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[Brighton] Two Brighton & Hove Labour Cllrs Expelled!


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 31, 2011
David Gilmour's armpit
It makes you wonder how this Cllr and her relative got into the selection process in the first place seeing as 1) She was from Leicester and apparently still lives there and 2) Was sacked from her previous job for fraud, which was upheld by an appeals judge.

Was the decision really taken out of local hands and dealt with by the regional party??
What are they suspended for - do you know? I must say, you do seem very willing to get onboard with this...which is fair enough.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
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Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
It makes you wonder how this Cllr and her relative got into the selection process in the first place seeing as 1) She was from Leicester and apparently still lives there and 2) Was sacked from her previous job for fraud, which was upheld by an appeals judge.

Was the decision really taken out of local hands and dealt with by the regional party??

Looks like the only people prepared to serve these days are liars, halfwits, bigots and people with names like Nimrod or Kitkat.


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2023
Good God! How the f*** do people like 'Steve Foster' ever get to become councillors?

Ivan Noidea.


Offended Liver Sausage
NSC Patron
Oct 17, 2008
What I would say this this @Steve Foster character does himself no favours by being here based on his output in this thread. He isn’t exactly winning hearts and minds.

It’s like my slap-down post…

Keir Starmer himself could be found holding a blood covered knife, standing over the body of a corpse, screaming “I did it, it was me, and I’ll do it again” and within three comments someone will still find a way to blame the Tories…

…was taken as an invitation for Tories to attack Labour. Tories are constantly involved in sleaze. Not least from the bloody current sitting government!!

I appreciate your party is in bits, but this is minor compared to your government’s constant f*** ups.

My point was more generally that there are more enough threads here slagging the Tory government, their ideals, and everything members here can think of. Just because the opposition have messed up (which they have HUGELY in the past and will in the future) it isn’t open season.

This thread was about two Labour councillors - but then partisan wankers from all sides got involved and my original point was lost in party politics by the same handful of nutters who think nuance is a young woman who looks after kids.

Any chance of keeping it on topic?

Herr Tubthumper

Well-known member
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Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland


Offended Liver Sausage
NSC Patron
Oct 17, 2008
As said before, you were the one who first brought the Tories into it - although, you were probably right, it would likely have headed there anyway - it was hardly going to avoid politics completely though, not when the story is about two elected members of the Council - However, your original point that threads turn into Tory bashing wasn’t ‘lost’ - 3 people at least responded to it and then moved on and you had numerous likes for your comments so they didn’t go unnoticed but ‘your point’ wasn’t the central theme of the thread - in fact this entire thread since has been largely about one Tory Councillor rather than Tory or Labour Party politics - hardly people being “partisan wankers’ when the issues aren’t anything to do with politics but rather the suitability of the Councillors mentioned in this thread to be public servants/serve on the Council. Perhaps because there is very little to discuss on the original topic, it’s gone on a bit.

People aren’t attacking Steve Foster for being a Tory but for his history of racist jokes.

And it is open season on the Tories when 46% of an electorate sample would vote Labour and 25% Tory if there was a GE tomorrow - Tory support is at it’s lowest for 18 years - even if the polls favoured the Government, it should always be ‘open season’ on any Government- that’s called democratic accountability to the electorate…
(That’s not me being a ‘partisan wanker’ btw, just stating facts)
Not reading that. TL;dr please?


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
Cllr Les Hamilton stepped down abruptly & now two further Labour councillors suspended - ouch!
Still your Conservative Councillor supporting BHA fan is still here! I was asked to give a speech at council tomorrow as the club have been granted freedom of the city. But I will be on a plane to Greece. Always happy to talk politics on the plane or preferably BHA.
Why have you designed this comment to make it look like something untoward has happened ? I think that is an awful thing to do.

Les Hamilton is a highly respected man who is now 82 years old. Clearly he has to come to a decision to let his 50 years of public service come to an end.

I suggest you stop commenting now. There are some decent Tories in local government.

I remember your fellow Tory, Brian Oxley, 'stepping down abruptly' many years ago. I knew Brian, a trustworthy and honourable chap. It's a shame the supply is getting shorter now.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
Let him have his day in the sun, the Conservative party are going to look like a very different entity in a years time.

I'm not sure how good that is for democracy, but after torching this country for over a decade the electorate knows they need some time out.

These issues in Brighton at a local level won't even register at the next election.


