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[News] Brighton & Hove Children walk out in Solidarity for Peace, or half a day skiving.

Feb 23, 2009
Brighton factually.....
Well the kids are united and some have walked out, including my 14 year old daughter, the cynic in me thinks she will be hanging out with her mates by 11:30am.




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Jan 16, 2019
remember we did similar for the Iraq invasion in 2001?

And yes for many it was a chance to bunk off

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The voice of reason.
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Mar 16, 2005
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The Clamp

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They only get taught that women have willys, men are called Sandra and are forced to share toilets with transgender sex offenders, in school these days. It’s a fact that most children leave primary school only being able to speak in Muslamic. A fact.
You need a degree in wokery to even apply for teacher training these days and then you’ve only got chance if you identify as a PTSD suffering lady-boy with learning difficulties. And their wages are paid for by raiding the pension pots of First World War veterans, leaving our boys on the streets to be attacked by roving gangs of railway workers who have nothing better to do on strike days than attack people who fought for this country.

All facts, verifiable online.

So they may as well swerve school and attend a protest.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
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Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
Meanwhile my daughter's Jewish friend is no longer allowed home alone at 13 because of fears for their safety and Synagogues are hiring extra security for Bar Mitzvahs.

How about a school strike for a lasting peace on both sides instead of picking a team?

Harry Wilson's tackle

Harry Wilson's Tackle
NSC Patron
Oct 8, 2003
Meanwhile my daughter's Jewish friend is no longer allowed home alone at 13 because of fears for their safety and Synagogues are hiring extra security for Bar Mitzvahs.

How about a school strike for a lasting peace on both sides instead of picking a team?

While I applaud all the peaceful pro-Palestinian marchers, including the many Jewish people who have joined in, and the larger pro-Palestine contingent who have welcomed their joining in, we need to see more conspicuously joint activity.


“Vorsprung durch Technik”
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Oct 20, 2022
Well done to your daughter, and her peers.
Absolutely this but a joint peace march would give me less cause for disquiet that school kids are getting so involved in this issue tbh

It is solely based on a matter of principle (and not content) that I would argue that kids are vulnerable to suggestion or even worse manipulation into a situations where they are vicariously satisfying an adults desire to protest against something rather than it coming from the child‘s own conscience - the only way to minimise that risk imo, is to help school kids maintain a non-partisan approach (rather like churches do when praying for peace’ or Greta Thunberg’s Friday for Future) until they are self-confident enough to question prevailing views or understand the complexities of world problems themselves - sh1t, even adults struggle with that.

While I really like that the new generation of school kids is growing up to be more politically and socially aware than I ever was at that age and totally applaud them in doing so, I would still want them to arrive at adulthood with an independence of mind as a defence against succumbing to extremist or totalitarian or Authoritarian ideology later on in life.

Feb 23, 2009
Brighton factually.....
Meanwhile my daughter's Jewish friend is no longer allowed home alone at 13 because of fears for their safety and Synagogues are hiring extra security for Bar Mitzvahs.

How about a school strike for a lasting peace on both sides instead of picking a team?
Absolutely, I was unaware she would be walking out until my wife texted me, she has friends of all faiths and as I have alluded too think she is just bunking off school to miss double maths. I will be having a quite word when I get home around the subject, not harshly, just intrigued why the sudden interest in this issue and not others.

Just actually opened an email from school that has notified me she is absent from school after registration and while commending them on protesting in general, not happy that children (around 40) left school. Given that low number, I will have to mull over what I will say, if anything.


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Feb 25, 2009
Zabbar- Malta
Meanwhile my daughter's Jewish friend is no longer allowed home alone at 13 because of fears for their safety and Synagogues are hiring extra security for Bar Mitzvahs.

How about a school strike for a lasting peace on both sides instead of picking a team?
Agreed but Palestine support seems to more fashionable.
I blame Corbyn the trendsetter.

