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The NSC annual ghostwatch...halloween


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
After my auntie died of cancer, 3 years in a row on my cousins birthday very weird things happened.

Kettles would just go off.

Hearing someone walk up the stairs yet nobody was there.

Bulbs randomly blowing out even new ones.

And on the day after the birthday, my cousin had woke up to see all her birthday cards all laid out neatly into sections on the living room floor.

Very weird.

2 years ago my best friend died of something called the choking game, one Thursday last year (the day he was born and died on) me and his mum had stayed up talking till about 3 and watching a DVD of him doing his diving on holiday, and that night I got a massive shiver down my spine and tears running down my face, 2 minutes later I saw little floating orbs, the next minute the lights had gone out, I wasn't scared at all, I was happy and relieved to know he's still watching over us.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
Perth Australia
I was talking about some spooky stuff with one of my band members and he told me of a story his father told him and it went like this.
In Fremantle there is an old building that used to be the asylum.
His father used to have to go and collect the rubble in his truck from demolishion works going on there for his job.
He did this for sometime as there was a lot to collect and he notice more than a few times a figure he thought was a young girl watching him from the top floor window.
Sometimes he would wave and the figure would wave back.
On one occassion the site foreman was there and he got into a conversation with him about the job.
He asked the foreman if he knew who the residents of the old place were, as he sometimes waved to someone looking out of the top floor window.
On hearing this the site foreman motioned him to follow him upto the old building and once at the front door took out a key and opened it.
They stepped inside and it could be seen that there were no floors, they had all been pulled out and you could see right up to the roof.
My friends father would never go there again.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
Perth Australia
It's getting late here and I'm up all alone and getting spooked, so I think I'll turn in now before something happens!:flounce:

Mister Mix

New member
Sep 3, 2012
The thing about the clock is weird, I once remember looking at my clock and all numbers had changed into like symbols and moved, still cant explain it to this day. Some good stories, brighton boy's ones were giving me shivers haha


New member
Feb 13, 2012
Haywards Heath
I live at southdowns park, in Haywards Heath. It used to be a mental hospital for the nutters.

We have a residents gym, which used to be the morgue. When converting the hospital into flats/ houses there was the big stone table in the now gym, which was dismantled.

I've been in the gym on my own before when various machines have started registering a heart beat (all the machines have those grips you hold, that show your beats per minute).

I was on the cycle machine one night, when the 2 tread mills at the same time beeped and showed a heart rate. I swiftly crapped my self and ran out.

I don't know wether there was a reason for it, but i don't go in there on my own now.

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere

The electrical disruption is (apparently) common in hauntings. Also the slightly OCD way that the cards were arranged is also often reported with coins and other items stacked very precisely.


Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
I live at southdowns park, in Haywards Heath. It used to be a mental hospital for the nutters.

We have a residents gym, which used to be the morgue. When converting the hospital into flats/ houses there was the big stone table in the now gym, which was dismantled.

I've been in the gym on my own before when various machines have started registering a heart beat (all the machines have those grips you hold, that show your beats per minute).

I was on the cycle machine one night, when the 2 tread mills at the same time beeped and showed a heart rate. I swiftly crapped my self and ran out.

I don't know wether there was a reason for it, but i don't go in there on my own now.

I remember that when it was St. Francis Lunatic Asylum. (used to play cricket against the Nurses team...they had a lot of West Indian lads...very tough fixture) I remember standing outside the social club having a beer and listening to the poor sods in there banging on the windows and screaming blue murder. I wouldn't like to live there mate. Bad vibes.


New member
Feb 13, 2012
Haywards Heath
I remember that when it was St. Francis Lunatic Asylum. (used to play cricket against the Nurses team...they had a lot of West Indian lads...very tough fixture) I remember standing outside the social club having a beer and listening to the poor sods in there banging on the windows and screaming blue murder. I wouldn't like to live there mate. Bad vibes.

I live in the old female dining hall, so not to bad.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Me and the girlfriend took a long walk through Clapham wood and into the surrounding area of the Downs a few years back. It was horrid. the place felt dead, we got stomach cramps, got totally lost even with a map, approached a horse across a fence in a field that was fine but then just stopped dead and stared right past us to a spot in the ditance whereupon it freaked out, braying, hoof stamping etc. Despite it being a hot August day we became freezing. Came home and both had nightmares about the place that night. When I got to work the next day and looked the area up. Google the place for yourselves. Needless to say it freaked the hell out of me!
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The Hon Sec

New member
Feb 23, 2009
Deep up County

The electrical disruption is (apparently) common in hauntings. Also the slightly OCD way that the cards were arranged is also often reported with coins and other items stacked very precisely.


