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Jimmy Saville: Disgusting

Jul 24, 2003
Newbury, Berkshire.
Perhaps its not that different to the Catholic priest scandal? Many of those abused kids were only listened to and believed many years after the abuse took place, as the abusers were also very well respected pillars of the community.

Lets not forget a lot of these accusations date from the 70's, a very different world than today.

It's Gary Glitter and Jersey Care Homes all over again.

And definitely the culture in the 1970's was to sweep this kind of thing under the carpet and cover it up as much as possible - anyone who witnessed the attempts by the then Liberal leader Jeremy Thorpe to cover up the fact that he had relations with a male prostitue will know that people were prepared to do anything to avoid any whiff of a scandal and preserve their careers back then - and if they had access to influencing people in power then that's what they'd do - a few well chosen words in the ear of your local Chief Constable at the next Freemason's meeting could work wonders! That attitude only ever changed after Esther Rantzen started Childline in the late 1980's.


Sanity Clause
May 5, 2008
Amazing what you can find on the web. Thought this was interesting......

Apparently, this was actually recorded during the last series of "Have I Got
News For You" when Jimmy Saville was a guest on Paul Merton's team.
Incredibly, it didn't make our screens. (It seems that Mr. Merton doesn't
like Mr. Saville very much)

Out-take 3:09'36
During the headline round:
DEAYTON: You used to be a wrestler didn't you?
SAVILLE: I still am.
DEAYTON: Are you?
SAVILLE: I'm feared in every girls' school in the country.
(Audience laugh)
DEAYTON: Yeah, I've heard about that.
SAVILLE: What have you heard?
DEAYTON: I've...
MERTON: Something about a **** with a rancid, pus-filled cock.
(Huge audience laugh; Awkward pause)
SAVILLE: I advise you to wash your mouth out, my friend...
MERTON: That's what she had to do! (Audience laughs)
HISLOP: Weren't you leaving money in phone boxes or something?
(Saville glares at him) Or have I got completely the wrong end of the...
SAVILLE: (To Deayton, heavily) The question you asked was about wrestling.
DEAYTON: Yes. And then you mentioned girls' schools. I don't know whe...
SAVILLE: Well I understood this was a comedy programme. I realise now how wrong I was. (Audience laugh)
DEAYTON: So were you a professional wrestler?
SAVILLE: Yes I was.
DEAYTON: (To audience) Glad we got that cleared up.(Pulls face; audience giggles)
HISLOP: Feared by every girls' school in the country...
SAVILLE: That's right.
MERTON: Due to having a rancid, pus-filled cock.(Huge audience laugh)
HISLOP: You're on top form tonight, Paul...
SAVILLE: (Strangely) I'm...this is not what I...
FLOOR MANAGER: (OOV) OK, do you...(inaudible section)...shall we, for pick-ups...
MERTON: I'm terribly sorry. I don't know what came over me.
SAVILLE: A pus-filled cock, I imagine. (Shocked audience laugh)
MERTON: Oh, it's nice to see you joining in. We'd been waiting for you, you sad senile old shitter. (Audience appears to do double-take)
DEAYTON: I think we...d-d-you you want to apologise to our guest, Paul?
MERTON: Sorry, I do apologise. Sir senile old shitter, is what I meant to say.
(Audience laugh; pause) Sir senile old shitter...who fucks minors.
(Audience unrest)
HISLOP: Sorry, I'm just looking at our lawyer again. (Waves) Hello!
(Audience laughs)
DEAYTON: Shall we get back on course with this, or sha...
SAVILLE: I do f*** miners, that's quite correct. I have always done so. They can do the most wonderful things with cigars. The coal...
MERTON: What, they stick them up your senile, pus-filled arse?
(Audience laughs)
