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Brilliant all singing all dancing fans

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Hungry Joe

Oct 22, 2004
Heading for shore
Oh yeah sorry I forgot its all one way isnt it? Were not helping you have a ground to play at, your keeping us in existence. Your not doing us a favour sunshine, we are providing a facility that you are paying the going rate for. Once again typical Plastic Manc attitude. Plus its nowt to do with us going out Ive detested your club since the day you turned up at Gigg Lane.

The sooner you and your thug fans are gone the better. Oh and your not reshaping sod all sunshine. If you care so much about lower legaue football why didnt you go and support your local side that needed help?

You bang on about anti commercialism but facts are you were created by Shareholder United members and how can shareholders of any kind be against commercialism. The reason your anti Glazier is because you were forced to sell your shares.

Id also appreciate it if you kept to your post Gigg lane promise that you wouldnt market yourself in the local schools. Thats the main reason I am against FC Utd. Bury is not big enough for two clubs and the 100K you give us (for the use of our ground not charitable reasons like youd make out)
will be nothing compared to the potential future revenue we are losing through your school/child initiatives.

Anyway I look forward to seeing you go out in the replay and no one will be singing louder and dont forget to give all the ESPN or sky money back because your so against commercialism. LIke I said Hypocrites !!!

Anyway have you apologised to Dale yet for the disgracful way your fans acted?

Some interesting points there, I'd be interested in what FCUM fans have to say in defence and what other Bury fans think.


New member
Nov 28, 2010
Actually I am lieing. The main reason I am against FC Utd is that they form in 2005 and then every since all we hear is how they are reshaping football. They are not just happy to brag about Man Utd owning the premiership now they want to make out they are the "special ones" of the lower leagues. It just stinks of your typical man Utd Im better than you mentality. Even many Man Utd fans hold them in contempt.

For me true fans are AFC wimbledon fans not a group of shareholders with a chip on their shoulder against an American owner. an American owner I might add who Alex Fergusons happy with.

This is an interesting read.................... FC United, Ticket Prices and How We Compare To Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool


New member
Nov 19, 2010

Go on Bradley, let it out.


Originally the Swankers
Jun 28, 2008
I go into the away end at half time of every game sell programmes,
Have to says the FC United were the Nicest happiest bunch of away fan i have ever seen at Withdean.
OK appreciate they were one up at the time, but i really don't think that had much bearing on the mood.

They were just a good bunch, my impression of them changed for all the crap that was posted about them prior to the game.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Bradley, if you are a Bury fan, something that I actually have severe doubts about, I think the happy Alex comment is a bit of a give away, then it's slightly strange going on about FC having bother with Rochdale when you are hardly the best of neighbours. Would you care to elucidate on Rochdale fans getting punched? If anyone cares to look back on Rochdale's forum they will see that the criticism regarding any trouble is aimed squarely at one of their own fans who has 'past form' including racist abuse to the public.


New member
Nov 19, 2010
Of course Bradley, if only to make you feel better.

Nice and slow 1,2,3,4 and 5, now breath


New member
Nov 28, 2010
Some interesting points there, I'd be interested in what FCUM fans have to say in defence and what other Bury fans think.

Be glad to - but first I'd like to thank the Brighton fans / stewards and the local dibble for a great day out. I think the Category C malarky was an over the top reaction to the pitch invasion at Rochdale, which was over the top celebrating rather than anything malicious. Wrong, but understandable given the gulf between the teams - the FA seem happy to continuously show the Hereford 'cupset' pitch invasions and jubilation, but then rubberstamp those fan's as 'high risk.' In any case - thanks for a wonderful day, and hope to see you up at Gigg.

In response to Bradley1...

1. We couldn't just go and support another existing non-league team in 2005. MUFC had just been the subject of a takeover, and so any similar reaction by us descending on Altrincham or Trafford would have been incredibly hypocritical. In addtion, we're still MUFC fans who have simply taken away our financial support in protest of how modern day football is run by clubs who marginalise fan or supporter interests. I doubt those same Alty / Trafford fans would have liked being 'taken over' and then subjected to the MUFC chants that occur during our matches.

