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A world without America


Native Creative
Jul 8, 2003
Buba said:
And criminals believe that money of others can be stolen from them, and rapists believe that they can rape other women and padophiles believe that they can do what they want to young kids.

Who cares what the enemies of Israel and what the haters of Israel think? they are liers, full with dreams.

So you comparing anyone who disagrees with Israel to criminals, rapists and peadophiles..?


Mar 3, 2007
Biskuit von Kekse said:
So you comparing anyone who disagrees with Israel to criminals, rapists and peadophiles..?

I'm saying (not comparing) that the ones who say that Jews have no right to live on their own tiny piece of land, and the ones who spread lies and distort the truth - these people - their opinions doesn't matter in the same way that the opinions of criminals, rapists and padophiles doesn't matter.

The members of his family - they don't disagree with Israel but they wish for the destruction of Israe, and there is a big difference between the two.


Mar 3, 2007
BTW, I have a wonderful translated article about that:

This article was written by Arie Eldad and was published in Maariv newspaper at 2.3.2007

From Persia to Iran

"And Haman said unto king Ahasuerus: 'There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of thy kingdom; and their laws are diverse from those of every people; neither keep they the king's laws; therefore it profiteth not the king to suffer them. If it please the king, let it be written that they be destroyed; and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of those that have the charge of the king's business, to bring it into the king's treasuries."

In these few sentences from the scroll of Esther there is the history of anti-semitism and the existential threat upon the nation of Israel that it (history of anti-semitism) packs in it's wings. There is everything in here: Also the hate of Israel as the hate toward the different, also the instigation against the nation of Israel because of it's characters. Either in it's ancient method, the greek or the Christian one, against those who have a different religion, and either in its modern translations, the Russians, the Germans and the Muslims: The Nazi instigation against the Jews who control the international media, who pull the strings and activate other countries against Germany; Or the Communist-Russian instigation against the Jews, who are scattered all over the world as agents of imperialism and activate the international capitalism everewhere, the cosmopolitanism which is the enemy of the revolution; The combination of the 2 elements, the ancient and the new one, in the Islamic Judophobia: The Jews are the enemies of the prophet and the allies of the American satan.

And always the profit account: the profits of the crime that will follow the genocide, or the profit of the power that is kept to the one who will succeed to hitch a whole nation to his carriage of hate. And there is another pattern of thought, paradigm of sickly hate, hidden in here and operates in the Jewish history and in the history of hate toward Israel: they are different, the Jews, they don't bring benefit, therefore they don't have a right to exist, therefore it's allowed to destroy them.

The Jews of the scroll tried to escape from their destiny. They tried to become Persians. Even if the name of his father is Yair, a Hebrew name, the name of the son is Mordechai, a Persian name. Even if the name of her father is Avichayil, a Hebrew name, the name of her is Esther, a Persian name. She is in the palace of the king and in his bed, he is in the gate of the king. And even if they changed their names and penetrated into the officialdom, Haman raised and wishes to destroy them. This is how the emancipation of the exiled Jews in Persia – failed, in the same way that the emancipation in Europe failed. Despite the "equal rights" that the Jews won in Europe after the French revolution, the opening of the gates of the ghetto and the integration of the Jews in the society – the crowd in Paris after the trial of Dreyfus screamed "Death to Jews".

And Herzl heard the sound of the train wheels to Auschwitz. He was sure that the exile is the disease and that anti-semitism is the symptom. And if he will take out the Jews from the exile – the "Jewish trouble" will vanished. And here we came back to the land of our fathers with the help of G-d and with the power of the great Zionist soul and with the power of the push that banished us from every place and wrote on the walls in Polish and in Russian: "Jews, go to Palestina!"

And now, when we are a free nation in our country, all the ones who hate us scream: "Jews, get out of Palestina!" The new fascistic left in Europe and the new fascistic Islam around us, hate us now apparently because we are not scattered anymore and we came back to concentrate in the land of our fathers.