FLOOR MANAGER: (OOV): Come on...I'm getting an ear-bashing here. It's...
MERTON: Oh they want to continue. Sorry, I'll contain myself. Carry on...
DEAYTON: Right (Pause) You used to be a professional wrestler didn't you?
(Huge audience laugh)
SAVILLE: (Calmly) I did.
DEAYTON: You didn't have a nickname or anything?
SAVILLE: Yes - 'Loser'. (Audience laughs)
Out-take 4: 21'20
Following a discussion about caravans:
DEAYTON: Last month, Roger Moore sold his luxury caravan in Malta. Asked by the...
MERTON: I visited your caravan the other week, Jimmy.
SAVILLE: Did you really?
MERTON: Oh yes. Interesting what you can find, if you have a bit of a poke.
(Audience laugh)
HISLOP: He just told you, it was twelve years ago...
SAVILLE: No, I lived in it for twelve years.
MERTON: And f***ed twelve year olds. (Audience laugh)
DEAYTON: Here we go again...I'll be backstage if anyone wants me.
MERTON: (Indicating Saville) That's what you said to the kids on your show, wasn't it?
(Audience laugh)
SAVILLE: No, they never did want me.
HISLOP: Not even Sarah Cornley?
SAVILLE: She was an exception.
DEAYTON: Who's Sarah Cornley?
SAVILLE: Sarah Cornley is...
HISLOP: About fifteen grand in damages, wasn't she?
(Uncertain audience laugh)
SAVILLE: That's right.
HISLOP: So if I was going to mention that you threatened to break her arm if she said anything...
SAVILLE: You'd be very wrong. (Pause) I said I'd break both her arms.
(Audience unease)
MERTON: f***ing hell. I mean, you're just sitting there, all shell suit and cigar wearing those f***ing...I don't know what they are.
SAVILLE: Chrome-plated SC-700 sun-visors, these are. Sent to me by...
MERTON: We don't give a shit. Ladies and gentlemen, Sir James Saville OBE. Jim has fixed it for me to have my arms broken. Meet this depressing old f***ed up **** of a fucker on television who's riddled with cancer and f***ing pubic lice.
HISLOP: (To lawyer again) Hello! (Audience laughs)
MERTON: Christ, I mean ha ha, big f***ing joke - the f***ing lawyers are involved, tee hee. It doesn't change anything.
DEAYTON: (Visibly out of character) Do you wanna stop, or...?
MERTON: No I don't f***ing want to stop. It's all shit! You'll expect a comedy walkout in a minute, won't you? I mean, big bloody joke - I'm going to quote Shakespeare in a minute, how f***ing out of character. And Ian knows about football - oh my f***ing sides.
SAVILLE: You've never f***ed anyone in your life, boy.
MERTON: Oh f*** off...
FLOOR MANAGER: (OOV) ...About five minutes, just to...(Phil Davey enters)
PHIL DAVEY: OK, well top that as they say. You're looking troubled by that, aren't you mate? I tell you, I came back from Amsterdam recently...
DEAYTON: OK. Second time lucky. (Pause) Last month, Roger Moore sold his luxury caravan in Malta. Asked by the New York Times about his relaxed acting style...

I can see why they cut that, not very funny was it ?

I do have a little to add about Sir Jimmy, about 25 years ago a friend was trying to organize a large charity do in Worthing. She sounded out Sir Jimmy and was told he would do the opening ceremony and a bit of banter for £1,000 and being booked in to the best suite in The Grand in Brighton for the weekend.
She got someone else, slightly less famous, who was happy to give of their time for free.


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
It was an open secret in the television industry that Savile was a kiddy fiddler at least 15 years ago when my wife was working in television. I find it quite worrying that the BBC are even now not bothering to look into this, and the fact that these allegations are nowhere to be found on their news home page tells it's own story.


Don't wait for me!
Jan 19, 2010
Brighton - In your face
Amazing what you can find on the web. Thought this was interesting......

