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[Albion] Leaving before the full time whistle


Put him in the curry
May 23, 2016
Mid west Wales
We live 261 miles away so leaving a home game early seems ridiculous to us but I get why people leave early in the hope they catch a train or first in the bus queue but I doubt very much I'd choose this if I lived in Brighton unless I had a really important engagement to make it home for,and that's the bit that really doesn't make sense,no way would thousands of fans have a must get home early excuse it's simply down to the hassle post match and not wanting to miss Dancing on Bake off.

There's absolutely nothing that can be done to stop the exodus whilst the game is still going on apart from better transport options post match, we've found if you wait until the match is over then have a snack and a coffee on the concourse then amble up to the Bus stops you then get the first buses that left returning and the wait is no more than 20 minutes at worst,I will say that I don't think there's many grounds where the fans don't leave early so it's not a problem unique to the Amex.

So what's the solutions ?

The club pay extra for more buses, that's if there's actually enough drivers willing to operate them.

The club pay Southern for more 12-9-8 car carriages from 12pm til 6pm on a match day.

How would this be paid for if possible at all ?

Tony Bloom,nah he's done enough already.

The very fans that leave early subsidised by those who stay until the end pay a £2 travel surcharge per ticket,yes the car drivers walkers and cyclists would be a bit miffed at that but I doubt very much they all stay behind either.

We are incredibly lucky to get the free travel on match day from the park and ride and the extensive train coverage so without scrapping that system I'd be interested to know how all fans would feel about paying a small travel surcharge to possibly improve the getaway post match.

Would you be willing to pay even if you didn't use the travel system? Because it would have to apply to all of the fans attending the match.

Tim Over Whelmed

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 24, 2007
Its all very well leaving early for whatever reason but surely the opportunity to indulge in an innocent bit of frottage as you leave the stadium with the rest of the crowd overrides any other consideration.
Frottage was removed as a right along with bottle tops, don't blame me e-mail PBOBE


Active member
Jul 27, 2008
New Milton
Not really interested in other people's point of view, why I choose to leave early. I have by reasons. If they want to stop and ask, then I will tell them why.....But living 2 hours away (New Forest) I have my reason, and being over 18 don't feel I need to justify my actions to anyone. But for those who are interested, those who use the P n R regular will know only too well why, those who travel up by train from Southampton and beyond will also know why.

Not everyone lives 30-40mins away, some have to plan well in advance for home games if they are guaranteed a space at Mill Hill PnR, and some have to play roulette with the trains.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
We live 261 miles away so leaving a home game early seems ridiculous to us but I get why people leave early in the hope they catch a train or first in the bus queue but I doubt very much I'd choose this if I lived in Brighton unless I had a really important engagement to make it home for,and that's the bit that really doesn't make sense,no way would thousands of fans have a must get home early excuse it's simply down to the hassle post match and not wanting to miss Dancing on Bake off.

There's absolutely nothing that can be done to stop the exodus whilst the game is still going on apart from better transport options post match, we've found if you wait until the match is over then have a snack and a coffee on the concourse then amble up to the Bus stops you then get the first buses that left returning and the wait is no more than 20 minutes at worst,I will say that I don't think there's many grounds where the fans don't leave early so it's not a problem unique to the Amex.

So what's the solutions ?

The club pay extra for more buses, that's if there's actually enough drivers willing to operate them.

The club pay Southern for more 12-9-8 car carriages from 12pm til 6pm on a match day.

How would this be paid for if possible at all ?

Tony Bloom,nah he's done enough already.

The very fans that leave early subsidised by those who stay until the end pay a £2 travel surcharge per ticket,yes the car drivers walkers and cyclists would be a bit miffed at that but I doubt very much they all stay behind either.

We are incredibly lucky to get the free travel on match day from the park and ride and the extensive train coverage so without scrapping that system I'd be interested to know how all fans would feel about paying a small travel surcharge to possibly improve the getaway post match.

Would you be willing to pay even if you didn't use the travel system? Because it would have to apply to all of the fans attending the match.
Great post and thanks for adding an actual potential solution.

Worth raising to the FAB to see if there is any possibility of increasing buses/carriages and what it would cost.

I would probably not use it that much, but would happily spend an additional £2 a ticket to stop this subject being an issue.

Nobby Cybergoat

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
"I'm within my rights as i've paid for my ticket", "i've got other things, I need to do", "I don't live next to Brighton Station", "the trains are unreliable ....."

Now all of the above can be quite true and quite justifiable individually.

But it doesn't change the fact that players coming round to clap a quarter full stadium at the final whistle just screams "We are tinpot" from the highest building imaginable.

So carry on doing what you do already, but I really don't think we have much defence when we're spoken to and treated in ways we don't want to be

Ooh it’s a corner

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2016
Nr. Coventry
As another recent poster suggested the thread has probably covered all it needs to but for what it’s worth:

Most home games for me involve a 24 hour trip of about 1000 miles and costing in excess of £100 per match. As I love going I arrive early and never leave early - BUT I did on Sunday! This was purely because of the line closure between Three Bridges and Brighton and my reticence in trusting the rail replacement bus service to replace it. Thus I left just before 90 mins in order to guarantee a high chance of getting the first train to Lewes - if I didn’t get it my flight was compromised which I couldn’t afford.

I hated leaving early - I was surprised quite how many others were also speeding away outside but hey ho we all had our reasons.

I hope I don’t have to leave early again - I prefer to have a drink with others after the match but on this occasion I couldn’t.

It is an individual decision what you do. I like to sing loudly in support - others are more reticent. People can’t be forced to stay, sing, cheer or whatever but every home fan who attends is hopefully there to support the team in the best way they can. I‘m just happy I now have the time and opportunity to do it as much as finances and family life allow - and what a time to be able to do so - lucky us!

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