The argumentation that says that Jews have no right to an independent state in the land of Israel because it belongs to the Arabs, comes to serve the ancient logic which says that if we don't have a right to exist then it's allowed to destroy us. The deligitimization of the Jewish nation, that Haman wished to achieve with the help of the seal of the king is now wearing the logic pattern in the style of the new Persia, it's Iran, which says – Jews don't have rights upon the land of Israel, therefore we are allowed to produce nuclear weapons in order to destroy them. And all the ones who join the anti-Israeli choir with explanations of defending the rights of the "Palestinian nation", everyone who accuses us with apartheid and everyone who accuses the IDF that it's a Judeo-Nazi army, who libels us with accusations of genocide in Jenin, Beirut or in Gaza – is saying this in order to pull down the ethical justification for the existence of the Jewish state in the land of Israel and to prepare the sealed hearts of the new and the old anti-semites for the destruction of us.

They really don't care, the Jew haters, if we are scattered or concentrate. When we were scattered, Torquemada, Chmelnitzky, Hitler and Stalin arised; When we came back and concentrate in our country, the Husseinis, the Arafats, the Mashals and the Nasrallahs arised. And while one Haman, Saddam Hussein, is hanging on the rope, a new Haman is raising, Ahmadenijad, and threatens to destroy Israel. In every generation the excuses are changing, and the target is one: the destruction of Israel.

When we were in the exile we were dependent upon the many Ahasuerus to save us. And the rescuing was never promised, therefore Purim is a miracle. In the destruction days in Europe, the many gentile Ahasuerus didn't stand by our side and didn’t prevent the destruction. Since we came back to our country we are masters to our destiny and responsible to it, therefore we should not trust the gentiles who will do the job for us. Like in the end of the scroll: The Jews will arise upon their haters, to avenge them with their own hands.


Languidly Clinical
Oct 1, 2006
Buba said:
BTW, I have a wonderful translated article about that:

I've got a wonderful willy. It's not half as long or as turgid as your wonderful article but one thing it does have in common: No-one's gonna take time to look at it.
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Common as Mook

Not Posh as Fook
Jul 26, 2004
Buba said:
Well, that was the answer to the poster above, anyway, I didn't come here in order to talk about politics but about football, alcohol and food.
:lolol: :lolol: Of course you did.

Raphael Meade

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Buba said:
I'm saying (not comparing) that the ones who say that Jews have no right to live on their own tiny piece of land, and the ones who spread lies and distort the truth - these people - their opinions doesn't matter in the same way that the opinions of criminals, rapists and padophiles doesn't matter.

you've got some pretty screwed up views i gotta say.....

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
Buba said:
No, the thing is that you can't stand the fact that Jews are independent and not living in your hand anymore.

According to you - the things that allowed to other people i.e. defending themselves - are not allowed to Jews.

I guess that you are just another knight of double standard.

My landlord is Jewish, so I am living in his hand as it were.

Raphael Meade

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Buba said:
No, the thing is that you can't stand the fact that Jews are independent and not living in your hand anymore.

According to you - the things that allowed to other people i.e. defending themselves - are not allowed to Jews.

I guess that you are just another knight of double standard.

i can't even be bothered to argue with you anymore. killing thousands is not defending, etc, etc, blah, blah..

i'm jewish by the way.
i'm just not a mentalist :)


Mar 3, 2007
Buzzer said:
No, he's living in his country.
No, he is not, England doesn't belong to Jews, the only country of the Jews is Israel.

Jews don't share the English heritage that you share, Jews don't share the language that you share, and the best proof that England is not the country of the Jews is when they were exiled from England 300 years ago, and I should mention also the fact that they were returned to England again for the honesty of truth.

Anyway, please don't see it personally. I've been to England couple of times, and I received the best hospitality and the best treatment, and people knew that I'm Jewish, but that doesn't says that Jews feel in England in the same way that gentile English feel.

