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[Albion] Premier League 9-10/12/23


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2017
Romero is like a prison footballer, he just doesn’t care, disgusting individual.

I always thought aside from that he was a talented player but I’m not convinced if he’s actually a good defender or if players are just terrified of being snapped in half by him, the kind of player other professionals probably hate, it’s just unnecessary thuggery.
But still he gets away with loads of shit. Refs need to stand up to him and his club.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2017
No they haven’t it’s just the media have the attention span of a goldfish, mainly because the sea lion happy clappy viewers/listeners also do. Nigel the Spurs fan from Devon or Tony the lifelong Man U fan from Margate only want to engage in the here and now and it’s either amazing or shit.

They literally change week to week. Man U have turned the corner and are great again, then one match later they are shite. It’s nonsense.
Yep, all hyper soundbites from 'fans' and media alike.
One of the things Potter said (duck behind sofa 😬) still resonates with me:
"When we look great, we're not as good as you think. When we look bad, we're not as awful as you think".


In the Algarve
Jan 31, 2012
Vilamoura, Portugal
Newcastle are next up for us on Saturday - and they are playing AC Milan on Wednesday. Let's hope they remain knackered- we could be on for another 5-0 victory (I already

For me, Man Utd, Toon, Us, West Ham and Chelsea are fighting for the Europa spots. Villa under Emery have been playing at Champions League level for 12 months solid.
The revitalisation of Villa under Emery is astonishing. Tbf, Howe has also done a superb job at Journo Killers FC.

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