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A world without America

Man of Harveys

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
Brighton, UK
Buba, what is the secret of touching up the flaking paintwork on the front bumper of a 1998 VW Polo? Can G-D help?
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Tom Hark Preston Park

Will Post For Cash
Jul 6, 2003
Buba said:
Because he said so. You can see only images that you have an effect on them, G-d is beyond your knowledge.,7340,L-3320024,00.html#n



"Why can't we see G-d?

although G-d may be hidden, he is not hidden far away

This phenomenon of not being able to see something right in front of our eyes occurs often as part of our daily lives. For example, take the case of the disappearing car keys. How many times have you torn apart your desk, kitchen, or some other spot looking desperately for your car keys when in the end you find them sitting out openly somewhere right in front of your eyes.


Buba said:
I don't know whatever there were orginal + 12 copies, I know that there were couple of copies. You may ask a Jewish scholar this question, maybe he will have answers that I don't.

I don't think so, in the same way that it will be hard to find documents of weddings (Ktuba) from 2500 years ago although we know that Jews had these kind of documents also then.

And anyway, as I've said before, we have a link of Jews of 3300 years that read this book and many people in the nation have read this book since 3300 years, no Jew would have changed it, Jews are living in communities, they don't live alone, everybody knows everybody.

BTW, in the book of Shulchan Aruch, you can find a list of the names of Rabbis that received the Orally Torah since Moses got it from G-d till Rabbi Ashi who editted it into the Talmud and the Gmara.

So you don't think there arer any original documents still in existence then?
Then how can you compare the original documents with contemporary versions to prove if there have been no changes?

Man of Harveys

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
Brighton, UK
What time is it?
What time is it?
What time is it?

It's nearly BUBA TIME, that's what - he always emerges around now. :clap2:


Jul 5, 2003

Tesco in Disguise

Where do we go from here?
Jul 5, 2003
God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
Dick Knights Mumm said:
I reckon he must be palestinian. Surely no one person is doing more for their cause than buba.
That can't be right. Don't forget there is no such thing and never has been any such thing as "Palestine".


The Wookiee

Back From The Dead
Nov 10, 2003
Oi Buba,

Just read through the pages of this thread and am I right in thinking that you believe that those of Jewish faith who are born British and live in Britain want to upsticks and move to Israel because they all hate it here in the UK ???

It's things like 'buba' that have single handly turned me anti-zionist. Quite frankly I would rejoice with the destruction of the state of israel now, something which 20 years ago no-one would ever have heard me saying. :tosser: 's the lot of them.


Sep 28, 2004
Izmir, Southern Turkey
Oh dear! I'm so split about adding a post to this thread. Tedebear is right this should have been put to bed pages ago.

Anyway, as you all know on here (but maybe Buba doesn't), I'm a Muslim and I must say I find this whole thing extremely funny, quite frightening and very sad all at the same time.

Very funny? Because surely Buba must know that being so blatantly propagandist does more harm to the Zionist ( and I say 'Zionist' because if we are talking about nationhood, therefore, poltics, that's exaclty what it is. To be a Jew is to have a faith, to be a Zionist is to believe in the type of rampant nationalism that Buba espouses... that's why Jews can be English, American or Turkish) cause than any radical Muslim could do.

Quite frightening? Because ýt shows that the radicals are not only on the Muslim side, they are on the Jewish side. I detest Hamas and Hýzbollah and any other form of Islamic fundamentalism... but Buba's behaviour strengthens their cause by showing that there are Zionists out there who have no wish for peace because YES BUBA... there are many many Muslims who would be happy with Jews and Muslims livimng together in peace... but peace doesn't come at the end of a gun...... Muslim radicals need to know that... but so do Zionists.

Very sad? For two reasons... firstly because Buba thinks he speaks for ALL Jews and therefore in some people's eyes tars all Jews with the same brush. The fact is, however that Millions of Jews have CHOSEN not to be part of Israel or the Zionist dream and some of those Jews have actually stood side by side around the world protesting both Muslim and Zionist atrocities.
Secondly very sad that the Bubas and the Alis of this world think it is OK to invade places like this and spout out their narrow-minded views of life and poison other people's lives. I have been a Muslim and Albion supporter most of my life and been a member here for more than three years and I have NEVER EVER tried to do something like this nor would I ever consider doing so. I don't have the right.