And anyway, these people below were also born in England (and also in America), and pay attention to what they say:

People are wonderful to you," he says. "You're not a 'bloody immigrant' - none of that talk you get here in England. You're someone coming home who hears: 'Baruch haba! Welcome here!

"I'm going home," says British-born Sharon. "It's a place that I have wanted to go for many years. My mother is Israeli and our family have survived there for many years in difficult times. But I am also going for the good times."

"To say you are a Jew because of your religion is not the whole story. You are part of a people with a shared history and culture. It's the story of a Jewish civilisation to want to return to Israel."

"I know we have our Jewish community here but Israel, its environment is much larger. I don't want people to think that I am some kind of religious zealot, because I'm not, but Israel has kedushah - a holiness of the soil - that makes me feel closer to God."

"We believe that this is our country we are going to and that gives us protection. I could get on the Tube tomorrow here in London and the risks are the same."

Full article inside

"In America, we are living on borrowed time. This isn’t really our home. The one and only place a Jew can be a Jew without explaining anything is Israel. That is our true home, our history, and our holidays,"
Full article inside

"According to Ben, Dan was very sensitive to questions of double loyalty that inevitably arose with a kippah-wearing Jewish-American ambassador at the helm. “In the American administration, they always claim that it’s never clear where the Jews’ loyalty lies. When my brother was appointed ambassador to Cairo, the Egyptian press called him ‘Israel’s second ambassador’. When people would ask me who I’m more loyal to, I would always say that if, G-d forbid, a war would break out between the United States and Israel, I would fight on the Israeli side."
Full article inside


Mar 3, 2007
Raphael Meade said:
i can't even be bothered to argue with you anymore. killing thousands is not defending, etc, etc, blah, blah..

Oh, do you mean thosePalestinians that were killed by...Palestinians?

11 Palestinian were killed, 150 wounded in internal riots

Eleven Palestinians were killed and more than 150 were wounded in fierce clashes that erupted between supporters of Hamas and Fatah over the past 48 hours in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Full article inside

Al-Quds Brigades: We killed 4 collaborators

Islamic Jihad's military wing reports that gunmen belonging to group kidnapped, murdered four Palestinians who aided Israel as part of IDF operation in Beit Hanoun. Meanwhile, PRC spokesman sends message to Gilad Shalit's family through Ynet: 'Foolish Olmert is endangering your son through these operations' Full article inside

Gaza: Masked gunmen kill top official, 4 guards

Masked Palestinian gunmen killed a top intelligence official loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah and four of his bodyguards in Gaza City not far from PM Haniyeh's home

Masked Palestinian gunmen killed a top intelligence official loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah and four of his bodyguards in a shooting on Friday near the Gaza home of Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, residents said. Full article inside

6 Palestinians killed in Jericho prison

Gunmen disguised as police officers infiltrate prison, assassinate prisoners suspected of collaborating with Israel

Security sources in the West Bank said that Palestinian gunmen dressed in police uniforms on Friday broke into a prison in the West Bank city of Jericho and shot dead six Palestinian inmates.

Ynet has learned that the gunmen were looking to avenge the death of two activists, residents of Nablus, who were assassinated by the IDF a few years ago. Some of those incarcerated in the prison are suspected of cooperating with Israel in the assassinations, while other prisoners are suspected of attacking the gunmen’s family members in response to the execution of collaborators’ relatives. Full article inside

Hamas member assassinated in Qalqilya

Masked assailants fire at Mohammed Odeh's car in village of Hableh; witnesses report assassins arrived in car with Israeli license plate. IDF: We have no knowledge of activity in area

Assassination ordered by Israel or continuation of violent clashes between Fatah and Hamas, threatening to turn into civil war? This was the question raised by Palestinians in the Qalqilya area Wednesday morning following the killing of a Hamas member as he left a mosque. Full article inside

Fatah activist killed by Hamas

Palestinian official's fears that a Friday entente between Fatah and Hamas to halt violent street confrontations would collapse materialized as a Fatah security officer was killed overnight Sunday in clashes between the two rival groups in the Gaza Strip. Full article inside

Four Palestinians were killed and many others were injured on Monday when gunmen opened fire on a civilian car traveling in the Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City.