Spoke to the landlord of the Seven Stars in Robertsbridge one day about the story that it was one of the most haunted buildings in East Sussex and he told us that sometimes he could take the tray from the till after closing up, place it in the safe and in the morning the coins would be correctly sorted and stacked.

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
Me and the girlfriend took a long walk through Clapham wood and into the surrounding area of the Downs a few years back. It was horrid. the place felt dead, we got stomach cramps, got totally lost even with a map, approached a horse across a fence in a field that was fine but then just stopped dead and stared right past us to a spot in the ditance whereupon it freaked out, braying, hoof stamping etc. Despite it being a hot August day we became freezing. Came home and both had nightmares about the place that night. When I got to work the next day and looked the area up. Google the place for yourselves. Needless to say it freaked the hell out of me!

There was an article about Clapham woods in "the unexplained" magazine in the eighties. It was describing how the vicar of Clapham disappeared in there and that several dogs had gone missing whilst on walks. I remember spending a night up there with my stepbrothers one summer. Nothing untoward happened. Now STAMNER park is different. Some terrible shit happened in the great wood there to myself and my ex missus.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
There was an article about Clapham woods in "the unexplained" magazine in the eighties. It was describing how the vicar of Clapham disappeared in there and that several dogs had gone missing whilst on walks. I remember spending a night up there with my stepbrothers one summer. Nothing untoward happened. Now STAMNER park is different. Some terrible shit happened in the great wood there to myself and my ex missus.

Don't know about Stanmer. It's not so much the woods itself but the surrounding area. 4 girls have been murdered up there as was the vicar and a Police Officer investigating his death on the south down's way. Mutilated animals including dogs, horses and cats. Bad atmosphere. Didn't know any of it until I got back and read that people had experienced similar things and feelings. A horrid place. What's the Stanmer story?

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
Don't know about Stanmer. It's not so much the woods itself but the surrounding area. 4 girls have been murdered up there as was the vicar and a Police Officer investigating his death on the south down's way. Mutilated animals including dogs, horses and cats. Bad atmosphere. Didn't know any of it until I got back and read that people had experienced similar things and feelings. A horrid place. What's the Stanmer story?

Used to walk the dog up there. In the woods up behind STAMNER house the dog went totally mental and was inconsolable. My ex pointed out that there was a man on the path ahead of us...there was indeed a tall bloke standing in the gloom about 20 yards ahead of us. We tried to continue up the path whilst literally dragging the dog and this guy sort of "jumped" off to the left of the path. I sAy jumped but it was more like flitted off. There one second then a good ten yards to the side the next. We both felt utterly terrified and beat a hasty one.

There are stories related to that wood it turns out. The vicar of Ditchling was murdered in there by highwaymen in the 17 th century and more recently a woman was found murdered in that wood and the murderer never caught (70s?). We also stumbled across a huge pentagram Made of large branches with little burnt areas all around it on another occasion. Those woods are malevolent I tell ee.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Used to walk the dog up there. In the woods up behind STAMNER house the dog went totally mental and was inconsolable. My ex pointed out that there was a man on the path ahead of us...there was indeed a tall bloke standing in the gloom about 20 yards ahead of us. We tried to continue up the path whilst literally dragging the dog and this guy sort of "jumped" off to the left of the path. I sAy jumped but it was more like flitted off. There one second then a good ten yards to the side the next. We both felt utterly terrified and beat a hasty one.

There are stories related to that wood it turns out. The vicar of Ditchling was murdered in there by highwaymen in the 17 th century and more recently a woman was found murdered in that wood and the murderer never caught (70s?). We also stumbled across a huge pentagram Made of large branches with little burnt areas all around it on another occasion. Those woods are malevolent I tell ee.