2. We are not anti-commercialism. We are against OUTRIGHT commercialism, that is whoring yourself to the highest bidder regardless of the opinions or interests of the fans. Hence us not having a shirt sponsor despite many requests, as the fans have voted against it. We are not against playing games on TV, but are opposed to games being moved for TV against the interests of the fans. Rochdale away on a Friday night was not inconvenient for a Manchester based club, so the ESPN game was accepted by our board after much debate within our membership. It also provided a platform to promote wider interest in our Community Share Scheme to help build our own ground. Conversely, if the Brighton game had been chosen by ESPN for a Friday night, I'm sure our board would have opposed it due to the distance involved for our supporters to get there on a Friday evening.

3. Our elected board do have a background in MUST & Shareholders United. These interests and their holdings (and I include myself as a former MUFC shareholder) were not for commercial gain. They were to hold a shareholding and consequently a vote and voice in the running of the club. Ultimately these votes and voices were not listened to due to the vast corporate share holdings of others, which is the inherent risk of being a Plc. Hence the Industrial & Provident Society status of FCUM and the one member, one vote structure.

4. We do not 'market' ourselves anywhere. We do community work in many areas of Greater Manchester as part of our manifesto, work that has won praise and was one of the significant reasons for our planning application for our own ground being passed. It is regrettable that you think doing community work in schools and disadvantaged areas is such a bad thing. The same goes for 'Youth United Day' and other child friendly schemes - maybe Bury should do more work in the local area if you feel FCUM do more and are 'stealing' future revenue.

5. We won't being giving any money back to ESPN, or indeed ITV for the highlights yesterday. Please see above.

6. I hope you go to Gigg and enjoy yourself (presumably this will only occur if Brighton win). In any case you'll witness the best atmosphere and attendance at Gigg Lane this season, regardless of the result. I fully expect the Brighton fan's to play their part - the more the merrier as they say.

I do find it odd that fan's carry so much bile for any opposition, especially a supporter owned non-league club. What threat are FCUM to Bury? Do you see traits in FCUM you would like to have at your own club, but don't and so lash out?


New member
Nov 28, 2010
According to their forum the dale fans dont seem very impressed with your fans, hitting their players, carrying blades apparently and beating them on and off the pitch. Yeah lovely fans.

Heres one comment

"Off the pitch - think a lot of people saw you for what you actually are last night - I used to have some grudging respect for your lot - not any more."

FansNetwork/ - Forum | great night by MUFCUM

FansNetwork/ - Forum | Turned over by FCUNITED1

Oh and I got a message off one dale fan which if true is not exactly a great advert for your club. He said a Rochdale fan was stabbed and I think also something about a ticket office or Turnstile getting done in. Is this correct or not?

Whatever you say about Fc you can you hold your hand on your heart and say you have a well behaved set of fans?
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New member
Nov 28, 2010
2. We are not anti-commercialism. We are against OUTRIGHT commercialism,?

Oh right so you are against commercialism unless it suits you? Thanks for clearing that one up.

You didnt have shares for commercial gain. Oh right so I take it you returned the dividends back to the club on an annual basis then and you had no interest in the share price at all? Call me cynical but to me it seems you got the hump due to being forced to give up your shares, is this true?

As for the schools, can you catagorically say that you did not agree to market youselves around Bury schools when you came to Gigg? Oh and when you say you dont market yourself anywhere well I live in bury and Ive seen numerous "man Utd Days" and "wear a Man Utd top" days advertsied. You turn your back on Man Utd yet use them to increase your gate. How is that right?

Whoever you played on TV and on whatever day you would have agreed to it. The whole things a joke. If you did get into the football league the next decision would be you deciding to have shirt sponsorhsip "But only if its not outright sponsorship" LOL!!!

Talk about changing the rules as you go along. Its laughable. Oh and Ill tell you why so many are against you its because of your typical Man Utd Im great attitude.

Lower club fans like me and all the other fans of teams who have won nowt for years and plodded along while you lot gloryfied in Man Utds bought success spending their their millions on the way are worth 10 times more than your fans will ever be worth. If you want to see what being a real fan is you should have come with me to Torquay or the like on a cold Tuesday night when we were in the bottom 5 of the football league.
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Red- Til-Dead

New member
Nov 26, 2010
An excellent post RedTed, couldn't have put it better, unfortunately, as i suspected, it only fed oxygen to the inane rantings of someone who clearly has mental health and anger management issues

Players attacked? fans stabbed? turnstiles wrecked? There must have been a press blackout on all that, i saw nothing remotely like it at Rochdale

I'd love to see this backed up with evidence, and not the he said, she said the moon is made of cheese and the earth is flat delinquents in the link provided
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New member
Nov 28, 2010
Oh right so you are against commercialism unless it suits you? Thanks for clearing that one up.

