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[News] Alastair Campbell expelled.

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
So Blair had no knowledge of the sexing up of the "facts". Is that really what you are claiming?

Where is your sense of justice for the people who are really affected.

If we cannot hold our own leaders to account for bad behaviour we are morally bankrupt and we should not be surprised when extremists seek justice for themselves.

Give it a rest.

TB cocked this up but there was no need to exaggerate the evidence - the gulf war was just and justified. What would have been immoral would have been to allow Saddam to contunue taking the piss, to continue paying Blix for shrugging his shoulders as he had done for years, and to have sat back and let the Americans go it alone. Colin Powell said it as it was in that long press conference that I sat through, originally skeptical. He gave it chapter and verse. End of debate.

Meanwhile, TB would have been destroyed by the media if he had gone all CND, peacenik, no aggression and tata America after that. And whichever clown was leading the tories at the time (Duncan Smith?) would have become PM and immediately climbed into bed with the Americans. TB did exaggerate the evidence and this was needless and dishonest. Likewise he cocked up the 'state money for all religious schools' bollocks (the reason I resigned from the party). But, **** me, compared with the shit shower we have now, in Labour, and in the Tory party, TB and Campbell strode like giants.

The hard left narrative is that Israel is the real enemy, that Isis formed only in retaliation to our meddling, and that if only we had stayed friends with Saddam, like George Galloway wanted (saluting his indefatigability) there would never have been any trouble in the middle east. That is the biggest load of old bollocks imaginable. Naive, moronic, and guaranteed to drive people like me into the arms of another party. Liberals for now.


Active member
Feb 22, 2019
It's just a ploy to detract from the EHRC investigation. Labour take eons to find someone guilty of being anti semitic then once guilty, readmit them to the party shortly after. Took them 48 hours to expel Campbell

Labour is in as much self destruct mode as the Tories!

Who did they readmit after finding them guilty of anti-semitism?


New member
Jan 27, 2019
Pretty street wise and intelligent to help mastermind three GE victories, getting parts of the normally Tory press on board.

Not so difficult, when the Tories imploded after 18 years, only to be replaced by a Libdem-Tory-Light version of Nu lab. Many on the left despise Blair and his thrall to globalism, his absolute acceptance of 'there has to be losers', "you know.....ho hum, what ever can we do for 'the left behind?'
The "left behind", like he was talking about something the dustmen missed, and not human beings, their potential, their children's lives.
He could have done anything - but he built the Millenium Dome, then flogged it cheap after spending a Billion.
Then there was Iraq..........


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
Give it a rest.

TB cocked this up but there was no need to exaggerate the evidence - the gulf war was jusr and justified. What would have been immoral would have been to allow Saddam to contunue taking the piss, to continue paying Blix for shrugging his shoulders as he had done for years, and to have sat back and let the Americans go it alone. Colin Powell said it as it was in that long press conference that I sat through, originally skeptical. He gave it chapter and verse. End of debate.

Meanwhile, TB would have been destroyed by the media if he had gone all CND, peacenik, no aggression and tata America after that. And whichever clown was leading the tories at the time (Duncan Smith?) would have become PM and immediately climbed into bed with the Americans. TB did exaggerate the evidence and this was needless and dishonest. Likewise he cocked up the 'state money for all religious schools' bollocks (the reason I resigned from the party). But, **** me, compared with the shit shower we have now, in Labour, and in the Tory party, TB and Campbell strode like giants.

The hard left narrative is that Israel is the real enemy, that Isis formed only in retaliation to our meddling, and that if only we had stayed friends with Saddam, like George Galloway wanted (saluting his indefatigability) there would never have been any trouble in the middle east. That is the biggest load of old bollocks imaginable. Naive, moronic, and guaranteed to drive people like me into the arms of another party. Liberals for now.

So many in this thread, including of the left, writing off TB and AC as evil, as well as the government of 1997 to 2007.

Crikey, in hindsight compared to now (a split nation, Corbyn, no deal Brexit in the offing), that was relative paradise, as good as it gets. Imperfect, but stable, economic growth, with hope.


Active member
Feb 22, 2019
Upset the Gestapo who run Labour these days, I should imagine. Moderate people are not welcome inside Labour these days, so her brand of Brexit extremism is perfectly acceptable.

