Syrian asylum-seeker with machete kills woman in southern Germany

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cunning fergus

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 18, 2009
Prays, abstains from alcohol, doesn't eat pork.

She's never tried to bomb me once.

I know, crazy.

Does she shit on the floor?

I am at an office up north today, and was amazed to see instructions of how to take a shit on back of toilet door.

Made a light hearted comment about the behaviour of the northerners in their northern slums, only to be told in hushed tones about the problem people taking a shit on the floor, toilet seat, cistern and leaving shitty toilet paper unflushed being a cultural short it's understood which group of employees are shitting on the floor, but because it's a cultural practice everyone has to tolerate it. Nobody has been sacked or criticised, polite instructions went up to deal with the issue.

To be fair, it doesn't happen very often in the ladies, so it turns out it is the males from the group who more actively pursue this cultural practice.

So, heads up in case you have a house party and find out that someone has curled one out on your bathroom floor.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
You have to be PROPERLY rubbish to blow yourself up and not kill anyone else.

Well done mate.

Not denying he was an Islamic Terrorist (he had been looking at terrorist websites), but he had had a couple of goes at 'non-terroristic' suicide (not involving taking out as many other people as possible) during the previous year. Apparently the Gremans wanted him out on the technicality that he had already sought asylum in Bulgaria, which seems rather peevish given the lassitude otherwise shown to the general influx.

The pathology and ideology driving this and other recent events are almost irrelevant now, though. Having read a lot of this thread, I can understand why the likes of [MENTION=277]looney[/MENTION] and others get so annoyed with people (including me) for saying things like 'we can't be sure of the motive', he has 'mental health issues', and, OK so they are all Muslims but 'not all muslims are terrorists, in fact only a tiny minority'. I can see a Venn diagram . . .

That said, only a tiny minority of dogs running about off their lead will bite you, but this is generaly tolerated unless there are big signs to say 'don't'. Personally I am scared of dogs, having been bitten countless times as a kid, playing on the meanstreets of Portslade. Others will say 'man up, they aren't all a risk'. But perspectives are informed by experience. I try to like dogs, but I would never own one, and would not shed a tear if I never heard another woof. Not sure I have a right to send them all off to China, where their other attributes might find alternative favour, though.

As I've said before, I have no easy solution (and I am rather startled by the certainty of the one-liners offered by others). It is sad to see the risk averse and the risk tolerant at each others' throats on this football board. It seems we as individuals 'pattern recognise' very differently, and probably in conformation with well established attitudes that would have a psychologist bored with the predictability. I am just as bad - a scientist who relies on hypothesis testing and who finds it almost physically sickmaking to feel pressed into a need to subscribe to (or worse find) a solution where none that is palatable (to me) is ready to hand.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
OK. I enter this thread with some trepidation -.

Glad you did. Excellent post. Your views tally with mine (and I am a scientist and athiest too). Re the latter, Someone I have known for 30 years was brought up (partly in Ulster) by creationist Christians. I had always assumed he was the same (and avoided him somewhat as a result, and blamed some of his more irrational posteuring as the consequence thereof). Five years ago I decided to talk to him about this. Turns out, having worked in science for a bit, he woke up one morning and decided to face facts. 'There is no god. Belief is all bollocks, and dangerous too.' I still don't like him much (he can be a bit of a confrontational arehole - but here again so can I), but he's right.

There is a world of difference between a belief and a hypothesis. If the facts aren't known then the best you can do, in my view, is raise a hypothesis and attempt to test it. All well and good in the lab, but when you are walking home alone and a group of lads say 'Oy, come here', there isn't time for that. I ALWAYS legged it (back in the day - why would I wander the streets at night at my age?).

My view, for what it is worth, is there is far too much tolerance of religion and cultureal practice in this country. When Mr Tony decided to use taxpayers' dosh to support all faith schools, I resigned from the People's Party. I never rejoined, because they remain rooted in a half arsed ideology that has been compromised by all manner of belief. And doctrine. Bollocks to doctrine. If people are nice to me I'll be nice to them. If I behave like an ********, and it is pointed out to me, I will apologise. Obviously if I just get abuse back then I'll probably take my spade and carry on digging . . . but I digress.

