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Well said Harty.


Jan 16, 2004
Someone in his position should be able to take a bit of critisism. To make ridiculous, unfounded statements about some people seems a bit like toys and prams.
Also telling everyone how much he's giving to charity is totally crass.


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
But why raise it on the raidio when most of the listeners dont have a clue what he is talking about?


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
Last week I also tried to get posters to differentiate between what Harty has said and who Harty is.

I posted that throwing insults around doesn't help anyone.


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
Today one person did and that was because he'd been at the game. He only commented on the game.

That was the funniest thing I have heard in ages. Shame it was at the expense of TV License payers but what can you do. When I can be arsed, I will dig up all the comments I made and defy someone to find something abusive. All I did was post my views and argue against his position. On the other hand, he has implied in a PM I am a C***, that my mother is in an asylum because she can't stand his voice and that I had homework to do.

Hiding behind a pseudonym was a corker as well. That is how messageboards work Ian. Hardly anonymous - I posted my full name and home address yesterday and at least 2 people on here know my bank account details. :lolol:

If he had made that statement based on the abusive posters, I could have understood. But to single out THPP and myself, he has shot himself down in flames. Especially as I regularly acknowledge his past achievements and never once resorted to base abuse.

I think the funniest part was accusing me of having a hidden agenda - thereby doing the exact thing he had attacked me for. Coffee would have come out of my nose if I was drinking any at the time.

Opinion will continue to be divided on Ian Hart. For me, he has shown himself up over something very trivial. And redefined the benchmark for flouncing. He summed himself up in one rant. I paraphrase here - I was taling to my old Gullseye chums and we were discussing if TGC and THPP were the kind of people who didn't boycott Mansfield or help save the club.

Put simply, If you disagree with me on one point, you must hate the club because I am right on everything. A 3 year old's argument. And to 25000 people as well.

It's all very sad. At a time when we should all be pulling together, he felt the need to demonstrate a split amongst Albion fans on a public platform. All over a bruised ego. The right of reply was on the threads in question - not on radio.

Anyway, That's it from me on the subject. I don't feel the need to phone him up and discuss it - he has shown his debating skills all too well. I really couldn't care less what he thinks - I know myself what I said and how I have conducted myself. The only post I regret was the first one when I made a glib comment about being unable to stand his voice. The truth, but maybe unwise. Since then, I have argued rationally and received nothing in return.

And in case he does come sneaking back on to see what is being said about him - I was working on the day of the boycott but would have boycotted anyway. I walked out when the whistles and fireworks told me to. I marched, put up Yes Yes balloons, attended 3 days of the first PI, donated to A&K, joined Lifeline, Heroes and Winners and various other money making schemes. Bought Gullseye and still have them. And so have hundreds if not thousands of others. So what? We are all fans of the club. Some do more than others. But it's not a share issue. We all have opinions which are equally valid. We disagree, vehemently at times, on some issues but, at the end of the day, we all pay our money to watch OUR football team.

I'm still chuckling to myself, though! :lol: I'm probably supposed to be offended. I can't get anything right. :jester:
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BensGrandad said:
What must be remembered is that he got a lot of personal abuse from various persons including some from South Stand Zealot which was bothsick and totally irreverant and as such the moderators, to their credit, removed this thread but it must have still left a bitter taste.

Thank you for making my point. Why did he single out THPP and myself when Richie and SSZ posted the things they did?

BensGrandad said:
What must be remembered is that he got a lot of personal abuse from various persons including some from South Stand Zealot which was bothsick and totally irreverant and as such the moderators, to their credit, removed this thread but it must have still left a bitter taste.

Harty may have garnered some sympathy if he's responded to SSZ in the right way. Would even you argue he's done that?

South Stand Zealot

New member
Jul 8, 2003
Haywards Heath
Hello Grandfather of Ben. How's your brain cell ? Yes, the mods did remove my thread. Why I know not.

Have you seen my new one ?

This is an issue that won't go away until we get an intelligent and far more mature presenter of the fan's programme on SCR.

Hart is just not up to it.

However as one of his chums (and Jackie Charlton's) I guess you will want that thread removed too even though my facts are spot on.

I want a good programme to listen to.

Not an ego trip for the benefit of Hart.

HART MUST GO - NOW !!!!!!!!!!