Guinness Boy

Tofu eating wokerati
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Jul 23, 2003
Up and Coming Sunny Portslade
Agreed but Palestine support seems to more fashionable.
I blame Corbyn the trendsetter.
I think there's just a cohort of people who choose to identify with their favourite, most deserving victim. Personally I can't choose which baby deserves to live the most or which community deserves the vilification. There's no right answer.

It's an awful, sad situation caused by extremism on both sides, that most families caught up in it never asked for. Perhaps our kids should be in school today learning that?

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Jul 8, 2003
Kitbag in Dubai
As an educationalist, I don't want any school-age children to miss any more teaching days than is absolutely necessary.

Children have suffered from both learning loss and lack of peer socialization during the Covid years.

Absenteeism remains high and many students continue to struggle with mental health problems.

Further ad-hoc disruption is only likely to hinder learning and exacerbate anxiety.

Want to march and/or protest peacefully about anything? No problem.

Do it outside of school hours at the weekend in your own time.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2007
Well the kids are united and some have walked out, including my 14 year old daughter, the cynic in me thinks she will be hanging out with her mates by 11:30am.

View attachment 170211

I am absolutely appalled by this. If it was a 'strike for peace throughout the world for all people' then maybe, but this is a highly contentious issue with innocent victims on both sides and with many ramifications for innocent people throughout society (eg both Jews and Muslims). This type of binary action and wording creates more conflict and fear, not less.

I think there's just a cohort of people who choose to identify with their favourite, most deserving victim. Personally I can't choose which baby deserves to live the most or which community deserves the vilification. There's no right answer.

It's an awful, sad situation caused by extremism on both sides, that most families caught up in it never asked for. Perhaps our kids should be in school today learning that?
Spot on.

Feb 23, 2009
Brighton factually.....
I am absolutely appalled by this. If it was a 'strike for peace throughout the world for all people' then maybe, but this is a highly contentious issue with innocent victims on both sides and with many ramifications for innocent people throughout society (eg both Jews and Muslims). This type of binary action and wording creates more conflict and fear, not less.
I am kinda with you, and a bit peed off about it to be honest, not sure how to handle it to be honest, I think she has gone with some girls who have been picking on her I recently found out, and she has been hiding it, she is normally quite strong and showed no interest in politics, I think she has gone to prove she is cool or something, I could be wrong, but I see this as a highly contentious issue and you should not be picking sides, the flyer may say peace, but it is in the Palestinian colours only, Ah I don't know what to say to her yet.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 6, 2003
Meanwhile my daughter's Jewish friend is no longer allowed home alone at 13 because of fears for their safety and Synagogues are hiring extra security for Bar Mitzvahs.

How about a school strike for a lasting peace on both sides instead of picking a team?
Exactly. Whilst it's great that young people are taking an interest in the world I think there should also be a walk-out in protest at anti-Semitism (which runs through British society like a geological fault) and to protest at the Hamas atrocities of October 7th.

Herr Tubthumper

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Jul 11, 2003
The Fatherland
Fair play to them. Good to see the next generation thinking about and engaging in protest.

Herr Tubthumper

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Jul 11, 2003
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Well-known member
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Jul 10, 2003
I am kinda with you, and a bit peed off about it to be honest, not sure how to handle it to be honest, I think she has gone with some girls who have been picking on her I recently found out, and she has been hiding it, she is normally quite strong and showed no interest in politics, I think she has gone to prove she is cool or something, I could be wrong, but I see this as a highly contentious issue and you should not be picking sides, the flyer may say peace, but it is in the Palestinian colours only, Ah I don't know what to say to her yet.

Maybe talking to her about why she went, what she heard when she was there and your concerns on it being pro-Palestinian rather than pro-Peace. Just a suggestion but you know her best :thumbsup:

My daughter always got involved in these sort of things and it led to some great (and only occasionally heated) dinner discussions :wink:

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