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[Misc] Window cleaners - wtf?


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
Now, I appreciate that the 'modern' window cleaner has various costs to cover, but it seems like a licence to print money.
I binned-off 'Divine Shine' for upping their price from £12 to £15 for a job that literally took them 2 minutes, and have used them for several years - ONE 3-part sash window, on the first floor, above a shop.
Bearing in mind that I can climb out onto a wide sill and do it myself (although I'd rather not!), I tried 'Albion' window cleaners and asked for a quote, for the same ONE window.
I literally fell off the sofa laughing......£35!! For 2 minutes work.
I know it's nearly Christmas, but I won't be giving such a gift to them.
Whatever happened to reasonably-priced window cleaners? Do they not exist anymore?
The £15 they’re now asking may be an hours work total. The actual clean takes 2 mins (probably exaggerating so more like 5) plus the 5 mins equipment out, 5 mins equipment in. That’s 15 minutes, leaving 45 minutes for however long it takes to get to you from previous job and however long it takes to get to the next one. You may get it cheaper, you just need to find the same window cleaner your neighbours are using.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 31, 2011
David Gilmour's armpit
The £15 they’re now asking may be an hours work total. The actual clean takes 2 mins (probably exaggerating so more like 5) plus the 5 mins equipment out, 5 mins equipment in. That’s 15 minutes, leaving 45 minutes for however long it takes to get to you from previous job and however long it takes to get to the next one. You may get it cheaper, you just need to find the same window cleaner your neighbours are using.
Do you think that £35 is reasonable, for one window? And no, the time taken for the actual job has been timed on several occasions, and the maximum time was 3 minutes.
As for travel time, they are always in the area - it's not like I'm out in the sticks.


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
Do you think that £35 is reasonable, for one window? And no, the time taken for the actual job has been timed on several occasions, and the maximum time was 3 minutes.
As for travel time, they are always in the area - it's not like I'm out in the sticks.
No £35 is laughable. But minimum wage has just risen almost 10% to £11.40 from April, by the time a window cleaner pays their expenses, they’re not making much more than that an hour. I think the rise from £12 to £15 of your current cleaner is justified and reasonable. We all support pay rises for the employed so I don’t mind a small rise in costs for the self employed too.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 31, 2011
David Gilmour's armpit
No £35 is laughable. But minimum wage has just risen almost 10% to £11.40 from April, by the time a window cleaner pays their expenses, they’re not making much more than that an hour. I think the rise from £12 to £15 of your current cleaner is justified and reasonable. We all support pay rises for the employed so I don’t mind a small rise in costs for the self employed too.
A fair point and accepted.
It still 'seems' a lot for something that takes only a few minutes, but yes.
As for £35, I'm still laughing.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
Sussex, by the sea
We've had window cleaners damage windows, break roof tiles, gates, damage garden plants/wares, cars, and even next doors window cleaner climb over the garage roof to gain access and crack my garage roof in the process.

Up there with minicab drivers and estate agents on my scale of credibility.

the odd thing is, the original window cleaner we had, 20 years ago, was old school and did a great job. . . he had a ladder and a squeegee for a start!


Well-known member
May 3, 2012
£5 - two top windows at the front and two at the back. Same chap charges my neighbour £10 as he does all their downstairs windows as well.

Jack Straw

I look nothing like him!
Jul 7, 2003
For £30 I get 15 windows, 2 velux a three sided conservatory and 4 full height windows / sliding doors on a garden office. To clean the inside is 3 x the price of the outside if you want it done.
Probably priced it on the windows they could see before you had that Virginia Creeper pruned!
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A mex eyecan

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
£35 here. Two large front bays, 7 double casement windows, front and side doors and 15’ set of patio doors and 3 velux windows.

Agree with you, your quote of £35 is taking the proverbial


Dangerous Idiot
Jun 21, 2012
Born In Shoreham
I was surprised when a window cleaner mate told me how much he gets, he prefers commercial premises pubs that take 20 mins £70 he easily does two a day amongst other jobs and all get them cleaned weekly. No wonder he’s always off on holiday.
If you put your mind to it there is no reason to be skint in this country any idiot can clean windows. He lives in Shepherds Bush doesn’t drive and buses around West London with his gear.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
Against my wishes, we used a window cleaner for a long time. He kept increasing the charge by a neat fiver, then one day increased it by £15 because he’d acquired the water tank in his van and brush on a pole system, intimating it was to our advantage. WTF, his time was reduced, whilst upstairs windows and frames weren’t as clean as before.

I reduced his visits to bi-monthly and thankfully he never came back after the lockdowns.


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
Now, I appreciate that the 'modern' window cleaner has various costs to cover, but it seems like a licence to print money.
I binned-off 'Divine Shine' for upping their price from £12 to £15 for a job that literally took them 2 minutes, and have used them for several years - ONE 3-part sash window, on the first floor, above a shop.
Bearing in mind that I can climb out onto a wide sill and do it myself (although I'd rather not!), I tried 'Albion' window cleaners and asked for a quote, for the same ONE window.
I literally fell off the sofa laughing......£35!! For 2 minutes work.
I know it's nearly Christmas, but I won't be giving such a gift to them.
Whatever happened to reasonably-priced window cleaners? Do they not exist anymore?
It's clear that you saw through it.

The Antikythera Mechanism

The oldest known computer
NSC Patron
Aug 7, 2003
Probably priced it on the windows the could see before you had that Virginia Creeper pruned!
Will be a time before it gets back to this 😂


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