God, yeah that's do it for me! Woods are strange places and I think there are a lot of covens etc around Sussex due to it's rich history. I tend to stay out of woods at night for this exact reason but did get caught out once on my own. Obviously being on your own in a wood at night is gonna get your shackles up but I recall a night I got lost up on Box Hill in Dorking, a place I lived near and visited many times but got inexplicably lost in the dark. I came out into a clearing at the top of the slope at the front of th ehill that overlooks a field at the bottom. It was about 2 in the morning and quite a well lit night. I saw a line of tall figures, maybe 10 or 12 of them crossing the field in single file. I watched for a minute and one of them paused and it felt to me like he/it looked directly at me, though I doubt they could have seen me. Anyway, they started moving towards the botttom eof the slope toward a narrow treeline and I could see they would be up teh hill in a matter o fminutes, heading straight for me. I almost shat myself and legged it until I found the road and pegged it down, terrified they would jump out of the side trees. I ran to the burford Brifdge hotel and got them to let me in. I felt stupid explaining it but man I was scared at the time. Prob just druids or earth mysteries lot but put the wind up me!

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
Woods definitely hark back to an earlier more primitive time. The woods of Sussex are especially atmospheric because of the terrific damage caused by the great storm. STAMNER has a very long history stretching back to pre roman times. There are earthworks and Saracen stones dotted all over it. Very peculiar vibe at some times of the year.

You can find out a lot from local archaeology sites and there used to be a terrific little museum which displayed some of the artefacts found locally behind the house.

Haven't been there for a while except skirting round the park after home games so not sure if it's still there.

On a previous ghost thread on NSC one poster told of his meeting with a mysterious sweaty man who asked him the time before vanishing when he looked down at his watch. That was in the middle of the field adjacent to the Manor in broad daylight I recall.

Chicken Runner61

We stand where we want!
May 20, 2007
Clapham Wood is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in England isn't it?

That house by the road looks strange on its own.

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
Clapham Wood is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in England isn't it?

That house by the road looks strange on its own.

As Nibble has said there do seem to have been a lot af strange events connected with it. There used to be a blasted oak at the entrance to Clapham Village which looked very foreboding. Since the A27 widened I'm not sure it gets many visitors any more so seems to have pushed it off the radar.

Doc Lynam

I hate the Daily Mail
Jun 19, 2011
Used to walk the dog up there. In the woods up behind STAMNER house the dog went totally mental and was inconsolable. My ex pointed out that there was a man on the path ahead of us...there was indeed a tall bloke standing in the gloom about 20 yards ahead of us. We tried to continue up the path whilst literally dragging the dog and this guy sort of "jumped" off to the left of the path. I sAy jumped but it was more like flitted off. There one second then a good ten yards to the side the next. We both felt utterly terrified and beat a hasty one.

There are stories related to that wood it turns out. The vicar of Ditchling was murdered in there by highwaymen in the 17 th century and more recently a woman was found murdered in that wood and the murderer never caught (70s?). We also stumbled across a huge pentagram Made of large branches with little burnt areas all around it on another occasion. Those woods are malevolent I tell ee.

i was just about to post my own Stamner park incident when i read yours!
I don't believe in anything that goes bump in the night but one of the only freaky things to happen to me was very similiar. In my mid teens cycling along a woody path near the top of the Stamner going towards Ditchling Beacon direction. Its early evening in autumn, when something catches my eye ahead, just stopped and new not to go any further. Ahead seems to be a tall man, skinny with a beard rolling his head i'm not joking like Paula Radcliffe when she would run. He looks through me down the path, I look back at him, he then moved back behind the tree, and oh yeah he had some sort of rifle held upwards in his arms. Needless to say i turned around, fast!

Bevendean Hillbilly

New member
Sep 4, 2006
Nestling in green nowhere
i was just about to post my own Stamner park incident when i read yours!
I don't believe in anything that goes bump in the night but one of the only freaky things to happen to me was very similiar. In my mid teens cycling along a woody path near the top of the Stamner going towards Ditchling Beacon direction. Its early evening in autumn, when something catches my eye ahead, just stopped and new not to go any further. Ahead seems to be a tall man, skinny with a beard rolling his head i'm not joking like Paula Radcliffe when she would run. He looks through me down the path, I look back at him, he then moved back behind the tree, and oh yeah he had some sort of rifle held upwards in his arms. Needless to say i turned around, fast!

The man we saw had thick mutton chop style whiskers and was doing the same f***ing thing with his head!

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