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The Wookiee

Back From The Dead
Nov 10, 2003
Nature of Time Travel: Altering Fabric of Natural Physical Universe
Time travel is not likely to consist of return to exact physical conditions existing at a specific point in time comprising human history. Real-life time travel is likely encountering strata of layer after layer of weak interactive massive particles representing physical reality of people, places, and objects encoded within fabric of space and time during each historic era.

Theologians may tend to reject Omega Point Theory that asserts sinful humanity alone, outside the realm of Divine Providence, will evolve to the point of being capable of resurrection by means of infinite computational power. Most theologians may perceive resurrection by means of infinite computational power, outside the realm of Divine Guidance of a Pre-existing God, as merely creating a duplicate person.
Religious institutions have very valid fears and concerns about possible misuse and abuse of genetics. The idea of human cloning and embryonic development for the purpose of harvesting body organs is a diabolical abominable concept.
On April 30th 2004 Lions Gate Films will release the epic Hollywood Blockbuster smash hit move, Godsend at a theater near you. The Hollywood Blockbuster Smash hit movie Godsend thematically ponders ethical considerations of resurrection of a deceased boy by means of cloning.

One of the most compelling tenets within Dr. Frank Tipler’s book entitled, The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God, and Resurrection of the Dead, pertains to how Jesus can be both God and Man. According to Dr. Tipler, an overemphasis upon Jesus Divinity portrays Jesus as an all-powerful God pretending to be a man. An overemphasis upon Jesus humanity portrays Jesus as a mere man pretending to be God.[1]

According to Christian theology, Jesus is both God and man simultaneously. In various writings I maintain that truth is a quantum variable. In computer science, a qu-bit is a state that exists when a bit is not a 1 or 0, but both a 1 and 0 simultaneously. Normally, a bit is either a 1 or 0.[2]

Time travel is a necessity to fully reconcile Christian theology with Omega Point Theory. Time travel is directly associated with Divine Guidance by a Pre-existing God.

Christian theologians may tend to reject Omega Point Theory that asserts sinful humanity alone, outside the realm of Divine Providence, will evolve to the point of being capable of resurrection by means of infinite computational power. Most Christian theologians may perceive resurrection by means of infinite computational power, outside the realm of Divine Guidance of a Pre-existing God, as merely creating a duplicate person.

A model whereby humanity is guided by Divine Providence of a Pre-existing God to the “last syllable of recorded time” as eloquently spoken by McBeth in William Shakespeare’s famous stage play may be more acceptable to theologians.

Dr. Frank Tipler, puts forth the theoretical supposition that Super Intelligence Beings, who will coalesce into the Omega Point at the end of time, will evolve computational power capable of reproducing genetic code of each and every human person who ever lived on earth. A reproduction of genetic code of each and every human person who ever lived on earth will enable an Omega Point Divinity to replicate a person in exact quantum detail. The ability of an Omega Point Divinity to replicate a person in exact quantum detail will enable physical resurrection of every human person who ever lived upon earth.

Personally, I cannot fathom how an exact quantum replica of me will actually be me. I personally perceive an exact quantum replica of me as merely a duplicate person. However, in all fairness, just because I do not fully understand how an exact quantum replica of me, will actually be me, does not necessarily invalidate that resurrection cannot be achieved by replication of a deceased person in exact quantum detail as described by Dr. Frank Tipler.

An exact quantum replica of me will think the exact same thoughts as I do at the exact same point in time. An exact quantum replica of me will feel the exact same emotions as I do at the exact same time emotions occur within me. Thus, it is understandable how some people may perceive distinction between an exact quantum replica of me and the actual me is nil.

Personally, I prefer to believe that after death the human soul of each and every person is suspended in a mysterious lattice of weak interactive massive particles filling ‘empty space’ within the natural physical universe. Scientists cannot comprehend ‘empty space’ completely devoid of all physical matter.

Personally, I believe, after death no further personal growth and change immediately occurs. Since no further personal growth and change immediately occurs after death, while the human soul is suspended within a lattice of weak interactive massive particles, then the lattice of weak interactive massive particles may be considered to be electro dynamically static. A deceased person may experience memories of happy and sad times he or she experienced on earth while engulfed within an electro dynamically static lattice of weak interactive particles after death.