Security officials said the incident is part of the ongoing power struggle between Hamas and Fatah, especially as three of the victims are the children of a senior Palestinian Authority intelligence officer. Full article inside

Gaza: Another judge shot to death
Four gunmen shoot judge affiliated with Hamas as tensions between Hamas, Fatah increase

Increasing anarchy in the Palestinian Authority: Wednesday morning, anonymous gunmen shot and killed a judge in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza. Full article inside

Haniyeh’s bodyguard killed, son wounded in shooting attack
Palestinian PM’s bodyguard killed, his son, another bodyguard and political advisor wounded when gunmen open fire at their convoy as it leaves Rafah crossing; PA official: Abbas; presidential guard responsible Full article inside

Gaza: 1 killed in attack on Presidential Guard base

A Palestinian Presidential Guard officer was killed and three guards were wounded when dozens of gunmen attacked their Gaza City training base before dawn on Sunday, just hours after Palestinian Authority Chairman President Mahmoud Abbas announced he would end the 11-month rule of Hamas by calling early elections, Palestinian medical officials reported. Full article inside

Youth shot in renewed Gaza violence

A 16-year-old boy was shot in the neck Monday morning in renewed gun battles between Hamas and Fatah in the middle of Gaza City.
About 10 masked Hamas gunmen, with rifles, grenades and rocket launchers, took shelter behind walls in downtown Gaza as they fought a dozen other gunmen from Fatah, witnesses said.
Full article inside

Day of battle in Gaza: 6 killed, 20 injured

Palestinian sources say man killed, several others injured in exchanges of fire between Palestinian police loyal to Hamas and Fatah fighters at Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital; later two Fatah members shot dead during exchanges of fire, lifeless bodies of two more abducted Fatah members found; failed attempt at Gaza governor's life Full article inside

Hamas, Fatah agree on ceasefire, but killings continue

New ceasefire agreement goes into force Tuesday night, gunmen begin retreating from Gaza streets. However, shootouts in town continue throughout night, two Fatah activists killed by Hamas members early Wednesday morning Full article inside

Gaza: Al-Zahar's bodyguard kidnapped; civilian killed
Violence in PA continues to surge: Fire exchanges between Hamas loyalists, relatives of two Fatah members who were killed this week result in death of bystander, abduction of foreign minister's bodyguard Full article inside

Beit Lahiya: Fatah member shot dead

Anonymous sniper kills 24-year-old al-Aqsa Brigades member in northern Gaza town; Fatah blames Hamas for attack

Fatah-Hamas clashes continue: A member of Fatah’s armed wing, the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades was shot to death Wednesday in the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahiya.

An anonymous sniper shot Alla Inaya, 24, killing him on the spot. The al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades accused Hamas gunmen of killing the man.Following the shooting Inaya’s family members, along with al-Aqsa gunmen, blocked nearby roads and chanted anti-Hamas slogans. Full article inside

Gaza infighting: 5 killed, 10 kidnapped

Clashes between Hamas, Fatah result in abductions from both sides, including nephews of top PA security officer. Four Fatah loyalists, woman killed in gunbattles Full article inside

8 killed in Gaza infighting

Tensions continue to run high between Fatah and Hamas: A senior Palestinian Preventive Security Service officer, Muhammad Ghreyb, was killed Thursday evening along with his two daughters after Hamas gunmen fired an RPG at his house in northern Gaza.

Two of Ghreyb's subordinates were also killed in the attack, as well as a bystander. The officer's wife was critically injured, and several other people were wounded as well.

