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[Misc] Window cleaners - wtf?


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 31, 2011
David Gilmour's armpit
Now, I appreciate that the 'modern' window cleaner has various costs to cover, but it seems like a licence to print money.
I binned-off 'Divine Shine' for upping their price from £12 to £15 for a job that literally took them 2 minutes, and have used them for several years - ONE 3-part sash window, on the first floor, above a shop.
Bearing in mind that I can climb out onto a wide sill and do it myself (although I'd rather not!), I tried 'Albion' window cleaners and asked for a quote, for the same ONE window.
I literally fell off the sofa laughing......£35!! For 2 minutes work.
I know it's nearly Christmas, but I won't be giving such a gift to them.
Whatever happened to reasonably-priced window cleaners? Do they not exist anymore?


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
Now, I appreciate that the 'modern' window cleaner has various costs to cover, but it seems like a licence to print money.
I binned-off 'Divine Shine' for upping their price from £12 to £15 for a job that literally took them 2 minutes, and have used them for several years - ONE 3-part sash window, on the first floor, above a shop.
Bearing in mind that I can climb out onto a wide sill and do it myself (although I'd rather not!), I tried 'Albion' window cleaners and asked for a quote, for the same ONE window.
I literally fell off the sofa laughing......£35!! For 2 minutes work.
I know it's nearly Christmas, but I won't be giving such a gift to them.
Whatever happened to reasonably-priced window cleaners? Do they not exist anymore?
Grifters trying it on.
Luckily you saw through it.

A mex eyecan

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
Now, I appreciate that the 'modern' window cleaner has various costs to cover, but it seems like a licence to print money.
I binned-off 'Divine Shine' for upping their price from £12 to £15 for a job that literally took them 2 minutes, and have used them for several years - ONE 3-part sash window, on the first floor, above a shop.
Bearing in mind that I can climb out onto a wide sill and do it myself (although I'd rather not!), I tried 'Albion' window cleaners and asked for a quote, for the same ONE window.
I literally fell off the sofa laughing......£35!! For 2 minutes work.
I know it's nearly Christmas, but I won't be giving such a gift to them.
Whatever happened to reasonably-priced window cleaners? Do they not exist anymore?
that’s a real pain


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 31, 2011
David Gilmour's armpit
The way they keep their costs down is to do a row of houses all in one go in a road, that’s what they tend to do here in Shoreham. What you have been quoted for is a bit steep, but if you are the only one in the road, the cost will be higher.
"A bit steep"? It's a bleedin' joke, is what it is. I'm quite happy to do it myself (and a better job, if I say so myself), but my better half freaks-out at the idea of me out there on the sill.
I think I shall just deal with the internal flak and JFDI.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
May 21, 2004
Buy one of these, it must work out cheaper in the long run:


South Stand Bonfire

Who lit that match then?
NSC Patron
Jan 24, 2009
I’m sure you’ll be fine 👍


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Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 5, 2003
Crikey, window cleaners be rich in Sussex! Ours in West London has just gone up from £10 to £11 for a bay window, two upstairs windows and the front door.


Not awoke
Feb 3, 2008
The way they keep their costs down is to do a row of houses all in one go in a road, that’s what they tend to do here in Shoreham. What you have been quoted for is a bit steep, but if you are the only one in the road, the cost will be higher.
Exactly …it’s not just the length of time doing the job …time getting to it etc


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 31, 2011
David Gilmour's armpit
Are you really complaining about £12 ?

It might only “take 2 minutes” but they still have to get there and back, get their equipment out and put it back etc.

Seems pretty reasonable to me!
I'm complaining that some chancers wish to charge £35 for the same job, which still takes only a couple of minutes.

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