What you mean like the suspension by the left wing gestapo of that well known "moderate" and one of Corbyn`s leading supporters Chris Williamson, and the expulsion of those well known moderates Jaqui Walker and Marc Wadsworth?

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
And another thing. How many times has Corbyn voted against labour? Against labour party policy in the commons? The answer is a record number of times for a labour MP.

To chuck anyone out, whether they be Campbell, Kier Starmer, Kier Hardy or Ken Leninspart for one tactical vote is pathetic, obviously motivated by malice and prejudice, and exactly what I'd expect the gormless, thick, hopeless, prejuced unelectable moronic disgrace that Corbyn is to do.

I look forward to his demise, and a change in the labour constitution to ensure that hopeless morons don't ever get to take over the party again.

I was prepared to give him a bit of time when he became leader., he has done nothing but disgrace himself, drag this great party down, and leave the weakest and most hopeless version of the tories ever to carry on ****ing the country over. Only to be replaced (quite possibly) by a one issue party lead by a frog faced nazi-****ing chancer called Nigel.

Jeremy Corbyn, all this is all your fault. For pity's sake, resign.


Oct 3, 2006
Burgess Hill
Not so difficult, when the Tories imploded after 18 years, only to be replaced by a Libdem-Tory-Light version of Nu lab. Many on the left despise Blair and his thrall to globalism, his absolute acceptance of 'there has to be losers', "you know.....ho hum, what ever can we do for 'the left behind?'
The "left behind", like he was talking about something the dustmen missed, and not human beings, their potential, their children's lives.
He could have done anything - but he built the Millenium Dome, then flogged it cheap after spending a Billion.
Then there was Iraq..........

Who exactly were the left behind?

Have you also considered the fact that whilst they were light on the left wing bias, they remain the only labour leaders to have ousted the tories in a general election since Wilson in 74!!!
Just to clear that up for you, thats 45 years ago.


Active member
Feb 22, 2019
You do realise that the Greens are to the left of labour politically and I very much doubt that people with the views like Campell would be in favour of their policies on NATO etc, e.g.

"The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is a military-oriented body, which imposes conflict cessation rather than encouraging peace building. As such, it is not a sustainable mechanism for maintaining peace in the world. In the long term, we would take the UK out of NATO. We would also end the so-called "special relationship" between the UK and the US"

also "PD302 On inspection, there is little or no threat of direct invasion of the UK by any nation. Commitment to a large standing army, a navy of large warships around our coastline, squadrons of fighter planes and a cripplingly expensive missile defence system is therefore unnecessary. Any threat of invasion that might arise in the future is so remote that realignment of the UK military and defence preparations would be possible long before any invasion occurred."

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Not so difficult, when the Tories imploded after 18 years, only to be replaced by a Libdem-Tory-Light version of Nu lab. Many on the left despise Blair and his thrall to globalism, his absolute acceptance of 'there has to be losers', "you know.....ho hum, what ever can we do for 'the left behind?'
The "left behind", like he was talking about something the dustmen missed, and not human beings, their potential, their children's lives.
He could have done anything - but he built the Millenium Dome, then flogged it cheap after spending a Billion.
Then there was Iraq..........

(Takes out small onion) Ah yes, the left behind. It was so much better in the 60s and 70s. Every rosy cheeked child had an apple a day, and every man worked a solid 37 and a half hour week in dignity, while every working class kiddy went off to university (mostly Oxbridge) and then on to a bright and comfortable future.

Utter arsedribble. Life was shit. My family lived hand to mouth in the 50s, 60s and 70s. My parents were in thrall to the middle class. We knew our place. We ate shit food. We had a bath once a week whether we needed one or not.

Mr Tony and his chums transformed the UK. Dignity, compromise, collaboration.

The left behind. The 'talking out of your behind' more like.

Still, no compromise with the electorate, comerade, eh?


Active member
Feb 22, 2019
Labour don't want the centre-left or moderates.

They'll never win an election under Corbyn, thank God. And I say that as a life-long Labour voter. I'm siding with the Lib Dems atm,

Fair enough thats probably your natural home and the rest of the blairite cult. You can now let the rest of the labour party membership be democratic socialists as outlined in the Labour Party consitition


Active member
Feb 22, 2019
It is actually the opposite.

