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[Albion] Garry Birtles

smillie's garden

Am I evil?
Aug 11, 2003
I'd have been exactly the same as him (in
reverse) Daft getting fans of a club to be co commentators. However it did make the final whistle all the sweeter 😀
An added bonus to that battling performance was making Birtles cry. However, ex players often commentate on their old clubs. Often have Murray and Upson doing ours.


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
I actually met him last time I went to Forest when we were in the Championship and lost 3-0. He was doing corporate.

He was a lovely guy and when I told him I admired him as a kid, he was clearly very flattered.

I wish I'd told him the truth now - that he was utter gash whose second touch was always a tackle and that he was probably the only Man Utd signing worse than Ralph Milne.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
It was like watching Forest TV. And what difference does it make if a striker isn't likely to get to the ball if he's being bear-hugged by his opponent? I think they were both penalties.

Listening to Birtles and 27 mins with 10 men was as hard a watch as I've had all season.

Cowfold Seagull

Fan of the 17 bus
Apr 22, 2009
I actually had a lot of time for Garry Birtles when he was co-commentating on lower division games for Sky back in the day. I thought he was a very fair summeriser and l agreed with much of what he said.

It would appear that if his beloved Forest are involved in the game, it is a very different matter though!


NSC Patron
Feb 23, 2009
I actually had a lot of time for Garry Birtles when he was co-commentating on lower division games for Sky back in the day. I thought he was a very fair summeriser and l agreed with much of what he said.

It would appear that if his beloved Forest are involved in the game, it is a very different matter though!
He was an annoying **** last time he co-commentated a game of ours as well. Think it was Everton away.

Whoever employs him should be embarrassed. As said in the match thread, it's like watching the game in a pub with some pissed up twat that's never been to a game that thinks they know everything. Bloody irritating.


Feb 8, 2005
Was an incredibly biased co-commentator and his general view of football remains firmly in the 80s.
His trying to say ours wasn’t a pen was just hilarious made even more funny when he was adamant theirs was


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2023
That was the most bizarre comment of them all. Since when has a foul in the box only been given if it was near the ball?
That drove me to distraction, compounded by him repeating it several times. He is to punditry what Farage is to politics 👎

Seagull's Return

Active member
Nov 7, 2003
Can’t stand him. Why, you ask? Well… He doesn’t know the rules of the game, he doesn’t understand the modern game, and he doesn’t have the human capacity to rise above his own biases even when he’s being paid to do exactly that.

But mostly because he’s basically just a whiny Forest *****.

*apologies to decent Forest supporters, I’ve nothing particularly against you or your club. Though you’re not being done any favours by association with that tosser, to be honest.

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