My point is that when you have insufficient evidence to be able to make a decision about something of rare but lethal risk, you MUST be cautious. This is actually something I have done a lot of research on, in my area of medical/pharmacological specialism. The name of the game is to find ways to mitigate the risk. An example is drugs for hayfever; some years ago one was found that in about 50 in 4 million prescriptions causes a rare lethal heart condition. The risk was therefore low, but the disease being treated was trivial (not like cancer) and the adverse outcome was drug-induced death. I think that the present 'Muslim/immigration/borders thing' is rather similar. And the reason why lots of people (some on here) are so agitated is that there seems to be absolutely no plan or even intention to seek a solution to mitigate the risk.

In my game we talk about 'not throwing the baby out with the bathwater'. This means, that if a new drug is made and is found in tests to have a hint of a certain property about it, this does not guarantee it will kill you, and it may be a useful drug. So a more precise test of risk of adverse effects is needed. Yet friends of mine in Industry tell me this: if the new drug has a certain property, statistically but not causally related to the adverse effect, they bin the drug and start again. They find another drug that does not have that property. Why take the risk? Why take the drug forward and waste time and money doing lots of intensive and complicated tests to ensure the drug is 'safe'? There are plenty more drugs to take forward. . . . . . they don't take every drug forward, even if it has a risky property, out of sentiment or any sense of wanting to be fair to the drug.

Well, it is an analogy, and like all analogies has its shortcomings. And like all difficulties, it is never helpful to ponder on the inconvenience of having to start from a place one feels we should never have been in, in the first place. Douglas Adams saw through that delusion; it is too late to go back to an aquatic existence . . .

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
When Richard Dawkins tackled Christianity he was applauded and given a massive platform. When he did the same thing to Islam all of a sudden the deadshit left element has turned on him.

Why is that?

That's a little pejorative. Do you mean the deadshit element in the left, or the left, being the deadshit element? Ambiguity is the enemy of persuasiveness.

I'm left of you, so call me left for the sake of argument. Dawkins is right to abhor religion, and anyone having a go at him only once he turned his guns on Islam is a fool. But . . . . did all the left (as you seem to imply) do this? Who exactly? Millie Tant on a phone in? It is your apperance of black and white thinking that gets people arguing about what amount to rather esoteric issues . . . .

As a matter of fact, Dawkins ended his TV series attacking religion by stating 'I believe . . .' at which point I spat my dummy. I don't care what he 'believes', all I want to know is what he deduces, and on what basis.

Tony Benn demolished him on the radio, by saying, as an athiest, he adored Christmas because people are kindly to one another and get together as families. Dawkins sat there with a face like a smacked arse. Nuance is useful :shrug:


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A. Virgo, Football Genius
Jul 21, 2003
Does she shit on the floor?

I am at an office up north today, and was amazed to see instructions of how to take a shit on back of toilet door.

Made a light hearted comment about the behaviour of the northerners in their northern slums, only to be told in hushed tones about the problem people taking a shit on the floor, toilet seat, cistern and leaving shitty toilet paper unflushed being a cultural short it's understood which group of employees are shitting on the floor, but because it's a cultural practice everyone has to tolerate it. Nobody has been sacked or criticised, polite instructions went up to deal with the issue.

To be fair, it doesn't happen very often in the ladies, so it turns out it is the males from the group who more actively pursue this cultural practice.

So, heads up in case you have a house party and find out that someone has curled one out on your bathroom floor.

a cultral practice, nothing to do with religion is it. i know we had some problems in our office with broken and messy toilets because some of the off shore trainee's didnt know how to use the toilet, they'd all be Hindu.

Tony Benn demolished him on the radio, by saying, as an athiest, he adored Christmas because people are kindly to one another and get together as families. Dawkins sat there with a face like a smacked arse. Nuance is useful :shrug:

overreading? i would suggest Dawkins agrees with Benn. Dawkin's isnt as outraged at religion as is portrayed, more that he sees its teaching as fact to children as oppressive and contradictory. and back to the earlier point, he does lay into the muslims and jews, focusing on the "abrahamic faiths" for God Delusion, not christianity alone.

