that there is too much protection. Parents have lost powers, teachers can no longer discipline kids without fear of retribution.....

It is so easy to sort this out, but there always seems to be minimal effort from the government.

Damn straight. I couldn't believe what I was reading in the paper last week. A teenage girl who had been arrested, charged and found guilty of some kind of public disorder offence was LET OFF having to wear an electronic tag by a judge. Why ? Because she said it made her look silly when she wore a skirt !!!!

FFS, what kind of message is that going to send out to other young people? Oh it's okay if I break the law because nothing nasty will happen to me, and if it does I'll just start crying and a nice judge will make it all better. It's pathetic.

Personally I think she should have been made to wear a skirt and an electronic tag so people could see what a nasty piece of work she obviously was.

sir danny cullip

New member
Feb 14, 2004
Burgess Hill
BarrelofFun said:
Compulsory sport at school and boot camps or activities in the summer.

They eat too much crap, dont do enough exercise and have excess energy, coupled with parents who seem incapable of teaching them manners or the difference between right and wrong.

Just reading thread for the first time and that is a top post :clap:

EDIT: and im only young myself :)
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chez said:
With regards to the poppy issue that was first mentioned in this thread I blame political correctness. These days kids are taught to be peace loving and to embrace everyone no matter what their colour or race - this in it self is obviously not a bad thing but with these teachings you lose the immence pride in your country that made these veterans fight for Great Britain in the first place. Unfortunately, I believe that a lot of the kids nowadays see the war vets as violent gits rather than great heroes as we did in our day.

I cannot agree with any of that. The kids we are debating embrace any chance to display racism and violence. You can't tell me they object to our fathers who fought in WWII as violence-mongers!
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Berty_G said:
As well as the parents influencing kids, media obviously influences kids as well

One example which i find stupid is that The Sun, for example, encouraged "Chav Culture" when it was just starting up. The amount of chavs around now causing disruption and annoyance to people is beyond belief.

Of course there are many teenagers that are well behaved. The ignorance of some teenagers, especially those at the march, is sickening.

It is known among teenagers that they can get away with a hell of a lot. Adults can't restrain them without a fear that they could get done for common assault for example :shootself

Community Support Officers (which are becoming more common), though useful for other things, do not offer a powerful presence among teenagers. They are aware of what limited powers these officers have and exploit that fact

Something has to happen to break up this Chav Culture, this appears to be the problem for a lot of anti-social behaviour

This 'chav-culture' is no different to mods or the skinheads that followed.
Meet the new chavs, same as the old chavs.


Johnny Byrne-The Greatest
Jul 5, 2003
Wherever The Mood Takes Me
NMH said:
I cannot agree with any of that. The kids we are debating embrace any chance to display racism and violence. You can't tell me they object to our fathers who fought in WWII as violence-mongers!

Maybe not, but I know from personal experience that they have no respect for them and what they did. My girlfriends son stated during the Trafalgar comemerations that it wasnt an important day and it wouldnt have mattered if we had lost that battle because we shouldnt have been fighting in the first place - he has the same view about WW1 & WW2 and claims his school mates feel the same way. :nono:

sir danny cullip

New member
Feb 14, 2004
Burgess Hill
chez said:
Maybe not, but I know from personal experience that they have no respect for them and what they did. My girlfriends son stated during the Trafalgar comemerations that it wasnt an important day and it wouldnt have mattered if we had lost that battle because we shouldnt have been fighting in the first place - he has the same view about WW1 & WW2 and claims his school mates feel the same way. :nono:

Thats probably because his only first hand experience of war is that in iraq, which most kids have been influenced to believe is wrong. He maybe doesnt realise the circumstances in the two wars before were slightly different


New member
Jul 21, 2005
The Mighty 'ford
sir danny cullip said:
They are a very rare group these days actually and usually frowned upon!

Why? if we can encourage different social groups we can move away from this over agressive chav b/s, and normal people can go to shopping centres without a sea of burberry and trackie bottoms.

sir danny cullip

New member
Feb 14, 2004
Burgess Hill
Redhead said:
Why? if we can encourage different social groups we can move away from this over agressive chav b/s, and normal people can go to shopping centres without a sea of burberry and trackie bottoms.

I dont know why to be honest.... I dont think its the burberry and trackie bottoms that are the problem, its the anti social behaviour people associate with them.

Virgos Magician

New member
Sep 13, 2004
Being in the age range of 0-16, ill like to give a point of view from us.

For starters yes, i hate to bloody chavs and all the ASBO's kids, they do deserve to go in the forces as you've been saying and i totally 100% agree see if there street cred will save them now on the front line. But most kids aged 16 hate to others who give a bad rep to youth as a whole (I personally do and so do my friends). Theres some kind of stereotypical view on youth today and the media influences it by exposing it more, i.e in my local gazette there was a story where some kid bought a knife from ford market and brang it outside the school gates, and it was all over the paper which was headlined 'KID HAS KNIFE IN SCHOOL' or something like that, but the point is the media had exposed the story more than it was. And the fact is the nxt week the school did some kinda charity thing where it raised a lot of money where it involded kids aged 11-16 and that only made middle pages with a little section on it.

