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A world without America


Mar 3, 2007
Gully said:
as do Palestinians
You don't have a clue about the things you are talking about!

Poll: Most Palestinians back Hizbullah

Joint survey by Israeli, Palestinian institutes finds that over 60 percent of Palestinians think Gaza, West Bank terror groups should imitate Hizbullah tactics and bombard Israeli towns. Full article inside

Al-Zahar wants 'Palestine from river to sea'

Palestinian foreign minister, Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar tells officials ministry's policy should be to establish Palestinian state in place of Israel, says Jewish State must not be recognized Full article inside

Haniyeh: We're Shahids, not ministers

At mass rally in Gaza marking 19 years since founding of Hamas, Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh states that he and his colleagues chose to sacrifice lives for Allah Full article inside

And the Christian Arabs suffer:

There are reports of religious persecution, in the form of murders, beatings and land grabs...The sense of a creeping Islamic fundamentalism is all around in Bethlehem.

A mosque on one side of Manger Square stands directly opposite the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches, while in the evening the muezzin's call to prayer clashes with the peal of church bells.

Shops selling Santa Claus outfits and mother-of-pearl statuettes of the Virgin Mary have their shutters painted a sun-bleached green, the colour of Islam...And in the Al-Jacir Palace, Bethlehem's only luxury hotel, there is a baubled Christmas tree in reception and a card showing the direction of Mecca in the rooms.

George Rabie, a 22-year-old taxi driver from the Bethlehem suburb of Beit Jala, is proud of his Christianity, even though it puts him in daily danger.

Two months ago, he was beaten up by a gang of Muslims who were visiting Bethlehem from nearby Hebron and who had spotted the crucifix hanging on his windscreen.

"Every day, I experience discrimination," he says. " "It is a type of racism. We are a minority so we are an easier target. Many extremists from the villages are coming into Bethlehem."

Jeriez Moussa Amaro, a 27-year-old aluminium craftsman from Beit Jala is another with first-hand experience of the appalling violence that Christians face.

Five years ago, his two sisters, Rada, 24, and Dunya, 18, were shot dead by Muslim gunmen in their own home. Full article inside

Bethlehem Christians fear neighbors

A number of Christian families have finally decided to break their silence and talk openly about what they describe as Muslim persecution of the Christian minority in this city. Full article inside

Palestinian area churches attacked

Palestinians wielding guns, firebombs attack five churches in West Bank and Gaza following remarks by Pope Benedict XVI; no injuries reported. Islamic merchant: Palestinians must not fight among themselves

Greek Orthodox church in Nablus (Photo: AP)

Full article inside

So Gully, who's the racist now?


New member
Jan 3, 2007
You are .

Buba, serious question.

Why do you feel the need to keep hammering your point? If you really have come here to be part of NSC why don't you post something else?

Buba said:
I think that the video "A world without America" is very wrong.

America helped many countries. America helped UK twice in the world wars, America saved UK from destruction.

America also saved the British iron industry by donating 250 million pounds to Britain.

I think that there are sone British who should change their negative attitude toward America.

Having LIVED THERE for 25 years Buba, I can't disagree with those few 'bytes' of information. They are our allies, and we are theirs, and although they sometimes speak ill of the British, and sometimes we of them, we stand for many of the same things.
It's a great country, with great diversity, and still coming to terms with these factors. If some of the leaders would HELP instead of being DIVISIVE and greedy, and encouraging UNDERSTANDING internationally instead of coming out with OPPOSITE remarks and actions - then things could run a lot smoother for everybody, and that includes Israel's leaders too. Sadly, the best chance ever had for Israel was Itzak Rabin - a true hero murdered by his own kind. :down:

Sadly Buba, you seem to have focussed on negating any chance of gaining friends on here by chanting and raving for one-sided extremism instead of harmony and peace, and few people fail to notice that Israel is all-too-often an AGGRESSOR.

"it's not us it's THEM" just won't wash in this classroom mate.
Last edited:


Mar 3, 2007
NMH said:
Sadly, the best chance ever had for Israel was Itzak Rabin - a true hero murdered by his own kind. :down:
He was a hero of the Palestinians cause he gave them weapons that they used to murdrer Israeli civilians.

He is no hero for us.

He brought only bloodshed and devestation upon Israel with all the terror attacks that accured in his time because of the weapons that he gave to our enemies.

Buba said:
He was a hero of the Palestinians cause he gave them weapons that they used to murdrer Israeli civilians.

He is no hero for us.

He brought only bloodshed and devestation upon Israel with all the terror attacks that accured in his time because of the weapons that he gave to our enemies.

"no hero for us"?? So, you speak for all Israel do you?

Well then, I'll speak for all Britain; YOU are a WANKER :O

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
Didnt one of your Prime Ministers, Begin blow up British Soldiers at the King David Hotel back in 1946?


Mar 3, 2007
The thing is that the Palestinians didn't follow the Oslo agreement that they signed on, as much as we gave them then they answered with more terror. Benjamin Netanyahu, and later on, Ehud Barak continued to respect the Oslo agreement and gave the Palestinians more lands, but the Palestinians didn't follow their agreement, they didn't stoped the instigations and their terror.

