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[Football] 5 red cards, calamity Keeping, outstanding saves, glorious misses.

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford some 'industrial' language, at least one very, very angry manager, and an excruciatingly annoying drum.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2011
I honestly cannot understand now in hindsight how this wasn't abandoned, watching in the stadium, I said if there's 3 more red cards this game is abandoned, didn't realise it would be literally seconds away from it. Two Whitehawk players should have probably been additionally sent off, absolute bedlam, heads were going all over the place except the dugout.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
A few notes:

- The standard of long range shooting was absolutely awful. Really, really awful;
- All of the cards seemed spot on;
- Not sure how the Whitehawk striker didn't get sent off;
- How on earth Whitehawk didn't get a pen is beyond me;
- The no. 15 for the final red having the temerity to plead his innocence was just hilarious;
- I am glad I support a Premier League team.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
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NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade

And that's BEFORE his own player goes all Karate Kid.

It was mentioned on the Non League thread but Three Bridges' number 4 is an absolute master of the dark arts :bowdown:

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
- I am glad I support a Premier League team.

Show the difference in quality, though I have to say, given a choice between being at that game and being at our home game with Wolves I'd have picked that all day long :lolol:


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
That was a brilliant watch. I haven't seen cheating and feigning injury like it since Grealish was playing for the Villa.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
That was highly entertaining, maybe for all the wrong reasons, but highly entertaining nevertheless.


Big heart, hot blood and balls. Big balls
Nov 18, 2004
I would say that is in no way reflective of non League football


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
Have you been to an Albion game recently?

Oh yes, generally our finishing from range is poor, verging on comical, but usually it's not preceded by a gentle amble under no pressure before lashing over the bar from 25 yards. At least when Lallana does it, he does it under pressure (normally).

That said, for once if I have been to a game, I'd have seen us score 3x goals from outside the box in our last 3 games (Maupay, Trossard, Mac Allister). Weird.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2007
"Man on" :lolol:

Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 15.51.20.png


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2011
Three Bridges are thugs, managed by thugs and supported by Thugs.

Is there any reason for this? As when I have previously watched Three Bridges there were two red cards, so in two games I have seen 7 Red Cards, are they just inherently evil?

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