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[Brighton] Two Brighton & Hove Labour Cllrs Expelled!

The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
If anyone wants to follow me on Cllr Ivan Lyons Facebook feel free to. I think that’s the best place for everything political as I will be liaising with real people with real names

I don’t do Facebook.


Oh well.

Perhaps they don’t regard his retirement as a vehicle for point scoring.

Perhaps he asked them to not say anything.

Perhaps he didn’t want to tell you anything about it.

Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps.
Nothing to do with point scoring but it is called etiquette to say a few nice words publicly for a lifetime of good service. Good old fashioned manners


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
You want to take them one at a time ?
I'll make it very easy for you to reply

1/ Did you have to stand down as a prospective councillor for telling Islamophobic and anti-disabled jokes ?
2/ Was there a whole thread on NSC about why you were leaving NSC which has now been deleted ?
3/ Did you accuse NSC, on the Evening Argus website of being Anti-Semitic ?
4/ Did you offer to tell @Guinness Boy your 'best jokes' ?

A simple yes or no for each numbered point will suffice because we wouldn't want a lot of whataboutism would we :wink:

And, for a bonus point

What did you mean by this ???

Conservative candidate resigns after making a series of 'Islamophobic' jokes​

Lie :dunce:

Next :laugh:

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
If anyone wants to follow me on Cllr Ivan Lyons Facebook feel free to. I think that’s the best place for everything political as I will be liaising with real people with real names
Will you have three of them?


“Vorsprung durch Technik”
NSC Patron
Oct 20, 2022
However, you hide behind three names on here. Steve Foster, Bognor Seagull and this is me, all agreeing with each other and making different guesses on the predictions thread.

Would you let your minor child come on NSC without oversight? No? Me neither.
Keep trying
This is the ‘minor child’, Bognor Seagull, apparently that Steve Foster/Ivan uses because his ‘child’ needs ‘oversight’ and ‘protection‘ when posting on NSC (presumably because NSC is ‘infiltrated with left-wing militants’
I find it very amusing that constant negativity and whining to undermine our government by militant infiltrated NSC & the boring leftie BBC & yet to hear any of you saying anything positive and supportive of all the efforts that the government have made and continue to make to protect us. As a father, I would have had no qualms in resorting to the same action under similar circumstances and using common sense to protect my very young child by turning to my family for help. Stop trying to score pathetic political points during this national emergency when we should all be working together. The sensible general public understand his motives, so this does not
I had never heard of This IS Me but a quick search shows him to be a ’username’ whose posts consisted largely of anti- left rants and predicting Brighton would lose matches - real peachy.

Yup - everyone looks decent except us & Sheff Utd.

Expecting a routine defeat 0-1

Can’t win, don’t win at home 0-1

There is a process for complaints, you can challenge the behavior of any councilor against the code of conduct:

Please find a link to the code of conduct for members:
FYI - That code is applicable only to Councillors going about their business as councillors. If the behaviour you are upset about stems from them in their personal capacity, there is no redress. You could live next door to a Councillor who is racist, xenophobic bully but unless his behaviour was offensive in the course of carrying out work in his capacity as a Councillor you will have no redress to the Council.
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The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
My sincere advice to this Cllr would be to let someone else handle his social media profiles.

He seems to dig himself a rather deep and boggy hole whenever he comes on here. In his many forms.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 31, 2011
David Gilmour's armpit
Weird comment. Cllr Theobald (Conservative) & I were the only two councillors in the City to complement Les Hamilton on Brighton & Hove News. Not one Labour councillor! There was a response on X but very sad that none of the Labour lot could say some nice words after 50+ years of service
I've never been one for respecting so-called 'officials' who don't seem to know the difference between 'complement' and 'compliment', let alone those who seem to be a bit 'iffy' in many other ways.
Still, you crack on being 'you'. :)


Helpful Moderator
NSC Patron
May 3, 2006
Are you ok? Not very much of what you are saying is correct.
I'd say 90% of Watford Zero's post was correct.

Perhaps you'd care to share which bits are, or aren't, correct in your estimation? The post is below, to make it easy for you:

You may be thinking of the last prospective Conservative councillor who wanted to take NSC to court if all posts he made weren't deleted.

This Ivan character was made to stand down as a candidate for posting Islamophobic, anti-disabled 'jokes' on Facebook. He was then allowed to stand again by the local Conservative party and, subsequently, elected (I have no f***ing idea how :shrug:)

He has, amongst other things, had a whole thread on why he was leaving deleted from NSC (not sure why) and has accused NSC of supporting Anti-Semitism, on both the deleted leaving thread and the Argus comments. Oh and offered to repeat the best of his 'jokes' to a mod on NSC.

Obviously, I can only go on what I've seen posted on NSC, but if any of the above is wrong, I'm sure @Bozza or one of the mods can correct me :wink:

The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
Haven’t got a clue what you are on about. I haven’t post any jokes anywhere since being a councillor & no-one has found any joke that I have post in my 56 years pre councillor as offensive.

What did happen with the Islamophobic joke? Not you?


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
I'd say 98% of Watford Zero's post was correct.

Perhaps you'd care to share which bits are, or aren't, correct in your estimation? The post is below, to make it easy for you:

I thought he was going through them, point by point. So far he has answered point 1 and been proven to be lying. I think he's trying to take his time before he attacks point 2 :wink:


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
as 10cc say, not in hove
Haven’t got a clue what you are on about. I haven’t post any jokes anywhere since being a councillor & no-one has found any joke that I have post in my 56 years pre councillor as offensive.
Oh I have found your "jokes" deeply offensive, it's why you had to step down before. What an absolute chancer and a brassneck. You really should be embarrassed of yourself

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