Dr. Raymond Kurzweil quotes a beautiful poetic statement made by Dr. Heinz Pagels, a physicist and quantum mechanics researcher. Dr. Pagels fell to his death during a climbing accident in 1988.

Dr. Heinz Pengels wrote,

“I often dream about falling. Such dreams are commonplace to the ambitious or those who climb mountains. Lately I dreamed I was clutching at a face of a rock, but it would not hold. Gravel gave way. I grasped for a shrub, but it pulled loose, and in cold terror I fell into the abyss. Suddenly I realized that my fall was relative; there was no bottom and no end. A feeling of pleasure overcame me. I realized that what I embody, the principle of life, cannot be destroyed. It is written into the cosmic code, the order of the universe. As I continued to fall in the dark void, embraced by the vault of the heavens, I sang to the beauty of the stars and made my peace with the darkness.” Dr. Heinz Pagels as quoted from The Age of Spiritual Machines[3]

In his book, The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead , Dr. Frank Tipler, provides a discussion of theoretical suppositions purported by Doctor Andrew Flew in relation to personal change and growth occurring during a persons life on earth. According to Dr. Andrew Flew, personal growth and change occurring during an individual’s life on earth translate into a form of death culminating in a new person.

A new person who is constantly undergoing a form of death and rebirth is personally evolving from moment to moment, day to day, and year to year while living on earth. A new person is constantly evolving physically, emotionally, cognitively, psychologically, and spiritually. Thus, the idea that a quantum replica of a person is merely a duplicate and not the exact same resurrected person may be invalid.

According to Gestalt psychology, ‘the whole is more than the sum of its parts’. Since the whole is more then the sum of its parts, than the human soul may consist of an array of weak interactive massive particles existing simultaneously, both inside and outside the human body, across the strata of time, during each historical moment of a person’s life. Thus, an Omega Point Divinity may have to resurrect an aggregate trace of weak interactive massive particles comprising the entire span of a person’s life on earth in order to successfully resurrect a person.

Scientists have used particle accelerators to uncover evidence for mysterious particles filling “empty space” within the natural physical universe. Scientists cannot comprehend how complete absolute emptiness can possibly exist. ABC News, Nightline, aired a documentary by Nightline Reporter Chris Bury about mechanics of Weak Interactive Massive Particles.[4]

An except from my freelance article entitled, Spiritual Dynamics and Transhumanism, previously published on the Immortality Institute online Journal is pertinent to this discussion: From the vantage point of an Omega Point Divinity, we are already deceased and embedded in a lattice of weak interactive massive particles (WIMPS) comprising empty void space within the natural physical universe.

If Jesus is sent back through time as a genetic algorithm a few years or milliseconds before final collapse of the natural physical universe, then Divine intervention into human history may culminate in creation of a new alternative parallel universe.

Divine intervention into human history may culminate in creation of new alternative parallel universe. Thus, the number of existing alternative parallel universes may be a function of necessity for major deployment of Divine intervention into human affairs.

Time travel is not likely to consist of return to exact physical conditions existing at a specific point in time comprising human history. The classic Hollywood remake of H.G. Well’s novel, The Time Machine, depicted time travel as a return to exact physical conditions at a specific point in time.[5]

Real-life time travel is likely encountering strata of layer after layer of weak interactive massive particles representing physical reality of people, places, and objects encoded within fabric of space and time during each historic era.

Can Armageddon be prevented?

John’s prophetic vision of the future as outlined in the Book of Revelations may actually be one very real probable course for an alternative future reality. Quantum Physics provides scientific evidence that parallel universes can simultaneously exist side by side.

The Wookiee

Back From The Dead
Nov 10, 2003
Who did Jesus think he was?

Getting a straight answer from Jesus doesn't seem to have been too easy. In Mark's Gospel, Jesus asks his closest disciples what their answer to the question is.

"You are the Messiah," says Peter.

"Don't tell anyone about me," is his only response. This kind of elusiveness seems to have been typical.

The same goes for "Son of God". "Whenever the people who had evil spirits in them saw him they would fall down and scream, 'You are the Son of God'. Jesus sternly ordered the evil spirits not to tell anyone who he was" (Mark 3:11-12).