Earlier Palestinian sources reported that Ayman al-Subuh, 26, a member of Hamas' special security apparatus, was killed in a fire exchange between Hamas and Fatah in Jabalya. Three other Hamas members were injured, one of them seriously. Another Palestinian was killed in the gun battles in the northern Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian sources. According to the report, the fatality was a civilian who was caught in the crossfire Full article inside

Gaza: Muslim cleric killed while leaving mosque

Man killed as he leaves Friday prayers in Gaza City; his friend seriously injured. Palestinian prime minister issues new call to stop using weapons in clashes between Fatah, Hamas

Violent incidents in Gaza Strip continue. Palestinian sources in the Strip reported Friday afternoon that a 50-year-old religious leader was killed by unknown assailants in Gaza City and another person was seriously wounded. The Palestinians reported that Sheikh Adal Nasar was shot while leaving a mosque at the end of the Friday prayers. His friend who was with him was injured, Nasar is not affiliated with any Palestinian organization, and the circumstances of his killing are still unclear. Full article inside
3 Palestinians killed in Gaza; gun battles in Jenin

Three members of Hamas-affiliated family gunned down in exchanges of fire with members of Fatah-affiliated family. Gun battles reported in Jenin; seven Palestinians kidnapped in Gaza, W. Bank Full article inside

Gaza: Four dead in Hamas-Fatah clashes

The number of combatants dead in clashes Wednesday between Fatah and Hamas loyalists in Beit Hanoun has risen to four, Israel Radio reported.

According to earlier reports, Fatah and Hamas militants waged a fierce gun battle in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun, ion which at least three people were reported wounded. Full article inside

Fatah says gunmen kill Palestinian activist in Gaza

Jeep filled with Hamas security men drives over roadside bomb in Jabalya, causing death of one Hamas activist, wounding nine others, including two children. Later, Fatah reports that one of its members shot to death by Hamas people Full article inside

(Video) Gaza death toll at 26 as clashes continue

Fourth day of infighting claims lives of six Palestinians as feud expands to West Bank. High-ranking officials on both sides continue to be kidnapped as Egypt, Saudi Arabia play mediators in bid to end violence Full article inside

Gaza death toll rises to 30

Four Palestinians killed in Gaza after midnight on Monday, bringing death toll to 30

Three Palestinians believed to be Hamas operatives and a Fatah member of the Palestinian security forces were killed Monday after midnight in seperate clashes, bringing the death toll to 30 since violent confrontations erupted between the two rival factions in the Gaza Strip last Thursday. Full article inside

Hamas gunmen ambush Gaza convoy, 6 killed

Four-truck convoy making its way from Israel to President Abbas' presidential guard unit in Gaza ambushed by Hamas gunmen; six Fatah members killed, 27 people wounded in ensuing gun battles; ‘a real war is taking place,’ witness says Full article inside Full article inside

11 Palestinians killed in Gaza clashes

Heavy battles continue Friday in Strip as Hamas gunmen take over dozens of Palestinian security organizations' posts. Fatah members held hostage in some posts, while other posts are demolished. Seventeen people killed since Thursday evening; woman, three children among Friday's casualties Full article inside

Hamas, Fatah to revive truce

Two Palestinians, including Hamas operative, killed in clashes between Hamas and Fatah in Khan Younis, hours after groups said they reached a ceasefire. Fatah officials say Abbas mulling early elections Full article inside

PA infighting continues amid Mecca talks

Hamas activist killed, three others wounded in exchanges of fire with Fatah security forces in Gaza as Abbas and Mashaal meet in Saudi Arabia to discuss unity, solution to crisis in PA; several gunmen from both sides kidnapped Full article inside

Fatah gunmen kill alleged collaborator

A Palestinian man who allegedly foiled a suicide attack inside Israel was killed in Ramallah on Monday by gunmen belonging to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party.

