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[Technology] Alexa


Mar 13, 2013
Probably, like all AI, plotting to send a small army of heavily armed hoovers and white goods to murder us in the night.
When it happens the rise of the fridges will involve them turning up the heat in the night, so your food will be riddled with bacteria and the like, causing severe food poisoning.....that's how they'll get you....keep it under your tin hat though, SHE'S LISTENING!

Nobby Cybergoat

Well-known member
Jul 19, 2021
When it happens the rise of the fridges will involve them turning up the heat in the night, so your food will be riddled with bacteria and the like, causing severe food poisoning.....that's how they'll get you....keep it under your tin hat though, SHE'S LISTENING!
She's always listening

And not content with her murderous intentions, she also providing detailed data to high level officials in the Chinese Communist party about my appalling taste in music and my continued insistence she making moaning sounds

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