The only time Jesus is explicit is at his trial. The High Priest asks, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed God?"

"I am." And for this he is sentenced to death. (Mark 14:62-64)

So, according to Mark, Jesus kept his cards close to his chest. In John's Gospel, the picture is very different. There Jesus speaks openly and at great length about who he is: the unique Son of God, the way to the Father, the Saviour of the world. "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father" is one of his most striking claims. (John 14:9)
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Did Jesus claim to be God?

As far as we know, Jesus never, in so many words, said: "I am God". This is why some groups, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, who believe in every word of the Bible, don't believe that he was.

So where did the mainstream church get the idea from in the first place?

They were trying to make sense of the extraordinary things Jesus said and did. He said that he forgave people's sins – something which Jews believed could only be done by God. He claimed the right to rework God's law. He explained his mission by telling stories about God visiting Israel.

There are implications here – which were bewildering to his followers and blasphemous to his opponents – that Jesus believed God to be present in him in a unique way.

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How could Jesus really be God?

In a sense the church has never really answered the "how" question, because it never really tried to.

The Christian question has always been "What does it mean to talk about Jesus as God?" And the official answer is that he had two "natures": divinity and humanity. He was fully divine and completely human at the same time.

As for the technicalities of how this works, the church has always considered this (correctly, I'm sure) beyond its competence to answer. Some things are just too big and mysterious for us to fully understand.

Before we decide how Jesus can be God, do we even have much of a clue what it means to say that God is "God"?

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Was Jesus more important than other religious leaders?

Well, probably more important than the Archbishop of Canterbury! It all really comes down to who you think Jesus was. Here are two possible ways of looking at Jesus' relationship to other world religious leaders:

He was a great teacher – he and other religious teachers such as Buddha and Muhammad pointed out a spiritual path, and millions have followed these paths, finding spiritual growth and a relationship with God through doing so. The differences in their teaching just make the different paths suitable for different people.

He was the only Son of God – this is the traditional Christian understanding, and it puts the life and teaching of Jesus into a completely different category to the life and teaching of other religious leaders. This has often been expressed by Christians by saying, "the teaching of Buddha and Muhammad contain important truths, but Jesus is the truth."

If Jesus is the Son of God in a unique sense, then it means that knowing Jesus is the only God-given way to know God. As Jesus says in the Gospel of John: "I am the way, the truth and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me."

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Why has Jesus had such a big impact on the world?

Probably the best way to answer this is to have a look at the first few centuries of Christianity, when the church grew from an obscure Jewish sect to dominate the Roman empire.

One main reason for this must be that his followers stuck with their faith throughout many periods of intense persecution, often going to their deaths rather than abandon it. Their heroism and devotion had a tremendous influence on people's opinions (and similar stories of faith under fire had the same effect later in history).

Why were Jesus's followers so unrelenting? One reason must be that Jesus promised eternal life to his followers, so that martyrdom was the road to glory as well as a terrible ordeal. Another is that they were passionately devoted to Jesus himself, because of the difference his teachings had made to their lives, and because of their experience of his risen presence and personality.

And not least, there was the example of Jesus's own suffering and death: he had already made the self-sacrifice that the faith demanded of them. This is how Christianity first won the hearts and minds of the Roman world, which covered three continents.

Another crucial point is that even in Jesus' own lifetime he sent his followers out to spread his message, so from the very start Christianity was a missionary faith. His commands to spread the word, recorded in the Bible, have been taken up over and again throughout the centuries, as missionaries have taken the teachings of Jesus back into Asia and Africa, and to the Americas.

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Was Jesus an alien?

Well... I suppose people who believe a first-century carpenter was the Son of God haven't got any right to snigger.

All sorts of ideas have been offered to explain the events of Jesus' birth and life, and since the 1950s alien activity has become an intriguing option. The conventional idea that God came and lived on earth as a human being is fairly remarkable, but some prefer an explanation that is perhaps even more remarkable. Christians reckon Jesus was exceptional and extraordinary, but not extraterrestrial.

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Was Jesus a magician?

Even among those who are sceptical about the biblical stories and beliefs about Jesus, many accept that he seems to have been a successful healer and exorcist.