Apparently, this was actually recorded during the last series of "Have I Got
News For You" when Jimmy Saville was a guest on Paul Merton's team.
Incredibly, it didn't make our screens. (It seems that Mr. Merton doesn't
like Mr. Saville very much)

Out-take 3:09'36
During the headline round:
DEAYTON: You used to be a wrestler didn't you?
SAVILLE: I still am.
DEAYTON: Are you?
SAVILLE: I'm feared in every girls' school in the country.
(Audience laugh)
DEAYTON: Yeah, I've heard about that.
SAVILLE: What have you heard?
DEAYTON: I've...
MERTON: Something about a **** with a rancid, pus-filled cock.
(Huge audience laugh; Awkward pause)
SAVILLE: I advise you to wash your mouth out, my friend...
MERTON: That's what she had to do! (Audience laughs)
HISLOP: Weren't you leaving money in phone boxes or something?
(Saville glares at him) Or have I got completely the wrong end of the...
SAVILLE: (To Deayton, heavily) The question you asked was about wrestling.
DEAYTON: Yes. And then you mentioned girls' schools. I don't know whe...
SAVILLE: Well I understood this was a comedy programme. I realise now how wrong I was. (Audience laugh)
DEAYTON: So were you a professional wrestler?
SAVILLE: Yes I was.
DEAYTON: (To audience) Glad we got that cleared up.(Pulls face; audience giggles)
HISLOP: Feared by every girls' school in the country...
SAVILLE: That's right.
MERTON: Due to having a rancid, pus-filled cock.(Huge audience laugh)
HISLOP: You're on top form tonight, Paul...
SAVILLE: (Strangely) I'm...this is not what I...
FLOOR MANAGER: (OOV) OK, do you...(inaudible section)...shall we, for pick-ups...
MERTON: I'm terribly sorry. I don't know what came over me.
SAVILLE: A pus-filled cock, I imagine. (Shocked audience laugh)
MERTON: Oh, it's nice to see you joining in. We'd been waiting for you, you sad senile old shitter. (Audience appears to do double-take)
DEAYTON: I think we...d-d-you you want to apologise to our guest, Paul?
MERTON: Sorry, I do apologise. Sir senile old shitter, is what I meant to say.
(Audience laugh; pause) Sir senile old shitter...who fucks minors.
(Audience unrest)
HISLOP: Sorry, I'm just looking at our lawyer again. (Waves) Hello!
(Audience laughs)
DEAYTON: Shall we get back on course with this, or sha...
SAVILLE: I do f*** miners, that's quite correct. I have always done so. They can do the most wonderful things with cigars. The coal...
MERTON: What, they stick them up your senile, pus-filled arse?
(Audience laughs)
FLOOR MANAGER: (OOV): Come on...I'm getting an ear-bashing here. It's...
MERTON: Oh they want to continue. Sorry, I'll contain myself. Carry on...
DEAYTON: Right (Pause) You used to be a professional wrestler didn't you?
(Huge audience laugh)
SAVILLE: (Calmly) I did.
DEAYTON: You didn't have a nickname or anything?
SAVILLE: Yes - 'Loser'. (Audience laughs)
Out-take 4: 21'20
Following a discussion about caravans:
DEAYTON: Last month, Roger Moore sold his luxury caravan in Malta. Asked by the...
MERTON: I visited your caravan the other week, Jimmy.
SAVILLE: Did you really?
MERTON: Oh yes. Interesting what you can find, if you have a bit of a poke.
(Audience laugh)
HISLOP: He just told you, it was twelve years ago...
SAVILLE: No, I lived in it for twelve years.
MERTON: And f***ed twelve year olds. (Audience laugh)
DEAYTON: Here we go again...I'll be backstage if anyone wants me.
MERTON: (Indicating Saville) That's what you said to the kids on your show, wasn't it?
(Audience laugh)
SAVILLE: No, they never did want me.
HISLOP: Not even Sarah Cornley?
SAVILLE: She was an exception.
DEAYTON: Who's Sarah Cornley?
SAVILLE: Sarah Cornley is...
HISLOP: About fifteen grand in damages, wasn't she?
(Uncertain audience laugh)
SAVILLE: That's right.
HISLOP: So if I was going to mention that you threatened to break her arm if she said anything...
SAVILLE: You'd be very wrong. (Pause) I said I'd break both her arms.
(Audience unease)
MERTON: f***ing hell. I mean, you're just sitting there, all shell suit and cigar wearing those f***ing...I don't know what they are.
SAVILLE: Chrome-plated SC-700 sun-visors, these are. Sent to me by...
MERTON: We don't give a shit. Ladies and gentlemen, Sir James Saville OBE. Jim has fixed it for me to have my arms broken. Meet this depressing old f***ed up **** of a fucker on television who's riddled with cancer and f***ing pubic lice.
HISLOP: (To lawyer again) Hello! (Audience laughs)
MERTON: Christ, I mean ha ha, big f***ing joke - the f***ing lawyers are involved, tee hee. It doesn't change anything.
DEAYTON: (Visibly out of character) Do you wanna stop, or...?
MERTON: No I don't f***ing want to stop. It's all shit! You'll expect a comedy walkout in a minute, won't you? I mean, big bloody joke - I'm going to quote Shakespeare in a minute, how f***ing out of character. And Ian knows about football - oh my f***ing sides.
SAVILLE: You've never f***ed anyone in your life, boy.
MERTON: Oh f*** off...
FLOOR MANAGER: (OOV) ...About five minutes, just to...(Phil Davey enters)
PHIL DAVEY: OK, well top that as they say. You're looking troubled by that, aren't you mate? I tell you, I came back from Amsterdam recently...
DEAYTON: OK. Second time lucky. (Pause) Last month, Roger Moore sold his luxury caravan in Malta. Asked by the New York Times about his relaxed acting style...

