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[Albion] Mill Hill P&R on Saturday


Moved back to wear the gloves (again)
Jul 7, 2003
I can confirm this as today I waited in the rain for a EDF park and ride bus after the game for 45 minutes and counted 7 of them coming into the Amex and picking up for Mill Hill . :mad:
With EDF, I've found that if you don't get out quick enough to make the first set of buses, it is better just to wait on the concourses for a while as they will take some time to do the round trip. We had a drink and a chat for about 45 minutes and walked straight onto an EDF bus with no queue.

Oct 3, 2023
Yep, for EDF they seem to have 3 or 4 buses ready and waiting. TBH we’ve always made those buses despite waiting for son to saunter up from the West Lower.
Compared to train it is 100% better. Last two times used on a Sunday have been back to East Preston by 5.10pm.

Mar 4, 2023
Was asked to prove I was attending the game today when I pulled up to Mill Road, cue me getting flustered and finding my season ticket had disappeared from my apple wallet. Luckily I had a Brighton sticker on the back of my car which seemed enough to let me through.

Anyone else had this? I’ve used Mill Road all season and it’s the first time I’ve had to prove I was going to the game. I thought it might be to keep Chelsea fans out but there were plenty of them on the buses as well. Is there any other reason someone not going to the game would want to park there?


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2011
Never been asked to prove going to the game. Parked there tonight and all ok. Know cars do turn around when realising its football only. Wonder if they are seeing more cars trying to use Mill Road rather than A27


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
Was asked to prove I was attending the game today when I pulled up to Mill Road, cue me getting flustered and finding my season ticket had disappeared from my apple wallet. Luckily I had a Brighton sticker on the back of my car which seemed enough to let me through.

Anyone else had this? I’ve used Mill Road all season and it’s the first time I’ve had to prove I was going to the game. I thought it might be to keep Chelsea fans out but there were plenty of them on the buses as well. Is there any other reason someone not going to the game would want to park there?

Fat, bald, thick necks, geezer clothing? And that’s just the women.

Man of Harveys

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
Brighton, UK
What time does the Mill Road P&R open on Sunday please?

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