HART:wave:HART :wave: HART:wave: HART:wave: HART:wave:

HART HAS GONE ? :clap2:



New member
Jul 13, 2003
Haywards Heath
I am probably biased bacause I like him and his program, which is most obvious, but unfortuately there are people who are able to say exactly what they want without fear of any form of retribution can say what they like whilst hiding behaind a NSC name. This i nota knowck at the vast majority of posters with whom you can have a debate, argument or even if you are lucky a sensible discussion withoput the need to resort to base insults.

I have had many arguments and accepted the fact that everybody think that I am a Stanley follower but in most cases it has sayed there and not gone any deeper.

Unfortunately the likes of South Stand Zealot are unable to do this and have to resort to personal insults.

BensGrandad said:
This i nota knowck at the vast majority of posters with whom you can have a debate, argument or even if you are lucky a sensible discussion withoput the need to resort to base insults.

Harty said:
Great Cornholio are you sure you've down all your homework before school tomorrow?

Harty said:
Harty baiting/slagging will live long and prosper on NSC all the time Lord Bracknell and his accolytes continue to orchestrate it, but as a former fanzine editor I know it comes with terriotory.
You boys should try getting out a bit more!

Need I say more?

I read, and post on here pretty much every day, and I didn't have a clue what Harty was going on about, as I hadn't seen the thread in question, so who knows what the majority of his listeners were thinking.

Yes, he knows that people from here listen, and some do phone in on occassion too, but to rant on for the first 5 minutes about how much he doesn't care about the views of people on here was ridiculous.

His singling out of people was just plain pathetic, especially as he was just having a go at fairly anonymous screen names. Absolutely hilarious.

He has managed to kill the concept of the phone in as a debating vehicle, partially by giving far too much airtime to people who actually have nothing Albion related to say, and partially by coming out with his ridiculous tirades like after the dodgy headline. It's all very well playing devils advocate, but at least do some research first.

The fact that no one even bothered to call in and question the point just shows that really no one gives a monkeys whether he likes what is written here or not. I certainly don't. It's an internet message board. People get slagged off all the time by random names posted in the ether. Get over it FFS.

While I'm at it, here are my posts :-

You can take the man out of the fanzine but ......

Still looking for scandal where there is none. Trying to be controversial for the sake of it. And saying we would struggle to get 10000 today. Even if it is true, which I don't believe BTW, banging on about it plays into the hands of the Nimby arguments. Will make no difference to the PI but will give them sucker.

I'm only making a point here. On one hand, it is a game of opinions. On the other, doubting Mr Hart's position produces childish insults.

Interesting line of thought. It is OK for someone (A Phone In debate host, no less) to descend into childish abuse when people try and draw him into the kind of debate he asks for because he used to run a fanzine?

Very few people (myself included) agree with the tone and wording of the original post. But serious points were made later on. And by telling people to get out more, attacking someone who has done a hell of a lot for this club on Falmer (and who has expertise an undertaker is very unlikely to have) and coming out with childish retorts, he is hardly helping himself, is he?

I have acknowledged (and will continue to acknowledge) the effort and benefits Ian Hart has made on behalf of this football club. But I am not going to be sycophantic when I feel he is not in the right or is damaging the club in some way. He is right in the fact that it is a game of opinions. And my opinion is just as valid as his. It may not be right but it is my opinion. You would have thought a Phone In host would realise that.

I agree - to a degree. Like most people, he isn't very good at taking criticism - justified, unfounded or just plain abuse. I wouldn't like constant abuse. But then I wouldn't run a debate show. It's sad he has turned against NSC because of this. Whilst there is a lot of rubbish on here, there are a lot of salient points and informed debates. It is a much better sample of Albion fans than the Phone In. A lot of callers haven't been at the game.

A few Richie Morris's doesn't devalue to the opinions of hundreds of others. Let's not forget this is the same NSC that helped instigate Fans Utd for us and others. The seeds of Tom Hark were planted on here. As a community, NSC had contributed a lot of the last few years towards helping the club. We are all supposed to be pulling in the same direction.

I'm intrigued to know how these make me Public Enemy Number 1. Oh well!

Tom Hark Preston Park

Will Post For Cash
Jul 6, 2003
gazwag said:
He moaned that people hiding behind their usernames had complained he had a hidden agenda on NSC and quoted Tom Hark Preston Park and The Great Cornholio stating that he felt they had hidden agendas and where suppoters of Archer in the past.