I was in the audience. It didn't happen. What happened was Savile was an attention seeking twat being sexist to the makeup girl. A terrible episode to choose to go and see! Merton hated him but non of that dialogue happened.

Jul 24, 2003
Newbury, Berkshire.
Certainly in the 1970's, certain persons in the police would happily be persuaded that their careers could be enhanced if they were to 'ignore' scurrilous rumours, and not 'bother' certain high profile celebrities. It speaks volumes for the effect a salacious story in the News of The World would have on people, that they'd be prepared to go to any lengths to avoid matters entering the public domain. John Inman, Frankie Howerd, Kenneth Williams and Kenny Everett, who all had a 'family friendly' personae, probably managed to escape such stories, but what happened to Michael Barrymore just shows what kind of damage was possible from the fall-out if the tabloid press really wanted to hang, draw and quarter you.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
I was in the audience. It didn't happen. What happened was Savile was an attention seeking twat being sexist to the makeup girl. A terrible episode to choose to go and see! Merton hated him but non of that dialogue happened.

I understand the our country was backward in the 70s, but why the hell did these people (those in the know, not the victims) not do something about it. Disgraceful

The Antikythera Mechanism

The oldest known computer
NSC Patron
Aug 7, 2003
The world was a very different place in the 1970's, for example;

"In December 1972 the Wests carried out a sexual assault on 17-year-old Caroline Owens whom they had hired as a nanny. Caroline was very attractive, so much so that Rose and Fred competed with each other to seduce her. When Caroline told them she was leaving the couple abducted, stripped and raped her. Caroline escaped and reported the couple to the police. As a result the Wests were fined £25 each for serious sexual assault in January of 1973."

It would seem that the Judiciary didn't take these sort of crimes very seriously, at the time.

Jul 24, 2003
Newbury, Berkshire.

I understand the our country was backward in the 70s, but why the hell did these people (those in the know, not the victims) not do something about it. Disgraceful

The simple answer is that there were a lot of vested interests in keeping things quiet. If someone like Jimmy Saville got tarred and feathered, then BBC ratings would have nosedived, both TV and radio. Similarly if Kenny Everett has lost his reputation, then advertisers would have deserted ITV in droves. It was therefore in the broadcasters interests to keep schtum, and keep their stars 'Whiter than white'.

