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[Misc] Window cleaners - wtf?

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Now, I appreciate that the 'modern' window cleaner has various costs to cover, but it seems like a licence to print money.
I binned-off 'Divine Shine' for upping their price from £12 to £15 for a job that literally took them 2 minutes, and have used them for several years - ONE 3-part sash window, on the first floor, above a shop.
Bearing in mind that I can climb out onto a wide sill and do it myself (although I'd rather not!), I tried 'Albion' window cleaners and asked for a quote, for the same ONE window.
I literally fell off the sofa laughing......£35!! For 2 minutes work.
I know it's nearly Christmas, but I won't be giving such a gift to them.
Whatever happened to reasonably-priced window cleaners? Do they not exist anymore?
£14 here for 6 windows and a triple folding back door thingy.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Brilliant! There's probably a really posh technical name for this, thought up by some top-notch clever designer - but we all know exactly what you mean from your much better description.
It's a 3 panel bifold apparently. :shrug:


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 3, 2012
Two bay windows
front door and surround
7 other windows
trifold doors
three Velux windows.
£18, and there are two of them.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
The £15 they’re now asking may be an hours work total. The actual clean takes 2 mins (probably exaggerating so more like 5) plus the 5 mins equipment out, 5 mins equipment in. That’s 15 minutes, leaving 45 minutes for however long it takes to get to you from previous job and however long it takes to get to the next one. You may get it cheaper, you just need to find the same window cleaner your neighbours are using.

Come on kids hasn't even been registered yet, and it's not even if you have to go out in the cold and clean the bloody things. Just sit in your bedroom, knock up a website and with a couple of spreadsheets sign up a few streets. Send a few e-mails and texts, bit of commission and Bob's your Auntie's live in lover.

What's happened to Britain's entrepreneurial spirit ? (Don't answer, it was rhetorical :wink:)

monty uk

Well-known member
Sep 25, 2018
£19 for 10 or so windows plus a small conservatory and a triple patio door. No streaks, although he never replaces the hose on the tap when he fills his bucket and sometimes asks for washing up liquid too.
That's the good bit.

The downside is I usually give him a strong espresso when he comes. He sulks if I'm out as Mrs Monty can't grind beans and use the machine.
That's the not so good bit.

The best bit is that he's a plastic Evertonion. Yes they DO exist. Not sure he's ever been to Goodison - I constantly point out that I've been loads of times. But loves talking football, wasn't impressed by Maupay. Very keen, watches their matches on a dodgy stream, poor soul.

Generally, a good kid and a snappy dress. Salt of the earth - bit like me, or what I think I am.

So all round good value. And he sends us a Christmas card, signed `from the window cleaner'. Although that's not his name. It's Mike, or lad, or wack or something.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Sussex, by the sea
It's a 3 panel bifold apparently. :shrug:
When I was a toddler, we had a 'door' when I was 12 we moved to a house with 'French doors' (that's two ) one house had a pair.

despite my best attempts I've never bettered either. Two pairs of French must be peak? How much front, or back door fun can you have!

mile oak

Well-known member
May 21, 2023
I think the price quoted was to replace the pane with a clean new one not clean the existing one. Quite reasonable.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
When I was a toddler, we had a 'door' when I was 12 we moved to a house with 'French doors' (that's two ) one house had a pair.

despite my best attempts I've never bettered either. Two pairs of French must be peak? How much front, or back door fun can you have!

Sadly, like all things, less as you get older :down:


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
Like so many things in life, Mrs Wz has gone right over the top. 16 windows (including two multi paned bay windows), a pair of french doors and a half glass back door. We did have a window cleaner for about the first 15 years, but he stopped coming and we've done our own since.

Seeing this thread, and being a cheapskate, I suspect I'll be hanging out the upstairs windows for some years yet :down:

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