Jan 30, 2008
Does she shit on the floor?

I am at an office up north today, and was amazed to see instructions of how to take a shit on back of toilet door.

Made a light hearted comment about the behaviour of the northerners in their northern slums, only to be told in hushed tones about the problem people taking a shit on the floor, toilet seat, cistern and leaving shitty toilet paper unflushed being a cultural short it's understood which group of employees are shitting on the floor, but because it's a cultural practice everyone has to tolerate it. Nobody has been sacked or criticised, polite instructions went up to deal with the issue.

To be fair, it doesn't happen very often in the ladies, so it turns out it is the males from the group who more actively pursue this cultural practice.

So, heads up in case you have a house party and find out that someone has curled one out on your bathroom floor.
these people need to realise they either fall in line with our ways or go back to shitting on the floor in a country that accepts that sort of disgusting behaviour, are we going back to throwing our shit and piss into the street :rant::rant::rant:


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Prays, abstains from alcohol, doesn't eat pork.

She's never tried to bomb me once.

I know, crazy.

I'm calling bullshit in this one. Our drummer is a Muslim. No pork, no alcohol and all the prayers. But the cheeky bugger is always packing his floor tom with explosives.


Apr 12, 2011
Well my politics is the nihilistic end of the Trolliverse so I'll give you my honest opinon.

The political order is breaking down and will realign, Trump will be President and Hillary will be in Jail (I hope).

What will happen n politics will be those who have a survival instinct on one side, and the opposite side those who have a death wish, with a big mushy majority in the middle not given over to either. The survivalists contain a mix of Paranoids, bigots or extreme patriots etc, they are the proverbial canaries in the mine shaft.

What will happen as things deteriorate is the Middle and a fair bit of those with a death wish will develop a survival instinct. Those who retain a death wish, well you'll probably have to kill them. Not nice I know but that is what happens when civilisations collapse or got to war.

Not very good odds really, to be killed by invaders or hung by Patriots, but thatis why its called a death wish

Now unlike the British Empire, which colonised sparsely populated lands with few nomadic tribes if at all the UK is high density with humans, theres no room to shovel people of on reservations or intern etc.It will be up close and personal and very bloody.

We will win, simply for the reason we have knowhere else to run to so backed into a corner like a deranged animal we will fight!

Now maybe you all be thinking I am some kind of bigot? Heh you wait till some of these SJWs wake up and snap back then you'll see some crazed bigotry.

I may be wrong, I hope I am, but I'm not seeing anything to change my mind.

You're an absolute lunatic.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
I imagine it is illegal. You can't preach hate, this isn't the US.

I think maybe you mis understood what i was getting at.
Choudary can preach his version of the Koran till the cows come home, he can preach that gays can be killed according to sharia, he can preach women can be stoned for being raped,he can preach people can be punished for all sorts of "crimes" we think are not even crimes in the first place.This is not hate speech even though we hate it, it is simply promoting genuine religious text.
What he says is not against the law, everything he preaches is in the koran and therefore not illegal

His current predicament is because he over stepped the mark and was deemed to encourage people to commit acts of terrorism .....he slipped up legally......i think we all hoped he would.
Perversely i support his right to promote his crap about his religion even though i thoroughly think his ideas about sharia and islam are mental.

cunning fergus

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 18, 2009
a cultral practice, nothing to do with religion is it. i know we had some problems in our office with broken and messy toilets because some of the off shore trainee's didnt know how to use the toilet, they'd all be Hindu.

I don't think you can separate the two in some communities where the culture is dominated by strict observance of religious doctrine.

Polygamy, FGM, honour killings, face veils, misogyny, marrying your first cousin are a cultural practice in some parts of the world where its inhabitants are strictly religious.

I am not sure where shitting on the floor is connected to religious observance, however it's all happening here now..........isn't that fantastic, let's celebrate.


Jul 7, 2003
You don't half spout some crap to justify your views, by 1922 the British Empire held sway over about 458 million people, one-fifth of the world's population.

If you learned to read at school instead of sleeping you would understand what the word colonise means and how it differs from "Rule over"'

someone get this clown a dictionary.

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