And the problem for me and my friends are if we were walkin through town there would always be soem kinda person who obviuosly would be on shop watch in disgusise looking at us trying to not make it obvous. and when we walk in a supermarket the bloody security guard followed us, when does a security follow a 84year old round a store when all they want to buy is a drink.

And im doing media in college and its opened my eyes to wat people think more and how the stereotypically teen is automatically called a bad infuelnce on society. And older people think were older and they say to us "Kids these days they always cause trouble and grief" NOT ALL OF THEM DO!!!!!

Yes there are youth who are bad infulences and yes i agree with mosty of you but the fact is that everybody thinks a kid is automatically a bad influence. and yes i would blame it on the parents more so than the kid because the kid should be raised correctly and not let out to play on the streets.

Kids should find something to get rid of boredom i.e join a footy club, or go support your local team. But some kids dont have the cash to pay for joining for or the ticket to the match. And older people moan there nothing for them to do, well 16 year olds cant propose an application and say yes to build a community centre, its your decision to do so.

And thats MY OPIONON of the youth today. and everybody is entitled to there opionon.

sir danny cullip said:
Thats probably because his only first hand experience of war is that in iraq, which most kids have been influenced to believe is wrong. He maybe doesnt realise the circumstances in the two wars before were slightly different

Iraq has given past heroic wars a bad name. It has been seen as cowardly to send missiles into some foreign city, maim kids and control another culture that did not tangibly threaten us.
Bush especially is looked upon as a coward, sending someone else's kids to die abroad for political self-serving.
"That's the man who tried to kill my daddy" is one of his outrageous quotes (ranks with "this is a crusade")


New member
Jul 21, 2005
The Mighty 'ford
sir danny cullip said:
I dont know why to be honest.... I dont think its the burberry and trackie bottoms that are the problem, its the anti social behaviour people associate with them.

I completely agree, it seems that chav culture is being forced down young peoples throat, but it seems to me that 'chavs' are getting younger and younger, not a week ago a young lad no older than 12 told me he was gonna do me over, all because, well i don't know why, just a day in Hailsham high st, but why is that you cant walk down a street without some f**k wit, trying to impress his/her krew by being a cretin?

Virgos Magician said:
Being in the age range of 0-16, ill like to give a point of view from us.

For starters yes, i hate to bloody chavs and all the ASBO's kids, they do deserve to go in the forces as you've been saying and i totally 100% agree see if there street cred will save them now on the front line. But most kids aged 16 hate to others who give a bad rep to youth as a whole (I personally do and so do my friends). Theres some kind of stereotypical view on youth today and the media influences it by exposing it more, i.e in my local gazette there was a story where some kid bought a knife from ford market and brang it outside the school gates, and it was all over the paper which was headlined 'KID HAS KNIFE IN SCHOOL' or something like that, but the point is the media had exposed the story more than it was. And the fact is the nxt week the school did some kinda charity thing where it raised a lot of money where it involded kids aged 11-16 and that only made middle pages with a little section on it.

And the problem for me and my friends are if we were walkin through town there would always be soem kinda person who obviuosly would be on shop watch in disgusise looking at us trying to not make it obvous. and when we walk in a supermarket the bloody security guard followed us, when does a security follow a 84year old round a store when all they want to buy is a drink.

And im doing media in college and its opened my eyes to wat people think more and how the stereotypically teen is automatically called a bad infuelnce on society. And older people think were older and they say to us "Kids these days they always cause trouble and grief" NOT ALL OF THEM DO!!!!!

Yes there are youth who are bad infulences and yes i agree with mosty of you but the fact is that everybody thinks a kid is automatically a bad influence. and yes i would blame it on the parents more so than the kid because the kid should be raised correctly and not let out to play on the streets.

Kids should find something to get rid of boredom i.e join a footy club, or go support your local team. But some kids dont have the cash to pay for joining for or the ticket to the match. And older people moan there nothing for them to do, well 16 year olds cant propose an application and say yes to build a community centre, its your decision to do so.

And thats MY OPIONON of the youth today. and everybody is entitled to there opionon.

I have to say, that was a little difficult to read - but I think I understand what you are saying, and basically I thought the same kind of thoughts back when I was under 16.
What is a very poignant point though, is that socially there is not enough for you to do and not enough facilities for your wants and needs. I can't help but agree on that front - but very few countries, if any, provide anything on that front. You are supposed to make your own fun, be indoors with family, or be studying. There really should be more community stuff for you - but there will still be kids who see that as sissy and for nerds.

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