Buba, please don't respond to this because I will not return the favour. I've said all I have to say and I do not wish to make my fellow supporters have to put up with any more of this sanctimonious rubbish.



Mar 3, 2007
Oh dear! I'm so split about adding a post to this thread. Tedebear is right this should have been put to bed pages ago.

Anyway, as you all know on here (but maybe Buba doesn't), I'm a Muslim and I must say I find this whole thing extremely funny, quite frightening and very sad all at the same time.

Very funny? Because surely Buba must know that being so blatantly propagandist does more harm to the Zionist ( and I say 'Zionist' because if we are talking about nationhood, therefore, poltics, that's exaclty what it is. To be a Jew is to have a faith, to be a Zionist is to believe in the type of rampant nationalism that Buba espouses... that's why Jews can be English, American or Turkish) cause than any radical Muslim could do.

Quite frightening? Because ýt shows that the radicals are not only on the Muslim side, they are on the Jewish side. I detest Hamas and Hýzbollah and any other form of Islamic fundamentalism... but Buba's behaviour strengthens their cause by showing that there are Zionists out there who have no wish for peace because YES BUBA... there are many many Muslims who would be happy with Jews and Muslims livimng together in peace... but peace doesn't come at the end of a gun...... Muslim radicals need to know that... but so do Zionists.

Very sad? For two reasons... firstly because Buba thinks he speaks for ALL Jews and therefore in some people's eyes tars all Jews with the same brush. The fact is, however that Millions of Jews have CHOSEN not to be part of Israel or the Zionist dream and some of those Jews have actually stood side by side around the world protesting both Muslim and Zionist atrocities.
Secondly very sad that the Bubas and the Alis of this world think it is OK to invade places like this and spout out their narrow-minded views of life and poison other people's lives. I have been a Muslim and Albion supporter most of my life and been a member here for more than three years and I have NEVER EVER tried to do something like this nor would I ever consider doing so. I don't have the right.

Buba, please don't respond to this because I will not return the favour. I've said all I have to say and I do not wish to make my fellow supporters have to put up with any more of this sanctimonious rubbish.

Only anti-semites like you think that "Zionists" who are living in Israel are not Jews.

That's because you think that the essence of a Jew is to sit in a concentration camp/ghetto and to learn Torah.

Here are couple of more"Zionists":

Get into this page, you little misleading

From grappling with Talmud in Chicago to fighting terrorists

Eliyahu Joselit never thought he'd be where he is today, especially considering his background: a haredi Jew from the west side of Chicago, where he attended Hebrew day schools and yeshivas and spent most of his time grappling with a daily page of Talmud.

He has come a long way, and today serves as a squad commander in an elite IDF unit under the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, also known as the Nahal Haredi. Full article inside

Israeli orthodox Jews dance next to an Israeli military vehicle, to show their support for the troops, along the Israeli Lebanese border Wednesday July 26, 2006:

Israeli soldiers load missiles onto a military vehicle as Israeli orthodox Jews blow horns, to show their support for the troops, along the Israeli Lebanese border Wednesday July 26, 2006:

You misleading!

Former chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef, votes for the Israeli elections:

The Jewish religion doesn't prohibit a Jewish state, the opposite is true. The Orthodox Rabbis in Israel and abroad are in favour of the state of Israel. The fact that there is a small group within Orthodox Judaism who are against the state of Israel doesn't say anything regarding the attitude of Judaism about the state of Israel. That small group of Jews are mistaken because there is no prohibition in the Bible against establishing a Jewish state. They are self-hating Jews with a goal of returning the Jews to slavery in Egypt. They are like Korah and his associates who didn't want to enter Israel because they were afraid that they would lose their control and influenced the Israelis to go back to Egypt, because they were Judenrats there.

Their interpretation of the bible is wrong, the messiah will bring the rest of the Jews to Israel who aren't already living there, and he will be the one who will build the temple. The current state of Israel is half way to becoming a full Jewish kingdom and is prepering itself for his coming. The messiah won't come as long as there are Jews who don't yearn to come to Israel.

The fact that a small group of Jews waves posters against the state of Israel and meets with Israel's enemies who deny the holocaust and wish all Jews to be wiped out into the sea - is a disgrace.