As far as the Govenment and the Police were concerned, they had far more pressing issues to worry about, IRA terrorism, H Blocks and dirty protests, Grunwick strikers, Football hooliganism, National Front marches, Cod Wars with Iceland, developing North Sea Oil Fields, Notting Hill Carnival and Brixton Riots, people like Idi Amin sending every Ugandan Asian to GB, Rhodesia and the rise of Robert Mugabe/ZANU PF, Iranian Embassy seiges, Colonel Gadaafi, the Bader Meinhof gang, the overthrow of he Shah of Iran, CND, the Kray twins and Yorkshire Rippers.
Last edited:


Jul 13, 2005
South Wales (im not welsh !!)

I understand the our country was backward in the 70s, but why the hell did these people (those in the know, not the victims) not do something about it. Disgraceful

My good lady wife and myself were having exactly the same conversation this very morning, you would have thought that as he was so extremely high profile, someone somewhere would have said something.......quite strange.

I appreciate some will say it was probably because he WAS so high profile no one said anything, but even in those strange days of the 70s people still spoke up, if for no other reason than to make a few quid / get their 15 minutes of fame.


Jul 13, 2005
South Wales (im not welsh !!)
The simple answer is that there were a lot of vested interests in keeping things quiet. If someone like Jimmy Saville got tarred and feathered, then BBC ratings would have nosedived, both TV and radio. Similarly if Kenny Everett has lost his reputation, then advertisers would have deserted ITV in droves. It was therefore in the broadcasters interests to keep schtum, and keep their stars 'Whiter than white'.

I can understand the BBC and the broadcasters etc keeping quiet, but many others would have known I'm sure, thats assuming all this holds any truth of course.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Similarly if Kenny Everett has lost his reputation, then advertisers would have deserted ITV in droves.
Firstly, we're not trying to link King Kenny (the real one) with Jimmy are we?

ITV depended on advertisers, the BBC didn't. The BBC could easily handle the scandal, but I guess some influential individuals didn't want it.


Jul 21, 2003
Perhaps its not that different to the Catholic priest scandal? Many of those abused kids were only listened to and believed many years after the abuse took place, as the abusers were also very well respected pillars of the community.

Lets not forget a lot of these accusations date from the 70's, a very different world than today.

Not forgetting Celtic Boys Club.

Jul 24, 2003
Newbury, Berkshire.
I can understand the BBC and the broadcasters etc keeping quiet, but many others would have known I'm sure, thats assuming all this holds any truth of course.

But the fact remains that unless there's evidence to back up this knowledge, there's nothing more than a rumour or hearsay. And unless the victims make a complaint, there isn't any evidence. Even if they had complained, they'd have been considered by the authorities, given their age, as being ureliable and prone to making things up, probably because they were 'starstruck'. The fact was that in the '70's, 'Adults knew best', and woe betide anybody who decided to challenge that. If you did, you'd be accused, at best, of being a troublemaker. At worst, the person you were accusing had the power to make your life even worse than it already was.

People like David Cassidy, the Bay City Rollers and Michael Jackson were all subsequently found out to have substance addictions of one form or another, but we never knew anything of that at the time - they were being marketed as being whiter than white (well maybe not MJ but you get the idea), and someone like Jimmy Saville, much like Princess Diana for example, was idolised by the general public for their public good works. The fact that they might have any dirty secrets to hide would have been considered unthinkable at the time. You could have said the same, at that time, about people like Rock Hudson and Leonard Bernstein, the iceskater John Currie, Alan Freeman, or even Justin Fashanu. What the 1970's public wanted was macho heroes like Roger Moore and James Hunt, so anyone who needed the public for their success (like a radio DJ) would not want to court controversy.

The instant there was even a whiff of scandal about a celebrity they new their career would be finished. Witness Pete Townsend a few years back.........


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
My good lady wife and myself were having exactly the same conversation this very morning, you would have thought that as he was so extremely high profile, someone somewhere would have said something.......quite strange.