You didnt have shares for commercial gain. Oh right so I take it you returned the dividends back to the club on an annual basis then and you had no interest in the share price at all?

As for the schools, can you categorically say that you did not agree to market yourselves around Bury schools when you came to Gigg?

What utter tripe. You know damn well whoever you played on TV and on whatever day you would have agreed to it. The whole things a joke. If you did get into the football league the next decision would be you deciding to have shirt sponsorship "But only if its not outright sponsorship" LOL!!!

talk about changing the rules as you go along. Its laughable.

I can see you're typing with your fists in rage, and have understandably made some spelling errors - I have tidied these up for you.

I can't speak for any other former MUFC shareholders, but I donated my dividends to a local charity - not that they were significant. I think you may have the idea that MUFC fan's had thousands of shares and were rolling in dividends on an annual basis. For the significant majority this would not have been the case - the working classes have been priced out of top-level football, and this is one of the reasons FCUM came to be.

What is so hard to understand about being against outright commercialism? No club can exist without some form of commercialism - we sell shirts and other merchandise. The difference is, we don't change the kit every season to fleece the fans - that would be outright commercialism? Do you see the difference?

I have no idea what was agreed between FCUM and Bury in regards to local community work. I suggest if you have a grievance you take it up with your club; FCUM and indeed the council. Maybe you should ask those local schools and communities their opinion of FCUM and the work they do? You seem to have a blame mentality - if we genuinely do more than Bury in the Bury area, surely you should be questioning your own club?

You genuinely have no interest in researching your prejudices before forming an opinion. As I said, the board will consider supporter views when making decisions on subjects such as TV games, and I have no doubt they would have opposed a Friday evening game that involved significant travel. And if they didn't - we could vote them out. Democracy Bradley.

I hope you put as much energy into supporting Bury as you do telling the world how evil FCUM are.

Tom V

New member
Nov 19, 2010
Oh yeah sorry I forgot its all one way isnt it? Were not helping you have a ground to play at, your keeping us in existence. Your not doing us a favour sunshine, we are providing a facility that you are paying the going rate for. Once again typical Plastic Manc attitude. Plus1. its nowt to do with us going out Ive detested your club since the day you turned up at Gigg Lane.

2. The sooner you and your thug fans are gone the better. Oh and your not reshaping sod all sunshine. If you care so much about lower league football 3. why didnt you go and support your local side that needed help?

4. You bang on about anti commercialism but facts are you were created by Shareholder United members and how can shareholders of any kind be against commercialism? The reason your anti Glazier is because you were forced to sell your shares.

Id also appreciate it if you kept to your post Gigg lane promise that you wouldnt market yourself in the local schools. Thats the main reason I am against FC Utd. Bury is not big enough for two clubs and 5. the 100K you give us (for the use of our ground not charitable reasons like youd make out)
will be nothing compared to the potential future revenue we are losing through your school/child initiatives.

Anyway I look forward to seeing you go out in the replay and no one will be singing louder and dont forget to give all the ESPN or sky money back because your so against commercialism. LIke I said Hypocrites !!!

6. Anyway have you apologised to Dale yet for the disgracful way your fans acted?

1. Why wait until Bury have gone out of the cup to start posting all this crap that you have? Why didnt you come on here last week to say all this?

2. On what evidence can you call us thugs? We barely have a police presence at Gigg lane because they are not needed.

3. I didnt go and support my local team because, I have no affiliation with my local club and how would you have felt if we came and started to support Bury and basically took over your club? I would not like to do that because we would have come and been exactly what we were against

4. I didnt bang on about being anti commercialism and i never would. I am against teams whoring themselves to TV companies and advertisers for the benefit of a single owner or consortium of owners.

5. I didnt make out the 100k was charitable but what does it actually get spent on. It dont cost that much to open up the ground for 19-23 games a season surely?

6. In what way were we disrespectful to the Rochdale fans?

According to their forum the dale fans dont seem very impressed with your fans, hitting their players, carrying blades apparently and beating them on and off the pitch. Yeah lovely fans.

Heres one comment

"Off the pitch - think a lot of people saw you for what you actually are last night - I used to have some grudging respect for your lot - not any more."