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2015
........People aren’t attacking Steve Foster for being a Tory but for his history of racist jokes......
......not forgetting his snide attempt to dishonestly cast aspersions on the character of a Councillor who has devoted 52 years of exemplary and unblemished service, when by comparison "Steve (Ivan) Foster" managed to soil his own reputation and bring disgrace upon himself before he was even elected as a Councillor, thus delaying his own political aspirations by four years when he was forced to abruptly step down as a candidate in disgrace in 2019.


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Feb 23, 2009
Brighton factually.....
Let him have his day in the sun, the Conservative party are going to look like a very different entity in a years time.

I'm not sure how good that is for democracy, but after torching this country for over a decade the electorate knows they need some time out.

These issues in Brighton at a local level won't even register at the next election.
I have a horrible feeling, labour might have some deeper issues that might be brought to the fore by the media just prior to any election and they may implode.
Anyways both parties are pretty shite to be honest.


Legacy Fan
Aug 20, 2003
StarI have a horrible feeling, labour might have some deeper issues that might be brought to the fore by the media just prior to any election and they may implode.
Anyways both parties are pretty shite to be honest.
Possibly. However much of the noise coming out about the Labour side is from Corbyn supporters annoyed at Starmer's zero tolerance.

It's a completely different approach from what we have seen from the other side. It's a game of chess, but The Tories appear petrified of losing some of the base vote whilst Starmer appears quite happy to lose some of his.

Strategically, Sunak would have better off moving the party back to centre somewhat right at the start, but I think he has lost the chance.

Lurching to the right now may play to their base but loses the floating voter. Moving to the centre alienates their core vote.

Many in the cabinet know the game is up and are engineering to leader in opposition.

Sunak will muddle through, but he hasn't got anything to lose with his wealth. If they dump him before the election, they are an even bigger laughing stock.

They are buggered. It's a far bigger problem that Starmer being a bit bland, which he is.
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“Vorsprung durch Technik”
NSC Patron
Oct 20, 2022
Not reading that. TL;dr please?
10 and a half lines of text is too long for you to read? 😂

My post was no longer than your post quoted below in #92 to which I was responding.

What I would say this this @Steve Foster character does himself no favours by being here based on his output in this thread. He isn’t exactly winning hearts and minds.

It’s like my slap-down post…

Keir Starmer himself could be found holding a blood covered knife, standing over the body of a corpse, screaming “I did it, it was me, and I’ll do it again” and within three comments someone will still find a way to blame the Tories…

…was taken as an invitation for Tories to attack Labour. Tories are constantly involved in sleaze. Not least from the bloody current sitting government!!

I appreciate your party is in bits, but this is minor compared to your government’s constant f*** ups.

My point was more generally that there are more enough threads here slagging the Tory government, their ideals, and everything members here can think of. Just because the opposition have messed up (which they have HUGELY in the past and will in the future) it isn’t open season.

This thread was about two Labour councillors - but then partisan wankers from all sides got involved and my original point was lost in party politics by the same handful of nutters who think nuance is a young woman who looks after kids.

Any chance of keeping it on topic?
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“Vorsprung durch Technik”
NSC Patron
Oct 20, 2022
.......and for which he evidently feels no shame or remorse..... even after having had four years to reflect...

View attachment 170401
Yes, it’s almost as if he is deliberately inviting ad hominen attacks so he can blame it on him being a target because he is a Tory Councillor. There are some very fine lines being trod here, not least implying there is something inordinate about a retiring councillor by associating their retirement with 2 alleged fraudulent councillors.

I was ready to consign his offensive ’jokes’ to the past but that comment to @Guinness Boy is shocking tbh.

I have heard some pretty bad things recently not least some very nasty anti-semitic comments from someone I won’t name and Islamophobic stereotyping too but for an elected public servant not only not to feel any remorse that he has erred in the past and been called by his peers ‘racist’ - but to then make a jokes about making racist jokes?- ffs 😳


Offended Liver Sausage
NSC Patron
Oct 17, 2008
10 and a half lines of text is too long for you to read? 😂

My post was no longer than your post quoted below in #92 to which I was responding.
Respectfully, every reply from you in every thread is 10 and a half lines too long for the point you try and make. I don’t have you on ignore because when you are concise you make some good points.


“Vorsprung durch Technik”
NSC Patron
Oct 20, 2022
Respectfully, every reply from you in every thread is 10 and a half lines too long for the point you try and make. I don’t have you on ignore because when you are concise you make some good points.
So what!? - no one is asking you to read my posts and your rudeness to my previous post is NOT appreciated (nor is the passive aggressive nature of every response you have made to me on this thread) and you are lying - every post I make is NOT ‘too long’ - Your last post was just as long as mine so lay off 👍

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