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[Football] Flares and banger

portslade seagull

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2003
I see the Palace schoolboys still managed to smuggle in their flares and Bangor.
Poor old boys next to me jumped when they let that thing off woke them both up
Wonder if the stewards did anything

Feb 23, 2009
Brighton factually.....
I see the Palace schoolboys still managed to smuggle in their flares and Bangor.
Poor old boys next to me jumped when they let that thing off woke them both up
Wonder if the stewards did anything
Don't waste time wondering....

You already know the answer to that question.

Official Old Man

Uckfield Seagull
Aug 27, 2011
What annoys me more than anything else about this is that prior to getting to my Upper East seat I was searched (pat down), then the magic wand whisked over me and finally asked to remove my hat. I carry a Lipsil which is about the size of a small flare, but never asked what it is. Does anyone carry an inhaler which is a lot larger and if so do you get asked what it is?

At away games it's just as bad. Leeds had 2 dogs checking everyone. So how did they manage to get these fireworks into the Amex?
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for security at any large event and the last thing we need is some idiot with a bomb. So if there are dogs looking for explosives, why did the dogs not find them?

Horses Arse

Well-known member
Jun 25, 2004
here and there
What annoys me more than anything else about this is that prior to getting to my Upper East seat I was searched (pat down), then the magic wand whisked over me and finally asked to remove my hat. I carry a Lipsil which is about the size of a small flare, but never asked what it is.
At away games it's just as bad. Leeds had 2 dogs checking everyone. So how did they manage to get these fireworks into the Amex?
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for security at any large event and the last thing we need is some idiot with a bomb. So if there are dogs looking for explosives, why did the dogs not find them?
The stench, it overcame the poor dogs senses.

What worried me more is how those chavy pricks managed to nick the power cables to the ground. Or was that the bang?

Hugo Rune

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 23, 2012
The banger went off just as we were mounting a really threatening attack, which as a result, faltered. Tactical bang from the t w a t s.


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2008
That bang also killed the singing from the away section. Must have shocked them all.

Also, how loud those things are, you could easily damage your hearing if nearby. I’m sure the perpetrators would have needed to cover their ears but with no care for other fans near.

Lady Whistledown

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
That bang also killed the singing from the away section. Must have shocked them all.

Also, how loud those things are, you could easily damage your hearing if nearby. I’m sure the perpetrators would have needed to cover their ears but with no care for other fans near.
There was singing from the away section?


Staring at the rude boys
May 23, 2009
What annoys me more than anything else about this is that prior to getting to my Upper East seat I was searched (pat down), then the magic wand whisked over me and finally asked to remove my hat. I carry a Lipsil which is about the size of a small flare, but never asked what it is. Does anyone carry an inhaler which is a lot larger and if so do you get asked what it is?
I went in East Upper and was asked to remove my hat but no search, which surprised me (I'd left my penknife at home but still had my torch).


Plastic JCL
Sep 14, 2016
Really crap smoke bombs from them, seen bigger plumes from someone vaping.

Second half the area that the smoke bombs were coming from had a LOT of police attention.


Not awoke
Feb 3, 2008
Don’t they look so menacing 🤦‍♂️

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2008
With the 2 flags & a couple of smoke bombs/bangers they really do look pathetic when you compare to the ultras of Italian teams which they so obviously liken themselves too

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