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[Albion] Deniz Undav - season long loan to Stuttgart confirmed


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2017
Spank the Manc
OK, so maybe you aren't a revisionist - but there were/are revisionists a-plenty on here!
I remember at the time when he was firmly number one, suggesting that he made too many silly mistakes only to be shouted down with "WHAT KEEPER DOESNT MAKE MISTAKES?".

The reality is somewhere in between. He is a great shot stopper, as shown again today, but has too many lapses of concentration and iffy distribution. When he's switched on he has the potential to be a top goalie.

Football fans are revisionist by nature, online or otherwise. Some sort of jilted lovers dynamic with ex players, not only for us but among most fanbases. It's all part of the pantomime

Hugo Rune

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 23, 2012
One of those players looked good and scored goals in the PL and the Bundesliga

The other has looked good and scored goals in the Scottish PL

I know which one i'd be taking
Very different players. A fox in the box instinctive striker compared to a forward/winger who is very fast and very strong with a trick or two up his sleeve plus he is good in the air.

We could have them both.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 1, 2009
One of those players looked good and scored goals in the PL and the Bundesliga

The other has looked good and scored goals in the Scottish PL

I know which one i'd be taking
I don't think either of them have generally looked good, except (and it's a big 'except'!) for scoring goals. Apart from that, they could be competition winners getting a game!

beardy gull

Well-known member
Jul 18, 2003
Top 5 players for goal involvement per 90 minutes played. Not bad company he’s keeping.
“In combined per 90 terms, only four players have started more than one league game in Europe’s top five divisions and been more productive than (Leon) Bailey (1.35): Kylian Mbappe (1.44), Deniz Undav (1.67), Serhou Guirassy (1.95) and Harry Kane (1.98)”.

Happy Exile

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 19, 2018
Top 5 players for goal involvement per 90 minutes played. Not bad company he’s keeping.
“In combined per 90 terms, only four players have started more than one league game in Europe’s top five divisions and been more productive than (Leon) Bailey (1.35): Kylian Mbappe (1.44), Deniz Undav (1.67), Serhou Guirassy (1.95) and Harry Kane (1.98)”.
You can see all his goals here - have watched a few and rebounds and tap-ins seem dominant which points to him being quick and great positional play more than I remember seeing for us


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 11, 2009
Very interesting comments from their "European football expert" about Undav on Hawksbee and Jacobs today around 14:40pm, suggesting he is coming back?

Also suggests he will be at euros but is eligible for both Germany and Turkey so undecided which one he'll go to.

The wider section on stuttgart (Ghuirassy too) generally starts at 10:15, the actual Undav comments at 11:35.

Worth a listen

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Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
He hardly played last season due to this (reported in the media and discussed on NSC). He then has a purple patch with us and is then immediately off to das Vaterland. I have simply done the maths.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2005
Think Deniz has really grown as a player.

I would prefer him to Danny Wellbeck who has done okay but ageing, never prolific and often unavailable due to injuries


Languidly clinical
Oct 9, 2010

Joey Jo Jo Jr. Shabadoo

Waxing chumps like candles since ‘75
Oct 4, 2003
Think Deniz has really grown as a player.

I would prefer him to Danny Wellbeck who has done okay but ageing, never prolific and often unavailable due to injuries

The whole thing about Welbeck being injured is becoming a bit of a myth. Since his return from surgery he missed just 7 league games out of about 70 until he got his current injury which has kept him out for 6 games so far. That is not the record of someone who is often unavailable.

Badger Boy

Mr Badger
Jan 28, 2016
Welbeck was, is and always will be a better player than Deniz Undav. He might be doing alright in Germany, but he's obviously not a Premier League player. He has the brain but not the legs, good luck to him in Germany at Stuttgart (beautiful place) but all the talk of getting him back in tickles me. It's not THAT long ago he was floundering around looking like a competition winner and wasting chances for us.

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