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[Politics] Matt Hancock/Government Break the Law

Uncle C

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2004
Bishops Stortford
There were thousands of people dying because of the lack of PPE in this country. Are you people serious suggesting we should have gone through the normal procuring procedures. The EU did that with vaccine procurement and that ended well.


My Hair is like his hair
Jan 20, 2006
West...West.......WEST SUSSEX
There were thousands of people dying because of the lack of PPE in this country. Are you people serious suggesting we should have gone through the normal procuring procedures. The EU did that with vaccine procurement and that ended well.

Post 78 may give you a clue to if this government did not go through the normal procuring procedures for the right reasons.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2016
Some good points on this chat, Let’s be fair the govt reacted fast to get PPE and will have f**ked up somewhere but so will everyone else across the world ( I expect Labour would have done as bad a job - maybe just maybe might have locked down earlier) . But Cummings proved this govt had no scruples, Home Secretary is a bully but she didn’t resign, most of cabinet are supposedly not even in the Tories top 30-50 performers (the May loyalists and her cabinet is where the smart ones are/were), the choice of who is the weakest ‘wilderbeast’ in the pack of the cabinet makes Hancock safe. But there are no fit lions chasing the pack- media is doing zip all, Labour has no great players to challenge, can’t even name the liberal leaders name (and he could walk past most us in the street), at least the brexit farce managed to get hidden, the bloke in charge of keeping the union toge5her resigned after two weeks (no point spoiling his cv with that dead duck).

If we really want govt to do well for the better meant of all let’s start putting people with real expertise up for election - those that have done it, led, managed, strategised, negotiated, understand engineering, science and economics, struggled to put food on the table rather than a bunch of humanities graduates from well educated backgrounds who haven’t lived in the real world.... and £75k a year ain’t going to get you the people we need - so we have to pay the going rate not middle management rates (I can imagine the Daily Mail already)

Anyway in case you hadn’t noticed the Queen has her 35th great great great grandchild or something Phil the Greek is in hospital, Megan is up the duff and ...who cares Murdoch


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
There were thousands of people dying because of the lack of PPE in this country. Are you people serious suggesting we should have gone through the normal procuring procedures. The EU did that with vaccine procurement and that ended well.

Out of interest, what are the criteria for when we’re allowing politicians to break the law without repercussions?


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2007
Yet another all too ready to band words about like corrupt, withoput any sort of evidence to back it up. Unless you are using the last para as evidence of cirruption . .

A high court judge has ruled it unlawful and illegal... What more "Evidence" do you need?


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 1, 2009
Yes, but as I've stated elsewhere if you'd been following this thread, enquiries about whether contracts awarded were suitable will undoubtedly follow - and they may or may not find corruption (above and beyond the normal level of cronyism for any government). At the moment the headlines are basically clickbait, aimed to please the publisher's target group of readers.
We all await various enquiries with interest, some without excitedly jumping the gun - which may or may not ultimately be legally found to be loaded.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2015
Sittingbourne, Kent
Plenty of predictable bluster as expected, but no answer to the question, again as expected. For the record, B J has clearly made errors, and it would have been odd, if he had not, given the overwhelming nature of this hitherto unheard of situation. By the way, just for balance he is not alone -I follow the nightly German news and the same criticisms are voiced there, and doubtless elswhere. The Government have been initially slow, for sure, but it is equally true that we do not know the whole story, and the difficulties that have beeen faced; easy to moan, but far more difficult to balance all the many pressures on them. Lockdown and we hear perpetual moans about the economy; no lockdown and we hear perpetual moans about how the virus is preading out of control. How much of the blame could, for example be laid at the door of the scientists giving advice, afterall it is quite common to hear conflicting views from so-called experts.
As expected, you do not answer who "we" is, as you know full well that on this occasion, the government was quick to assure supplies, and we as a country have benefitted from that. But of course that is just too much for you to dare to admit, because your aim from the outset, is to find fault, even when there is no fault, because that is what you are determined on. In your determination, to see things one way, and fit all into your narrative, you are inevitably inconsistent -earlier in the year, it was all the Government's fault, you state, but now that good news is on the horizon, it is down to the NHS and the Military. Plus as ever the condescending jibe that millions of people are thick, because, shame on them, they do not share your correct views -the "your type" as you state. And you claim that my views are sad . At least this time you have not resorted to the usual foul-mouthed abuse, so progress is being made, albeit very slowly.

Can I just leave this here...

Click on the “deaths per 100,000” tab to see the real shame...

The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
There were thousands of people dying because of the lack of PPE in this country. Are you people serious suggesting we should have gone through the normal procuring procedures. The EU did that with vaccine procurement and that ended well.

Are you seriously suggesting that how they went about this is not remotely questionable?

In other news; my friend, The Prince of Abuja has $42m he needs transferring to the UK, do you think he could use your bank account?

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat

Deportivo Seagull

I should coco
Jul 22, 2003
Mid Sussex
Yes. It’s almost as if they were trying to do the right thing and act quickly, without using a time travel machine to see how it would pan out. How dare they. Imagine the absolute slating johnson would have got had the uk not secured millions of doses of the oxford caccine early doors. Or even if the vaccine was not approved, and he ‘wasted’ millions of taxpayer money. It was a gamble, it paid off. Hancocks evidently did not. Everything is easy with hindsight. We are in a pandemic, people panic, people trying to do the right thing may make a mistake. Maybe if some people took a step back and assessed the situation with a reasonable, unbiased mind....nope, forget it.

There’s panicking and then there’s giving a contract to your mate who owns a pub ....

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Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat

portlock seagull

Why? Why us?
Jul 28, 2003
There are no consequences for Politicians anymore. Shame and discredit has no currency attached. If anything it can be bought back. And as long as the nest is feathered.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Hardly widely !!! Barely seen anything on the news apart from a strapline. If this was Corbyn it would be blaring from all stations and papers!!!

Calm down comrade. It's been in all the quality newspapers as has Hancock's Landlord mate.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2014
There’s panicking and then there’s giving a contract to your mate who owns a pub ....

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Why would you think that him previously owning a pub is relevant but his actually owning a plastics business is not?

I still don't know what the issue is here, because no-one else seems to be interested. Is the issue that this man supplied inadequate or unsuitable or overpriced goods that should never have been ordered? Or is the issue that he is an acquaintance or friend of Hancock and therefore, even though he supplied goods at a fair price that were fit for purpose, the NHS would have been better off without those test tubes?

Or of course, the issue may be more basic than that and people may be suggesting that the government acted in too much of a hurry and should have pursued the normal, several months long, purchasing procedure. Was the government right to treat this pandemic as an emergency?

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