Watch a video of Hillary Clinton about that

Yasser Arafat in 1970 said (Washington Post March 19, 1970):
The goal of our struggle is the end of Israel, and there can be no compromise.

Arafat's map of Palestine does not include Israel:


You can see by yourself how the nowadays Palestinians are obligated to the destruction of Israel, their goal is to destroy Israel by stages:

Hamas Video: Armed Struggle until Destruction of Israel

Hamas Video: More terror; Israel will be destroyed

Post-Election Video: Gaza leads to Haifa

Hamas Head: Terrorism will continue

Pre-Election Video (in English)

Election Ad on PA TV

Itzak Rabin was EASILY the best chance for peace in that area.
I was, co-incidentally, visiting an Israeli friend, an ex-flatmate of mine, when Rabin was murdered. I actually shed tears at the news, and still regard his murder with a lot of sorrow. My Israeli friend watched the same news and declared that "he deserved it".

Itzak Rabin was one of the most heroic fighters for Israel when he was a soldier, and he directed the same amount of passion and intent into creating peace!!

The attitude that favoured his murder, is what keeps tensions high and enemies galvanised against Israel. I won't echo that sentiment by saying Israel deserve all it gets, but those who DO retain that attitude are warmongers who keep wars going.


Mar 3, 2007
Dave the Gaffer said:
Didnt one of your Prime Ministers, Begin blow up British Soldiers at the King David Hotel back in 1946?
And here is your utter ignorance again.

These British were SOLDIERS of a British MILITARY HEADQUARTERS of a British Military regime that occupied a land that doesn't belong to them, suppressed the life of the Jews in this land AND PREVENTED FROM DEATH CAMP SURVIVORS TO ENTER ISRAEL AND LET THEM DIE AT SEA.

How many military headquarters of your enemies did you blow up?

They blow up the west section of this ISRAELI hotel that was belonged to the British military headquarters, we don't want invaders in our country, they should have gone back to the place that they came from and this is what they did.

They gave a warning to the British that there is a bomb in the hotel and that they must go out, the British officer answered: "I didn't come here in order to get orders from the Jews".

If you don't want us to kill your soldiers then DON'T INVADE TO OUR COUNTRY.

They didn't blow up British civilians in restaurants in London.

And another thing, I posted a link about that the British soldiers BOMBED THE JERUSALEM POST BUILDING, but you don't mention that.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 6, 2003

Buba said:

Still bringing Arafat into it eh?

You will do anything to keep wars going.

I know, I shouldn't have given you the time of day in the first place - but I'm done with you now.

You will never believe my opinion that you are an utter moron, and that YOU deserve to be oppressed and warred against all the time you maintain your incredible stance.

Too bad, because it is true.

Cheerio idiot, you really gained a lot of sympathy ..... please see my POLL that will evidence that.

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 6, 2003
I thought I was self opinionated but this guy is the don.


Mar 3, 2007
readingstockport said:
Isn't Sharon a convicted criminal after the massacres of refugees at Sabra and Chatila?

Christian Arabs slaughter Muslim Arabs and you blame the Jews? Here is the reason why you are an anti-semite, who blame the Jews for everything.

The Arabs are slaughtering themselves by millions, and you want to blame the Jews?

A Homemade Genocide

The Arab world is subject to genocide, it is true. It's just that it's mostly self-inflicted, and Israel has nothing to do with any of it. An article by Ben Dror Yemini, Ma'ariv correspondent

Fact no. 1: Since the establishment of the State of Israel a merciless genocide is being perpetrated against Muslims and/or Arabs. Fact no. 2: The conflict in the Middle East, between Israel and the Arabs as a whole and against the Palestinians in particular, is regarded as the central conflict in the world today. Fact no. 3: According to polls carried out in the European Union, Israel holds first place as “Danger to world peace”. In Holland, for instance, 74% of the population holds this view. Not Iran. Not North Korea. Israel. Connecting between these findings creates one of the biggest deceptions of modern times: Israel is regarded as the country responsible for every calamity, misfortune and hardship. It is a danger to world peace, not just to the Arab or Muslim world.

The Time magazine accused him with the same anti-semite accusations that you accuse him, Ariel Sharon sued the Time magazine and won the trial.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 6, 2003
Buba, Buba, Buba.

I will admit in previous posts to 'prodding' you to get a response and being a blind zealot you obliged. But in all seriousness I think that most of us were actually quite neutral on the question of Israel. We could 'see both sides' as it were and whilst we want to see justice for the Palestinians (or whatever you call them) we also acknowledged Israel's right to exist and it's right to defend itself.

I said 'were' quite neutral. Reading your xenophobic rantings has tipped me over to the Arab side, frankly people like you don't deserve a country. It is Israel's misfortune that people like you are putting her case and also that you got here first. If a supporter of Hamas or the PLO had turned up on here spouting anti-Israeli bile anything like as one-sided as yours we would all now be raving Zionists.

I hope you've learnt your lesson and next time you want to try and put Israel's case you at least leave out the religious bigotry.

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