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[Misc] What is your most prized possession?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
My Albion centenary kit signed by the promotion winning team, framed and hanging in my kitchen.
It was originally hanging behind the bar in the Dyke Tavern about 20 years ago, I offered the owner £150 for it and he accepted, it's been with me ever since.
My Mrs hates it, but I've loved the shirt longer than I've loved her so it stays.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2006
Burgess Hill
My Status Graphite bass guitar, built for me by the brilliant Rob Green just as the pandemic began.


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Anti-greed coalition
Jul 20, 2003
The chef's knife that my sister gave me for my 40th birthday.

Not a stupidly fancy one, cost her about £100.

I used to work in pub kitchens, now it's only used at home.

Use it most days and have definily had it in my hand for over 1,000 hours.

So it's that or my cock.


We Got Calde in!!
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Apr 30, 2013
if we’re dealing solely with material things, it’d be hard to choose between one of my paintings or about 30 different wines.

Allowed only one? Christ, I’ll have to get back to you.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Sussex, by the sea
Probably a guitar.
Am I allowed more than one?
Anything up to a dozen is fine, after that a few comments arise, is what I've found.

likewise more than 6 Lambrettas. Apparently that's 'more than enough' 🤷🏼‍♂️

So far, shirts are free. 💥🙌🏼

FWLIW a 1964 Gibson EB2 . . . I've had it nearly 30 years, played lots of others over the years and they've all been pants by comparisson. Even my Rickenbacker would go before I killed to protect it. It's not the most versatile bass, nor the easiest to play, but it looks, feels and sounds sublime.

Mr Phil

Active member
Nov 29, 2022
My wife owns the last dress Yves Saint Laurent ever designed, and for me I’d say my over active imagination

The Rivet

Well-known member
Aug 9, 2011
Very much.
Isle of Wight glass started by Michael Harris is some other glass I have. His son Jonathon newly qualified was given a commission from Liberty of London for perfume bottles and vases featuring their 'feather design' motive. Rare items, luckily I have two, one cylindrical and the other a square bottle both in blue. I hear there are pink versions but as yet I haven't seen one.

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