But many people still think that the seven bearded enemies of Israel - members of an extreme cult called Neturei Karta - who accepted an invitation from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to come to Iran's Holocaust denial festival, are also real Jews. Full article inside

Rabbis Call to Excommunicate Neturei Karta Members in Iran

Israel’s Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger and the Save the Nation and Land rabbinic organization have called for members of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta sect to be excommunicated.

Chief Rabbi Metzger called on all rabbis and communities in Israel and around the world to honor the memory of the Holocaust victims by adhering to the cherem call against the Neturei Karta members.

Rabbis of the Save the Nation and Land also made a similar call to "shun those who visited Iran, and they may not take part in communal events." The organization plans to place ads in the religious press, with the pictures and addresses of the men to be excommunicated.

The organization issued this statement:
"While the entire world is shocked at the provocative threats to destroy the Jewish presence in the Land of Israel, Jews dressed as hareidim come to identify and show solidarity with the leader of Iran, may his name be erased. Aside from the terrible desecration of G-d's Name before the whole world, this is also aid and cooperation for the plans of enemies of Israel to carry out another Holocaust, may G-d save us, upon millions of Jews. These despicable people must be excommunicated, and every Jew is forbidden to have contact with them and certainly not to include them in prayers and the like."

Rabbi Metzger said in his statement to Jewish leaders around the globe, “They [those who embraced Ahmadinajad] betrayed the Jewish people and their heritage and particularly disgraced and desecrated the memory of the Holocaust. With their shameful behavior, they tried to stain the Jewish people, who shy away from this low conduct.”

Former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, a child Holocaust survivor who is currently the Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, also condemned the Neturei Karta group. "It is something completely insane," he said flatly. “Is it conceivable that any Jew, for whatever reason, would support a Holocaust denier in a generation when people with numbers tattooed on their arms are still among us? It is an insanity that has no justification and no explanation.”

In a sharply-worded editorial published Thursday, the Ha’Eida newspaper said, “That tiny group of wierdos is liable to incite hatred against hareidim.”

Editor Shmuel Popenheim wrote in his piece, “Those people’s distorted anti-Zionist zealotry, which is sanctified in their eyes above and beyond the opinion of our Torah sages, brought them to that conference.” He stopped short of endorsing the call for a cherem on the group, and estimated there were no more than ten people in all of Israel who supported the group’s actions and perhaps some 25 others worldwide.

In 2002, an American umbrella hareidi-religious group comprised of Satmar, Bobov, Belz, Vizhnitz, Munkacz, Kiryas Joel, Monroe, and other anti-Zionist communities, issued a statement sharply condemning those who openly sympathized with the PLO.

"It is with shame, sadness and outrage," the statement read, "that we publicly condemn the irresponsible and dangerous actions of a small group of individuals [known generally as Neturei Karta] who have taken upon themselves to endanger the interests of the Jewish Nation, and especially our brethren in Zion, by their reprehensible actions in joining the enemies... Their depiction in the local and international media in religious garb and prayer shawls marching arm-in-arm with Palestinian Jew-haters has besmirched the reputations of hundreds of thousands of decent Orthodox, hareidi and Hassidic Jews worldwide. Unfortunately this despicable minuscule group, who were ejected decades ago from our synagogues and communities for similar activities, do not accept or listen to the rulings of the leaders of our communities... They should under no circumstances, Heaven forbid, be associated with any recognized hareidi or Hassidic community..."

This same group kissed and hugged Ahmadinejad when he appeared in New York to attend the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in September. They also exhorted Jews to pray for a Hizbullah victory during the second war with Lebanon after two IDF reservists were captured by the terror organization in a cross-border raid this summer.

They attended the funeral of former Palestine Liberation Organization chairman and chief terrorist Yasser Arafat, and have been funded by Palestinian Authority terrorist organizations.

Documents discosed by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center and the Center for Special Studies (CSS) reveal that Arafat paid more than $50,000 to Hirsch, considered the “foreign minister” of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta sect.