FansNetwork/ - Forum | great night by MUFCUM

FansNetwork/ - Forum | Turned over by FCUNITED1

Oh and I got a message off one dale fan which if true is not exactly a great advert for your club. He said a Rochdale fan was stabbed and I think also something about a ticket office or Turnstile getting done in. Is this correct or not?

Whatever you say about Fc you can you hold your hand on your heart and say you have a well behaved set of fans?

That is utter shite and everyone knows this. Why has there been no police investigation into these claims. That is the only possible way to get any sort of truth from that shite.


New member
Nov 26, 2010
Our fans acted absolutely no different at yestday's match, than we did at the Rochdale match overall. At Rochdale a few got too excited and went on the pitch after the goals, not the only team in the world to do that. Only different is instead of going on the pitch yesterday, they controlled their excitement by swaying side to side whilst singing Sloop John B in a peaceful and choir boy like motion... good times :)

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
Well first of all, to you personally Safeway, I can give the statement "diddums".

As for the away fans; I would imagine the police presence and in view of our borrowed stadium in a sensitive housing area, was justified if only as a precautionary measure.

The Stewarding too, would have been that, and in further review (from the powers that be outside and inside of our well-documented-and-often-watched-closely club) of the ROCHDALE match that became slightly controversial (if anyone recalls back that far).

Now with regards the away fans visiting the horribleness that I see few complains about that is the designated (and limited) 'Away Stand', I'd have to say that they were excellent in every respect on the day. Behaviour was as rambunctious as could be WITHIN the reasonable limits required for support of a football team. For sitting them down, I'd say that would have been difficult (doncha think?), and monitoring them included looking for smokers and those climbing on top of rails and seats. They made their point regarding the MUFC board, and made it well. The statement about 'Category C' might be pertinent EXCEPT for the review of the Rochdale game (as I've said above), and perhaps their fans might not have been aware of how we have to toe lines so carefully regarding the neighbourhood and the FA.

Banter with them was top notch, they represent themselves REALLY well in the majority, I too applauded them and gave both thumbs up to them for that.
We DID show a presence as a unit that 'may' have been ott, but that's now hindsight. Better to take precautions and have nothing bad happen, than not and have a disaster....right?

Lastly, someone suggested we could have given them the East stand as well. However, if you think about their leaping around en masse, their packed crowd, ebulliance and tendency to celebrate wildly - that high lego stand may well have offered a chance for problems - which I think our staff would have been right to considerately avoid.

Bottom lines are, that it was an overall success for all concerned - (yet I'm sure there will be LOADS of experts on here who'll try hard to differ!).
And for those who don't like the stewarding at Withdean, there are many ways to run things and I doubt many could do things better if they knew all the constraints and difficulties faced.

So do I take it what you are sqaying that its easier to get home fans to sit down, constantly up and down the stqairs shouting at fans, threatening bans etc than to move into away fans and try the same.....well of course it is..witness LEEDS, MILLWALL, FCUM and the many other you dare not go in and try to get them to sit down....or course if it is a small away support like Exeter or was it Rushden last year when you all steamed in acting all big and hard ( In fact one of your own thought the behaviour of your colleagues was embarrasing at that game).

to come back to the point....are we assuming that if we can stand up, sway, jump up and down and create a fantastic atmosphere, at withers, we have the blessing of Ken Brown?
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Well first of all, to you personally Safeway, I can give the statement "diddums".

As for the away fans; I would imagine the police presence and in view of our borrowed stadium in a sensitive housing area, was justified if only as a precautionary measure.

The Stewarding too, would have been that, and in further review (from the powers that be outside and inside of our well-documented-and-often-watched-closely club) of the ROCHDALE match that became slightly controversial (if anyone recalls back that far).

Now with regards the away fans visiting the horribleness that I see few complains about that is the designated (and limited) 'Away Stand', I'd have to say that they were excellent in every respect on the day. Behaviour was as rambunctious as could be WITHIN the reasonable limits required for support of a football team. For sitting them down, I'd say that would have been difficult (doncha think?), and monitoring them included looking for smokers and those climbing on top of rails and seats. They made their point regarding the MUFC board, and made it well. The statement about 'Category C' might be pertinent EXCEPT for the review of the Rochdale game (as I've said above), and perhaps their fans might not have been aware of how we have to toe lines so carefully regarding the neighbourhood and the FA.

