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      loz replied to the thread [Albion] Palace Fans Biggest Fear.
      Same as, love to beat you and finish above Brighton, but that’s as far as I go, living in and around BHA fans and never had a bad word...
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      loz replied to the thread [Albion] Palace Fans Biggest Fear.
      TBF I think all teams for whatever reason suffered loads of injuries last season, were Brighton any worse than other clubs ?
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      loz replied to the thread [Albion] Palace Fans Biggest Fear.
      Oh yes season ticket holder, first game stoke city at home 1972, a lifer 😩 But also a cricket fan who follows Sussex, I’ll be at hove...
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      loz replied to the thread [Albion] Palace Fans Biggest Fear.
      In the last 10 games palace were without their first choice keeper and first choice centre back, so the injuries excuse can be used both...
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      loz replied to the thread [Albion] Palace Fans Biggest Fear.
      I must admit I thought it would be a big gamble to sign such an injury plagued player….anyway he has gone to the team he actually...
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      loz replied to the thread [Albion] Palace Fans Biggest Fear.
      That’s just silly, are you saying Liverpool, Newcastle, Man U and Aston Villa had nothing to play for, is that why Brighton only won 1...
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      loz reacted to Mellor 3 Ward 4's post in the thread [Politics] The Labour Government with Like Like.
      It was in the Labour Party manifesto. If RLB didn't like it, or agree with it (or with KS's and the LP's stance on Gaza) it was quite...
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      loz replied to the thread [Albion] Palace Fans Biggest Fear.
      Glasner would have been known he would loose at least 2 if not all 3 of those players hence he has gone back to a couple of players he...
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      Look at the brickwork in the Crystal Palace underground station, I believe this is open to the public to view now after it was closed...
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      loz replied to the thread [Cricket] The Hundred.
      The thing is, it’s not really for us cricket lovers, it’s like trying to watch old pros playing beach soccer it’s also not for football...
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      loz replied to the thread [Cricket] The Hundred.
      Saw it on the telly I think. Also one of them has a youngster and I think it was free for kids ? But it got them watching cricket and...
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      loz replied to the thread [Cricket] The Hundred.
      A couple of my mates ( Brighton fans ) always took the piss out of my love of cricket, well last 100 season went to see the Southern...
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      loz replied to the thread [Albion] Palace Fans Biggest Fear.
      I would presume that the larger capacity means a larger allocation to away fans, so instead of having a 3rd of the Arthur Wait it would...
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      loz replied to the thread [Albion] Palace Fans Biggest Fear.
      I think you are missing the point, he signed his new contract with the proviso that if a team in the champions league came asking and...
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