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[Albion] Deniz Undav - season long loan to Stuttgart confirmed


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2017
The whole thing about Welbeck being injured is becoming a bit of a myth. Since his return from surgery he missed just 7 league games out of about 70 until he got his current injury which has kept him out for 6 games so far. That is not the record of someone who is often unavailable.
Similar to Lallana before his injury at Leicester last year. Constantly written off as a sick note despite making 74 appearances in his first two and a half years at the club. Dunk made 96 appearances in that same period.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009

Joey Jo Jo Jr. Shabadoo

Waxing chumps like candles since ‘75
Oct 4, 2003

Sounds like the option to buy is over €20m
That would be a fantastic deal if it comes off, almost double the previous record fee paid by Stuttgart.

Undav goal scoring record for us is slightly better than Welbecks . They are completely different players. Undav is similar to Fred Binney .
9 goals in just 13 appearances makes his return better than all our current strikers by some margin

Blues Guitarist

Well-known member
Oct 19, 2020
St Johann in Tirol
Undav knows where to be in the box, which Brighton is missing at the moment. We have loads of balls from Mitoma, Adingra and Gross that are just ahead of, or just behind, our attackers. Whether that's bad passing or bad positioning I'm not clever enough to know, but in the last few games Undav played for Brighton last season he scored against Villa, Newcastle, Arsenal and two at Wolves. He'd be a great option to have back as part of the group.

Hugo Rune

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 23, 2012
Undav knows where to be in the box, which Brighton is missing at the moment. We have loads of balls from Mitoma, Adingra and Gross that are just ahead of, or just behind, our attackers. Whether that's bad passing or bad positioning I'm not clever enough to know, but in the last few games Undav played for Brighton last season he scored against Villa, Newcastle, Arsenal and two at Wolves. He'd be a great option to have back as part of the group.
And that game against Burnley where we had 29 shots….I’m sure he’d have buried a few chances if he’d been on the pitch.


Living the dream
Apr 23, 2015
Shoreham Beaaaach
Does anyone know officially if we can recall him? With uncertainty when Enciso, March and Fati are returning, i think he could walk straight into the first team.

Just don't think he's good enough for the PL. Seems a really nice bloke but, like Ali J, can score bags in a less competitive league but not quite up to PL standards and it looks like RDZ and the club agee otherwise he'd be here. Yes the Bundesliga is not as competitive as the PL imo.

Hugo Rune

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 23, 2012
Just don't think he's good enough for the PL. Seems a really nice bloke but, like Ali J, can score bags in a less competitive league but not quite up to PL standards and it looks like RDZ and the club agee otherwise he'd be here. Yes the Bundesliga is not as competitive as the PL imo.
5 goals (one every 123 minutes) is pretty good for a debut EPL season. His finishing is class. The rest of his game……you have a point.

But without good finishing, teams don’t score goals and get relegated.


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2012
Just don't think he's good enough for the PL. Seems a really nice bloke but, like Ali J, can score bags in a less competitive league but not quite up to PL standards and it looks like RDZ and the club agee otherwise he'd be here. Yes the Bundesliga is not as competitive as the PL imo.
Strongly disagree with the above, at the end of last season his scoring record was excellent,
a born goal scorer


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2014
Undav goal scoring record for us is slightly better than Welbecks . They are completely different players. Undav is similar to Fred Binney .
Fred was my childhood hero I bunked off school once to watch the Albion train in Hove park afterwards I thought I would have a chat with Fed instead he put me right in my place telling me not to bunk off school ever again……..w#@%&r


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
9 goals in just 13 appearances makes his return better than all our current strikers by some margin
Goals aren't an issue for us. Not only that, success in Germany isn't always translated well. Kane has already got more league goals than in some seasons here.


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
Really? - and not getting just one more goal against Fulham, Burnley, Sheffield United and Palarse isn't an issue?
7th in goals scored (and as many as the 2017/18 season)

Those failures were not a striker issue.

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