Banter with them was top notch, they represent themselves REALLY well in the majority, I too applauded them and gave both thumbs up to them for that.
We DID show a presence as a unit that 'may' have been ott, but that's now hindsight. Better to take precautions and have nothing bad happen, than not and have a disaster....right?

Lastly, someone suggested we could have given them the East stand as well. However, if you think about their leaping around en masse, their packed crowd, ebulliance and tendency to celebrate wildly - that high lego stand may well have offered a chance for problems - which I think our staff would have been right to considerately avoid.

Bottom lines are, that it was an overall success for all concerned - (yet I'm sure there will be LOADS of experts on here who'll try hard to differ!).
And for those who don't like the stewarding at Withdean, there are many ways to run things and I doubt many could do things better if they knew all the constraints and difficulties faced.

So you're in agreement that if the away support is a touch 'rambunctious' you and your mates will let them get on with it, but if there's only a handful then you'll steam in.

Why didn't you just say so?


Jul 20, 2008
I'm contantly amazed that people still equate away support with home support.

They were very good though. Not just the noise either, all the scarves and flags, looks great too.

The same people who go away and create the atmosphere are all at home its just the stadium,thats different....


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Oh right so you are against commercialism unless it suits you? Thanks for clearing that one up.

You didnt have shares for commercial gain. Oh right so I take it you returned the dividends back to the club on an annual basis then and you had no interest in the share price at all? Call me cynical but to me it seems you got the hump due to being forced to give up your shares, is this true?

As for the schools, can you catagorically say that you did not agree to market youselves around Bury schools when you came to Gigg? Oh and when you say you dont market yourself anywhere well I live in bury and Ive seen numerous "man Utd Days" and "wear a Man Utd top" days advertsied. You turn your back on Man Utd yet use them to increase your gate. How is that right?

Whoever you played on TV and on whatever day you would have agreed to it. The whole things a joke. If you did get into the football league the next decision would be you deciding to have shirt sponsorhsip "But only if its not outright sponsorship" LOL!!!

Talk about changing the rules as you go along. Its laughable. Oh and Ill tell you why so many are against you its because of your typical Man Utd Im great attitude.

Lower club fans like me and all the other fans of teams who have won nowt for years and plodded along while you lot gloryfied in Man Utds bought success spending their their millions on the way are worth 10 times more than your fans will ever be worth. If you want to see what being a real fan is you should have come with me to Torquay or the like on a cold Tuesday night when we were in the bottom 5 of the football league.

oh bradders you not worn out that google search button yet on your computer looking for teams that FC are playing

one of my first posts on here was about some very sad people who follow FC about on the internet just so the spread their lies
well welcome to one of them

Changing the rules as we go along Yes we can do this whenever we want and as much as we want

And do you know why its our club which means we get a say if we don't like it then we can change it

Rochdale game no arrests
and after speaking to a Bury steward who is also a Bury fan who lives in Rochdale and was asked to steward at the Rochdale game said he and the other stewards had a great time the fans were a bit boisterous but that was about all
Bury and Rochdale now that's interesting isn't that a game where there is always trouble
Bury fans trying to buy tickets for the FC V Rochdale game I wonder why
Bury fans smashing the windows of coaches of FCs opponents whilst the game is on

and how do you explain this one

The co-chairman of Bury FC claims catching the club's hooligan fans is like hunting down a fugitive. Bury last week announced they were waging war on a handful of supporters who had racially abused their own players, spat on their girlfriends and attacked their relatives.
The campaign was launched after abuse from the terraces reached an alarming peak during the draw at Torquay a fortnight ago, visibly upsetting the players and manager Andy Preece.
A joint surveillance operation between Bury, the police and opposition clubs has been underway for several months, with CCTV cameras backing up stewards and 'spotters' at ground level.
Noticeably the boo boys were silent for the visit of Leyton Orient at Gigg Lane last weekend. As a symbolic statement the Bury team warmed up in Kick It Out t-shirts, fans wore Kick It Out badges and a banner reading �Let's kick racism out of football� was paraded around the ground.

think its time you got your own act together before spreading your lies about others

Anyhow FCs next game is against Chasetown so here is a nice link for you


may I `apologise to all Brighton fans for having to post this on their forum

Kinda makes me realise our away support isn't as fanatical as some of us like to make out. We could learn a thing or two from those FCUM fans down here on Saturday and it's worth bearing in mind the next away game when we're bearing treated to the 40th rendition of Al-bi-yawn and GOSBTS, Alvin and the Chipmunks style.

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