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[Albion] Tonight’s ref


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
Felt like shouting “get out the f***ing way” so often, seemed like he was desperate to be in the thick of the action


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 11, 2009
Thought we could have had two penalties on fouls on Pedro in the first half - especially the second one - the Ajax player didn’t get the ball
First wasn't imho, second was. Crouchy thought so too, ref claimed shoulder barge but it wasn't, he used his elbow and no intention of playing ball.

Ref was poor, Mitoma yellow was ridiculous and whilst van hecke was a foul it was never a yellow, he let off one of theirs with a miles worse crunching late challenge on Gilmour.

Plus he kept getting in way of our attacking players in first half near edge of box, his positioning was rubbish.


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
50/50 coming together of shoulders. It wasn’t a clear-cut penalty.
My referee detracting buddies may be a bit surprised, but I thought that was a penalty. Replay suggested it was a hefty shoulder to rib cage. Umpire's call as they say. Either way VAR would have upheld it. Not sure what the other incident being mentioned was, there was no other incidents in the first half I can recall.


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
Other than the stupid yellow for JPVH didn’t really notice him which is what should happen more often
That was a yellow. He was holding the player before and also as he turned to chase.

Deadly Danson

Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Probably the easiest game to ref there could be. Virtually no real debatable issues although he seemed far too keen with the yellows for us in the first half whilst allowing similar fouls to escape cautions for them but otherwise he was fine.

Feb 23, 2009
Brighton factually.....
Probably the easiest game to ref there could be. Virtually no real debatable issues although he seemed far too keen with the yellows for us in the first half whilst allowing similar fouls to escape cautions for them but otherwise he was fine.
Agree, watching the reply now, after getting home….
the screams for penalties, not required

maybe a couple of yellow cards were not over the top, bot questionable so a pass is given.


In the Algarve
Jan 31, 2012
Vilamoura, Portugal
My referee detracting buddies may be a bit surprised, but I thought that was a penalty. Replay suggested it was a hefty shoulder to rib cage. Umpire's call as they say. Either way VAR would have upheld it. Not sure what the other incident being mentioned was, there was no other incidents in the first half I can recall.
Pedro on the edge of the area with his back to goal got thumped in the back and fell over.

South Stand Bonfire

Who lit that match then?
NSC Patron
Jan 24, 2009
His general refereeing was very good. The Mitoma card was a bit odd as was the non yellow card for a foul on Gilmour. The Van Hecke card was justified as he held the player en route and continued to hold as he turned.....

...but it would be no fun without the ref thread.

If you are going to start a thread for this referee you may as well do it for all of them.

Oh :lolol:
No booking for Ajax when their player showed dissent by throwing the ball down in front of him; no booking for Ajax when a player then immediately kicked the ball away to stop a quick free kick; no booking for Ajax when kicking the ball away at our thrown in on the East side; booked VH for holding but apparently missed their player holding onto VH .Apart from that he was consistent.


I’m eating
NSC Patron
Mar 23, 2023
Starting the thread now… is he an Amsterdam local? Diabolical. Questionable calls at every turn. Yellows for the first foul (for us). Blows the whistle without playing extra time in the first half? Wank.
I thought he stopped right on 45 but the shitty Europa boards stop at 45 + 90 so it might have been a bit longer?


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
No booking for Ajax when their player showed dissent by throwing the ball down in front of him; no booking for Ajax when a player then immediately kicked the ball away to stop a quick free kick; no booking for Ajax when kicking the ball away at our thrown in on the East side; booked VH for holding but apparently missed their player holding onto VH .Apart from that he was consistent.
So there were no decisions that he made in our favour against them that were unfair ?

I believe everything I read on the NSC and now I know that every single ref that has ever played against us, even when we win, hates us and favours the opposition....

As I said, I have seen the replays of the VH incident, it was a booking. Mitoma, not so sure. Funnily enough, you missed the tackle on Gilmour which I think should have been penalised.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 22, 2004
Hove actually
His general refereeing was very good. The Mitoma card was a bit odd as was the non yellow card for a foul on Gilmour. The Van Hecke card was justified as he held the player en route and continued to hold as he turned.....

...but it would be no fun without the ref thread.

If you are going to start a thread for this referee you may as well do it for all of them.

Oh :lolol:
His general refereeing was good? As a qualified ref I would call out his positional movement was poor and was inconsistent. I await your response.


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
His general refereeing was good? As a qualified ref I would call out his positional movement was poor and was inconsistent. I await your response.
As a qualified ref I would expect you to be critical of him. In the same way as another ref might be critical of you. In the same way as having watched cricket for over forty years, and been a decent bowler, I'm always moaning about the line and lengths of player, and captain's decisions, who are much better than I ever was.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 22, 2004
Hove actually
As a qualified ref I would expect you to be critical of him. In the same way as another ref might be critical of you, in the same way as having watched cricket for forty years and been a decent bowler I'm always moaning about the line and lengths of player in Test matches who are much better than I ever was.
Cricket? What’s that got to do with tonight?

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