Whenever Labour has a move to the left, it is the centre-left who cannot compromise their views, so flounce off to start the SDP, or Change UK or whatever else. Those who believe in the left, didn't jump ship when Blair revoked article 4, or took Labour down a path of soft-Toryism, they stayed with the party made their displeasure known with rebel votes and the such, but stayed loyal.

So we have a Labour that wants to embark on left of centre-left politics, and that's all it is, and it's hissy fits all round. Campbell has been an agitator since Corbyn was elected leader.

The problem isn't labour not wanting the centre-left, the problem is the centre-left don't want to go to bed without their safety blanket of the centre ground.

Here Here. My only quibble would your definition of centre left. Since Thatcher the Overton window has shifted so far to the right that what was previosly regarded as soft left - the sort of policies advocated by Corbyn et al - are now regarded in some quarters as "hard left".


New member
Jan 27, 2019
Who exactly were the left behind?

Have you also considered the fact that whilst they were light on the left wing bias, they remain the only labour leaders to have ousted the tories in a general election since Wilson in 74!!!
Just to clear that up for you, thats 45 years ago.

Heard of food banks?....Homelessness.....been to Waitrose recently?.....did your guide-dog bite anyone living by the front door, perchance?


New member
Jan 27, 2019
It's a bold move by an ailing party leadership to decide now is the time to turn against an erudite individual with a list of media contacts as long as your arm...

There is nothing erudite about Campbell.


Nov 2, 2009
Brighton / Hove actually
Differentiating between those killed by the coalition forces and those killed through internal fighting, eg shia against sunnis. Or do you think all the car bombs whilst the forces were there were by us?

Don't play the idiot. The 150,000 deaths in Iraq that the Chilcot report states is direct result of our invasion starting a sectarian war. If you cannot accept the report it says more about the way you like to argue. Just for the sake of.


New member
Jan 27, 2019
(Takes out small onion) Ah yes, the left behind. It was so much better in the 60s and 70s. Every rosy cheeked child had an apple a day, and every man worked a solid 37 and a half hour week in dignity, while every working class kiddy went off to university (mostly Oxbridge) and then on to a bright and comfortable future.

Utter arsedribble. Life was shit. My family lived hand to mouth in the 50s, 60s and 70s. My parents were in thrall to the middle class. We knew our place. We ate shit food. We had a bath once a week whether we needed one or not.

Mr Tony and his chums transformed the UK. Dignity, compromise, collaboration.

The left behind. The 'talking out of your behind' more like.

Still, no compromise with the electorate, comerade, eh?

Aw, is little timmy still smarting because he was put to bed in shitty pants?

There was a great film in the sixties which sums certain sorts up - 'I'm alright Jack.'

Plus ça change.


Nov 2, 2009
Brighton / Hove actually
Give it a rest.

TB cocked this up but there was no need to exaggerate the evidence - the gulf war was just and justified. What would have been immoral would have been to allow Saddam to contunue taking the piss, to continue paying Blix for shrugging his shoulders as he had done for years, and to have sat back and let the Americans go it alone. Colin Powell said it as it was in that long press conference that I sat through, originally skeptical. He gave it chapter and verse. End of debate.

Meanwhile, TB would have been destroyed by the media if he had gone all CND, peacenik, no aggression and tata America after that. And whichever clown was leading the tories at the time (Duncan Smith?) would have become PM and immediately climbed into bed with the Americans. TB did exaggerate the evidence and this was needless and dishonest. Likewise he cocked up the 'state money for all religious schools' bollocks (the reason I resigned from the party). But, **** me, compared with the shit shower we have now, in Labour, and in the Tory party, TB and Campbell strode like giants.

The hard left narrative is that Israel is the real enemy, that Isis formed only in retaliation to our meddling, and that if only we had stayed friends with Saddam, like George Galloway wanted (saluting his indefatigability) there would never have been any trouble in the middle east. That is the biggest load of old bollocks imaginable. Naive, moronic, and guaranteed to drive people like me into the arms of another party. Liberals for now.

Don't be an idiot.

We had only just gone into Afghanistan on a justified basis and then couldn't wait to start a war on a second front stretching our military and resources beyond what we could cope with based on deception, before we finished in Afghanistan and made out time in there longer.

Nope the Gulf war was never justified.

The rest of what you are waffling about is just bollocks.TB would have been destroyed by the media for going all CND? WTF? NATO bombed Serbia when Blair was PM. Your last paragraph isn't even worth a reply.

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