"The collaborator was executed after he confessed that he had been recruited by the Israeli authorities on December 17, 2002," said a statement issued by the Aksa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah's armed wing. Full article inside

Gaza: 3 killed in clan clashes

Three people, including senior Hamas member, killed when violence erupts between rival clans; Hamas security forces interfere to contain violence. Palestinians fear violence will spread and evolve into interfactional Hamas-Fatah battle Full article inside

Raphael Meade said:
i'm jewish by the way.
i'm just not a mentalist :)
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Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
Buba said:
No, he is living in your country, and he depends upon the actions of you, not the opposite.

There were many Jewish landlords in Europe 60 years ago, and what was their destiny? Their neighbours sent them to the gas chambers and betrayed them.

He is living in HIS country as his English mother, who is jewish, married an English Architect. He is actually a very good friend of mine and we depend on each others friendships. Plus, he is a carpenter, so a dab hand at DIY.
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Buzzer said:
Don't buy this. If you getting information second-hand makes you qualified to have a view then the fact that Buba actually lives there must make his worldview as qualified, if not more.

Although McGhee was truly shite.

Oh, and just because it's an opinion doesn't mean it can't also be fact. It might be that your opinion is wrong. Or perhaps a tad biased against Israel. ???

Buzzer do you seriously believe all the stuff that Buba is posting, it's nothing more than propoganda? I find a lot of the so called facts could easily be argued against, in fact many of the so called facts that are being passed off are from the Bible, a book that is over 3000 years old (Old Testament).


Mar 3, 2007
Southover Street Seagull said:
Buzzer do you seriously believe all the stuff that Buba is posting, it's nothing more than propoganda? I find a lot of the so called facts could easily be argued against, in fact many of the so called facts that are being passed off are from the Bible, a book that is over 3000 years old (Old Testament).
The Torah (5 books inside the Tanach) is a juridical document, 600,000 men above the age of 20 (and their wives, children, total number of 3 million people) were witnessed the exodus from Egypt and witnessed the revelation in mount Horeb and witnessed the words of G-d when he spoke the Torah to them.

Jews believe in the book in the name of Tanach.

This message below is written in the intro of every Tanach book that soldiers of the IDF receive after they finish basic training:


Soldiers of the IDF

Handed over (this book) to you this book of books, the asset of the nation and her source of existence, the book which is the livestock note and an ownership document to our country and to the estate of our fathers.

This book gives us the right as a one nation to declare in front of a large crowd: "renew our days as of old" (Lamentations 5:21).

The nation of Israel, already in his first steps, started from Abraham – father of the nation, who called out in the name of a singular God - creator of the world - faced an idolatrous world which surrounded him, and although he was alone in his faith, like our sages of blessed memory have said: Abraham stood on one side and the whole world stood on the other side, he attached his faith with all his heart, with interested soul and without recoiling.

The divine revelation in Egypt, when the Holy One Blessed be He took the descendants of Abraham his chosen, out from the slavery furnace, while changing the laws of nature, was in order to bring them to the exalted position, high level and one-time in the history of mankind, as written: "For who is there of all flesh, that hath heard the voice of the living God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as we have, and lived" (Deuteronomy 5:23), when he gave his Torah – Torah of truth.

He gave his Torah of Hashem, a heritage to his nation, into the hand of his prophet Moses – his faithful servant.

This book of books which has been given to your hands, is the essence and the foundation of mankind's culture and the secret of the eternity of Israel in all generations.

Soldiers of the IDF, the carriers of the flag of freedom and the security of the nation, keep this Torah book of Hashem, learn it and fulfill the last will of Moses to Joshua "…that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the LORD your God, and observe to do all the words of this law" (Deuteronomy 31:12), and then we will be appropriated that the promise of God in his Torah will be valid: "for the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you" (Deuteronomy 20:4).

Major-General Gad Navon
Chief Rabbi of the IDF
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