He said he wasn't going to look at NSC again like lots of other people he knows.

He did thank some such as Rougvie, Dave the Gaffer and some others which I can't remember as he went through the list very quickly

Hi all. Sorry I'm a bit late into this debate. Did get a sort of tip-off at lunchtime that me and my, ahem, agenda, would get an airing on the phone-in tonight but frankly if it comes down to a choice between Ian Hart gently explaining to half-a-dozen care in the community cases why the council 'don't just give the Albion a ground' and a Harry Hill voiceover on dorks on motorbikes going arse-over-tit into mud on you've Been Framed then frankly it's no contest. And don't even get me STARTED on fat old grannies launching themselves into kiddies placky swimming pools. That's NEVER going to have a happy ending. Well apart from the £250 award for the clip innit ...

To be fair to Ian Hart:

a) I AM a Johnny Come Lately. I moved to Brighton in 1980 and before that I'd never seen the Albion. Dunno tho, over the last quarter of a century I've sort of seen a shitload of games. I now count myself as an Albion fan. Maybe I'm wrong. Who knows. Who cares. Life goes on.

b) Any attacks on Ian Hart's profession of undertaker have been below the belt. I dissociate myself from that completely. Bang out of order IMHO.

To be fair to myself:

a) 40 Notes Fund. I have one and ONLY one gripe with Ian Hart's involvement - and I told him this via PM on NSC earlier this week. Wasn't going to post it on here, but heigh-ho, seeing as how he brought the subject up...

It goes back to the Fans Forum at Brighton Racecourse one shitty wet evening. Dick Knight and Steve Coppell on the mic. It was in a main room, with a set-off bar behind a set of swing doors. I went up there by myself and was stood at the back of the hall along with a large number of other Albion fans who had come to listen to what the chairman and manager had to say. Trouble was, while they were on-stage there was such a f***ing racket coming from the bar area from the Forty Note Krew that those of us who had come along to hear what the people who matter had to say were completely unable to do so. We had to shut the swing-doors on the Forty Note Funsters in the end and let them get on with what they were getting on with. To be fair to Ian it wasn't just him, there was a whole lot of people there who were surprisingly uninterested in what messrs Knight and Coppell had to say. That surprised me somewhat.

b) If I'm being accused of being pro-Archer, then that's SO far below the belt that it'as not worthy of any meaningful discussion y'know.

A load of people on here know me. My real name's Ross. You'll find me in the Preston Brewery Tap before and after every game at Withdean. It's not a case of 'hiding behind my keyboard' in the least. I've been posting positive criticism messages whenever an appropriate thread has arisen for as long as the board has been active. Basically comes down to:

a) Don't humour loonies who just want their fifteen seconds of fame on the radio. Gently get rid and move onto the next caller who may well have something relevent to the game that's just finished or the current state of play in the Public Inquiry. cos if you don't, people like me, your natural listening audience, are just going to switch off.

b) If you're going to go off on one, at least read and understand the article. Else your opinions are worth jackshit.

Thanks for listening.

South Stand Zealot

New member
Jul 8, 2003
Haywards Heath
Dear Grandfather of Ben

Would you mind spending a little of your extremely valuable time and go back to one of your posts on this thread.

It's unintelligble.

Perhaps you should ask your chum Jackie Charlton for coaching lessons in the not very advanced use of our glorious mother tonge.

Clearly you are a sponge brain and find even the Telly Tubbies a strain on your mental resources.

I think Ian Hart has one main interest in life and that is Ian Hart !

So when you go and tuck Ben in for the night do us all a favour and take a very long kip yourself!!

HART MUST GO - NOW !!!!!!!!!


Raphael Meade

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
this is both incredibly amateur and damnright f***ing CHILDISH from harty.

i always quite liked his show, etc so am very very disappointed he's revealed himself to be such a f***ing cowboy by spouting a few names of people he can remember might have said something vaguely negative (or not!) or an internet message board.... and to accuse any albion fan or being pro-archer is unbelievable.

from the beeb's point of view i'd think this sort of thing was a sackable offence...


New member
Jul 13, 2003
Haywards Heath
I would accept the critisicm for one typed post where my brain, which has stood me well in life, was going faster than my typing finger and yes I should have re-read it before pushing the dreaded enter key but that still doesnt permit you to post continual personal abuse and insinuations.
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