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[Football] How to fix VAR ?

Sid and the Sharknados

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 4, 2022
You are either over the line or you are not.

You can't have it both ways.
It would be entirely sensible and reasonable to say that, having been originally judged one side of the line or the other, you're close enough that it doesn't matter.
What is a reasonable margin of error for an astronomer is not a reasonable margin of error for a snooker player. Etc. Etc.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
I think those of us suggesting VAR is binned are well aware that the thread title is how to fix VAR.
However when it's obvious that a hugely necessary part of any fix is humans and their fallibility then there's no way it can be fixed.
It can be fiddled with year on year but it will never be fixed.
Since VAR has been introduced interpretations have been changed to fit around it, and not the other way round as it should have been and certainly not always for the better.
The game we all love has been tinkered with to allow VAR to fit in and if we're not careful VAR will necessitate it's tinkered into something else. It's already stuffed up celebrations, the best and most emotion inducing part of the game.
Until technology can enable full automation and do away with the human factor then let's scrap it and go back to onanistic bald refs with dodgy eyesight.

And all those on this thread with the oh so certain opinion that VAR isn't going to be binned, unless you've a hot line to the FA of whoever has the decision then your guess it's just as good as mine.

Shropshire Seagull

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
Technology generally does not make things better.
Could not disagree more ....

Air traffic control without IT cannot run at the capacity of the old manual process.
GPS [maps & lighthouses are better?]
Contactless payments [cash / cheques are better]
WiFi in your home [could you go back to not having it?]
Mobile phones ....

I could go on [and on] but hopefully you've seen enough to change your mind.

5Ways Gull

È quello che è
Feb 2, 2009
Fiveways, Brighton
Amazing how it seems to work OK in both cricket and rugby but is a shitstorm in football?
For me the 2 most effective review systems in sport are Cricket and Tennis. The common link is it's incumbent on the contestants to decide what should be reviewed. I think football should go down a similar route, give each team 3 reviews, limited to goals, penalties and straight red cards. As in the other 2 sports an incorrect call means that team loses one review, correct review they keep it.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2004
VAR has runied football for me. To the extent that I am considering not bothering anymore.

The reason I love(d) football is that amazing 5 or 10 seconds when we score. The unbridled joy of being amongst like minded people - the feeling you can't describe to non football fans..

That's been taken away. I find myself sitting, arms crossed, when we score now - waiting to see if I'm allowed to celebrate.

Not for me.
Nicely summed up. I'd never stop going but that loss of the mental moment when we score is a real issue


Well-known member
May 3, 2012
For me the 2 most effective review systems in sport are Cricket and Tennis. The common link is it's incumbent on the contestants to decide what should be reviewed. I think football should go down a similar route, give each team 3 reviews, limited to goals, penalties and straight red cards. As in the other 2 sports an incorrect call means that team loses one review, correct review they keep it.
Given the paucity of goals and penalties in most games - would this not just mean much the same as now. Every goal where there is any doubt whatsoever would be challenged, along with every penalty. I guess things like MacAllister's 'handball' at Spurs would have stood, as no-one on the field (or anywhere else) thought it was an issue.

And in cricket it's not quite the case that it's incumbent on the contestants. Every wicket is checked to see if it was off a no-ball without anyone having to ask for a review - bit like offsides in football I guess. I think whether catches carried or not are also reviewed without an appeal? And hawk-eye in tennis is automated as well.

Albion my Albion

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 6, 2016
Indiana, USA
For me the 2 most effective review systems in sport are Cricket and Tennis. The common link is it's incumbent on the contestants to decide what should be reviewed. I think football should go down a similar route, give each team 3 reviews, limited to goals, penalties and straight red cards. As in the other 2 sports an incorrect call means that team loses one review, correct review they keep it.

Have you seen the NFL's red flags (handkerchiefs) that they throw on to the field so the referees know that the team wants the play reviewed by the head referee. It must be done before the next snap of the ball (hike of the ball) so the decision is decided before another play is run.


“Vorsprung durch Technik”
NSC Patron
Oct 20, 2022
Take a sledgehammer to it 🙁


Feb 8, 2011
Play to the whistle and VAR will only speak to the ref if there is somethingajorly missed.

There will always be (even either VAR) decisions open to interpretation like fouls, hand balls, were they interfering with play etc.

Referees are then held to account and responsible to ref the game properly. Dives, off the ball incidents and awful ref calls are then overturned but the penalties that are looked at for 5 minutes should just go with on field decision and not re-referee the game

5Ways Gull

È quello che è
Feb 2, 2009
Fiveways, Brighton
Have you seen the NFL's red flags (handkerchiefs) that they throw on to the field so the referees know that the team wants the play reviewed by the head referee. It must be done before the next snap of the ball (hike of the ball) so the decision is decided before another play is run.
Must admit haven't followed the NFL for a while. When I did I thought the "flags" were a dull yellow, bit like duster.


Jul 5, 2003
Ban players for diving
Challenge system, 1 per game otherwise no VAR involvement outside of offices


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2011
Leyton, E10.
The decisions today from the Chelsea pen to the end of the game were insulting to Brighton and any reasonable fan.

How on earth was the official called to the monitor to look at that, when it quite clearly hit him on the head. And then give a drop ball.

Whole thing stinks.

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