Premier League Agent Fees 2023/24

The Football Association have published their annual report detailing club expenditure on football agents and intermediaries, triggering wild celebrations on the streets of west London.

Todd Boehly’s masterplan is finally showing signs of success with the report showing Chelsea sitting proudly atop the table. Of the £409,592,939 spent on agent fees between 1st February 2023 and 1st February 2024, Chelsea were solely responsible for over £75m, or 18% of total spend.

We can only imagine Moises Caicedo’s agents will be raising a glass in the direction of Stamford Bridge from whichever tropical beach they are currently enjoying.

Looking closer to modest, Albion spent a relatively modest £11,393,102 during the year, putting the club in the same ballpark as Crystal Palace, Everton and Fulham, and a little way short of Nottingham Forest, West Ham and Wolves.

Brentford were the only club, other than the promoted trio of Burnley, Luton and Sheffield United to spend less than £10m over the reporting period.

The FA also publish a report of all player transactions, including contract renewals, during the period which makes for interesting reading, not least because of some of the humorous middle name(s) some players have been given.

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Image courtesy of Reuters