I appreciate some will say it was probably because he WAS so high profile no one said anything, but even in those strange days of the 70s people still spoke up, if for no other reason than to make a few quid / get their 15 minutes of fame.

Taken from one of the BBC pieces on it yesterday:

One woman named Fiona, who was 14 at the time, said she was one of several girls from her school who were invited to ride in the presenter's Rolls-Royce.

"I knew the moment he asked me to stay in the car with him, I knew what was expected of me. Because I was having this wonderful day out and I was expected to pay for it. And that's what I did.

"I now know it was wrong and I can still get very angry about it, but nobody believed me then, so I don't expect anybody to believe me now if I'm honest."

User removed 4

New member
May 9, 2008
Haywards Heath
But the fact remains that unless there's evidence to back up this knowledge, there's nothing more than a rumour or hearsay. And unless the victims make a complaint, there isn't any evidence. Even if they had complained, they'd have been considered by the authorities, given their age, as being ureliable and prone to making things up, probably because they were 'starstruck'. The fact was that in the '70's, 'Adults knew best', and woe betide anybody who decided to challenge that. If you did, you'd be accused, at best, of being a troublemaker. At worst, the person you were accusing had the power to make your life even worse than it already was.

People like David Cassidy, the Bay City Rollers and Michael Jackson were all subsequently found out to have substance addictions of one form or another, but we never knew anything of that at the time - they were being marketed as being whiter than white (well maybe not MJ but you get the idea), and someone like Jimmy Saville, much like Princess Diana for example, was idolised by the general public for their public good works. The fact that they might have any dirty secrets to hide would have been considered unthinkable at the time. You could have said the same, at that time, about people like Rock Hudson and Leonard Bernstein, the iceskater John Currie, Alan Freeman, or even Justin Fashanu. What the 1970's public wanted was macho heroes like Roger Moore and James Hunt, so anyone who needed the public for their success (like a radio DJ) would not want to court controversy.

The instant there was even a whiff of scandal about a celebrity they new their career would be finished. Witness Pete Townsend a few years back.........

Is that the pete townsend who played at the olympics closing ceremony ? Disgraceful in my opinion , he is a wrongun, who was on the sex offenders register .

Jul 24, 2003
Newbury, Berkshire.
Firstly, we're not trying to link King Kenny (the real one) with Jimmy are we?

ITV depended on advertisers, the BBC didn't. The BBC could easily handle the scandal, but I guess some influential individuals didn't want it.

No, but the BBC needed the ratings to keep the licence fee. If someone was definitely found to have transgressed, it would not have been a public hanging out to dry, but a quiet word with your representatives that 'we think you'd be better off taking a break'. That would apply to anyone who had suffered from a drug problem (Peter Duncan on Blue Peter), coming out of the closet (Wilfred Bramble) or drink (Mike Yarwood).

The only real difference is that these days, people with these problems tend to get 'forgiven' and, like Richard Bacon, provided they apologise, a chance to get their old job back. In the 1970's there was no liklihood of that happening - just a Simon Dee style exile from the media.
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Jul 24, 2003
Newbury, Berkshire.
Firstly, we're not trying to link King Kenny (the real one) with Jimmy are we?

ITV depended on advertisers, the BBC didn't. The BBC could easily handle the scandal, but I guess some influential individuals didn't want it.

I'm pointing out the fact that had Kenny Everett come out as openly gay in the 1970's his career would have been finished before it had even started.........


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Meopham, Kent.
I was in the audience. It didn't happen. What happened was Savile was an attention seeking twat being sexist to the makeup girl. A terrible episode to choose to go and see! Merton hated him but non of that dialogue happened.

I'm not surprised, as that was just getting too much. The industry may well have looked to hush this up, but an audience would have had no such mis-placed loyalty to Jimmy, and if Merton was so angry about it, why had it all stayed quiet.

I actually searched for where this story was on the internet, and the address gives a clue ....

Whoever, Roger B is, this is in his "jokes" section.

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