Whether you attribute this to his being God in human form, to – in Jesus' own words – the finger of God, or simply to some kind of power beyond our knowledge and understanding, you've got to admit that his healing and miraculous powers are impressive.

People who think that Jesus was only a magician have to ask themselves: why has he had such a big impact on the world? There were plenty of "wonder-workers" in the ancient world, so what made Jesus so different?

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
Buba, you are a radical aren’t you? You are living proof of how dangerous it can be to take force feed people from a young age of ‘facts’ and remove their freedom of choice. I know a fair amount of Jewish people and they deem themselves as British and have done for all of their lives. Just because I do not agree with anything you say, does not make me anti-Semitic or a holocaust denier. In a short space of time, you have condoned violence and bloodshed in ‘defence’ of your nation. I always thought that Judaism was meant to stand for peace.

Raphael Meade

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Buba said:
Only anti-semites like you think that "Zionists" who are living in Israel are not Jews.

That's because you think that the essence of a Jew is to sit in a concentration camp/ghetto and to learn Torah.

Here are couple of more Jew...er..."Zionists".......................

f*** OFF!!

people like you are the entire reason that there's so much trouble in the middle east.

go away please.


Mar 3, 2007
Barrel of Fun said:
Buba, you are a radical aren’t you? You are living proof of how dangerous it can be to take force feed people from a young age of ‘facts’ and remove their freedom of choice. I know a fair amount of Jewish people and they deem themselves as British and have done for all of their lives. Just because I do not agree with anything you say, does not make me anti-Semitic or a holocaust denier. In a short space of time, you have condoned violence and bloodshed in ‘defence’ of your nation. I always thought that Judaism was meant to stand for peace.
How many beers did you drink before posting that stupid post of yours?

I didn't call you an anti-semite or a holocaust denier if you don't agree with me.

I will call you an anti-semite if you will say that Jews have no right to live in their land as any other nation.

The Wookiee

Back From The Dead
Nov 10, 2003
Buba said:
How many beers did you drink before posting that stupid post of yours?

I didn't call you an anti-semite or a holocaust denier if you don't agree with me.

I will call you an anti-semite if you will say that Jews have no right to live in their land as any other nation.

Come on Buba,



Mar 3, 2007


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
Buba said:
How many beers did you drink before posting that stupid post of yours?

I didn't call you an anti-semite or a holocaust denier if you don't agree with me.

I will call you an anti-semite if you will say that Jews have no right to live in their land as any other nation.
It's not your land anymore than the millions of Palestinians who were robbed of it after WW2, so f*** off eh.

And on a more serious note, where does Judaism stand on the issue of ladyboys? ???

Barrel of Fun

Abort, retry, fail
Buba said:
How many beers did you drink before posting that stupid post of yours?

I didn't call you an anti-semite or a holocaust denier if you don't agree with me.

I will call you an anti-semite if you will say that Jews have no right to live in their land as any other nation.

Alas, I have not been drinking beer.

I stand by the first part. It is dangerous to teach children such sinister ideals and take away the freedom of choice at a young age.

Apologies, I felt that you were insinuating that, not to me personally, but generally. You must forgive me, as I got lost in a wave of links, articles, videos etc.

Does anyone own their land? We are merely temporary tenants in the grander scheme of things. Ideally, one should have a right to live wherever they want, but they should not have the right to bar people from their own 'promised' land.


Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 6, 2003
Haywards Heath
Hi everybody!:wave:

Sorry I'm late! Have I missed anything?

This threads about Amerca right?


New member
Jan 3, 2007
I'm sorry Buba, you going on about owning your own land is nonesense. You were given perfectly good accomodation by the Nazis and you complained. there is no pleasing you.

Man of Harveys

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
Brighton, UK
Buba said:
Thank you very much! I see that I'm not welcomed in here, very well, I have no intention to be in places that I'm not welcomed in, therefore I'm not gonna post here anymore.
A DAILY flounce - that is something a bit special. :lolol:

Raphael Meade

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
Buba said:

can we please ban this religious fanatic?

seriously like. he's obviously part of some group trying to convert people and he's pretty damned offensive :)



New member
Jan 3, 2007
P.S The Nazi /accomodation statement was only to bait buba, did not mean offence to others and apologise if I did. I am not a Nazi.

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