CSS stated that the documents uncovered during Operation Defense Shield carried out in Jenin by the IDF in April 2002 showed that Arafat paid $25,000 and $30,000 in January and February of that year for “expenses for activities.” The investigators noted that Neturei Karta frequently supported Arafat and served as a propaganda tool for him. Full article inside

Ahmadinejad kisser's wife files for divorce

Neturei Karta member Moshe Aryeh Friedman returns from Tehran Holocaust denial conference to his home in Vienna, discovers his wife has left him

Moshe Aryeh Friedman, a senior Neturei Karta member, who passionately kissed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, will now be forced to look for a woman who will agree to kiss him, as his wife has decided to leave him following his participation in the Holocaust denial conference which took place in Tehran about a month ago. Full article inside

Jewish Shoah conference participants banned from Israel

Neturei Karta members who attended Iran's Holocaust denial conference to be denied entrance to Israel by Interior Minister Bar-On, according to Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper
Full article inside
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"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
Oh dear! I'm so split about adding a post to this thread. Tedebear is right this should have been put to bed pages ago.

Anyway, as you all know on here (but maybe Buba doesn't), I'm a Muslim and I must say I find this whole thing extremely funny, quite frightening and very sad all at the same time.

Very funny? Because surely Buba must know that being so blatantly propagandist does more harm to the Zionist ( and I say 'Zionist' because if we are talking about nationhood, therefore, poltics, that's exaclty what it is. To be a Jew is to have a faith, to be a Zionist is to believe in the type of rampant nationalism that Buba espouses... that's why Jews can be English, American or Turkish) cause than any radical Muslim could do.

Quite frightening? Because ýt shows that the radicals are not only on the Muslim side, they are on the Jewish side. I detest Hamas and Hýzbollah and any other form of Islamic fundamentalism... but Buba's behaviour strengthens their cause by showing that there are Zionists out there who have no wish for peace because YES BUBA... there are many many Muslims who would be happy with Jews and Muslims livimng together in peace... but peace doesn't come at the end of a gun...... Muslim radicals need to know that... but so do Zionists.

Very sad? For two reasons... firstly because Buba thinks he speaks for ALL Jews and therefore in some people's eyes tars all Jews with the same brush. The fact is, however that Millions of Jews have CHOSEN not to be part of Israel or the Zionist dream and some of those Jews have actually stood side by side around the world protesting both Muslim and Zionist atrocities.
Secondly very sad that the Bubas and the Alis of this world think it is OK to invade places like this and spout out their narrow-minded views of life and poison other people's lives. I have been a Muslim and Albion supporter most of my life and been a member here for more than three years and I have NEVER EVER tried to do something like this nor would I ever consider doing so. I don't have the right.

Buba, please don't respond to this because I will not return the favour. I've said all I have to say and I do not wish to make my fellow supporters have to put up with any more of this sanctimonious rubbish.

Post of the day. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Man of Harveys

Well-known member
Jul 9, 2003
Brighton, UK
Booboo my friend, that's all very well, but what about repainting the front bumper on a 1998 VW Polo? What advice would G-D give?

And...which will last longer: Booboo's NSC career or Bas Savage's run of fine goalscoring form?


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Bubas back! hey Buba, just been reading a few of your posts. Missed out on you yesterday.You really are quite a mental patient. Why did you think this is a good forum for your bizarre, extremist views ya fuckin' nut?

The Wookiee

Back From The Dead
Nov 10, 2003
The existence of the paradox is seen by many people as proof that time travel is impossible. Just as nature was once said to 'abhor a vacuum', now we might say that she 'abhors time travel'. But it is very easy to imagine resolutions to this simple paradox in which the grandfather is both born and not born, the grandson both exists and does not exist. The simplest answer is that the effects of the time traveller's activities are already rooted in the fabric of time and space - his visit to the past cannot change the present because that visit is already part of history.
Michael Moorcock developed the theme in his novel Behold the man. In this, the time traveller is a disturbed individual with a tendency to religious mania, who journeys back to the time of Jesus to view the crucifixion. His time machine is destroyed beyond repair, and he finds no trace of the Jesus described in the Bible. Inexorably, as he attempts to tell people about the Jesus he came to see, he is drawn into the role of Jesus, playing out the events he remembers from the Bible, up to and including the crucifixion. So history is created, and the Bible stories are written down, ensuring that in 2000 years time a certain individual will travel back in time to dose the loop, like the snake that eats its own tail.

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