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[Albion] Dunk - straight red?


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
Oh come on. You only have to to see the difference in approach to some bookings compared to others. Just taking Brighton games into account: we got booking for kicking the ball away. Then it mysteriously stopped. Then came back in injury time today.
That is not individuals seeing things differently. That is deliberate. Also I am not the one starting a rumor.
I agree. As do the supporters of 19 other Premier League teams who also know that is they who get the worst of the decisions.


Not awoke
Feb 3, 2008
Just seen the highlights on the club site and I was expecting Lewis to be far more animated than he was.

Looks like he called him a wanker after giving out a yellow for a fairly standard challenge on the decision.
As the Captain, I'm pretty sure he felt within his rights, for the first offence.
Really looked like Taylor being an absolute prick to be honest.
Or a wanker

um bongo molongo

Well-known member
Jul 26, 2004
He was and deserved it, I've seen worse get away with less though...
This is the thing isn’t it. He deserved to get sent off, but so do hundreds of players every week. And let’s face it, if that’s a Liverpool, City, United, Spurs, Chelsea player at home, they for sure aren’t getting sent off. That’s what is so frustrating


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
This is the thing isn’t it. He deserved to get sent off, but so do hundreds of players every week. And let’s face it, if that’s a Liverpool, City, United, Spurs, Chelsea player at home, they for sure aren’t getting sent off. That’s what is so frustrating


The offence he gets carded for looks to be absolutely nothing out of the ordinary
Captain remonstrating with a ref over a soft decision.

On receiving a card from a pompous ref, Dunk walks away and calls him something,
Possibly bald prick. At which point, said pompous prick, gives him a straight red.

Dunky just looks at him as if to say, "yeah you are a total f***ing prick aren't you".

I have seen plenty of non-captains clearly telling refs to f*** off after a soft decision.
without resorting to a red.

Taylor has been an absolute **** there.


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2013
I’m not surprised Dunky got an early bath, according to this thread he called the ref -
Cheating c**t.
Bald c**t.
F****g bent.
F****g prick.

Anything else? :smile: :moo:
I personally, and I know this is maybe just me, would love to see any player sent off as a straight red for talking to a ref like that..

Would soon stop it. I know playing 11s I've never had money and bonuses on the line but honestly there is no need. They're just doing a job and no ref has ever changed a decision because they're being abused.

AZ Gull

@SeagullsAcademy Threads: @bhafcacademy
Oct 14, 2003
Chandler, AZ
Just heard from someone who will know.

Yellow was for being at the var monitor when ref watched it back.

Then straight red for foul and abusive language.

Same source has confirmed it will still only be the one game ban.

This is from the FA Handbook 2023-24; I don't see how it can be anything other than a 2-match ban. :shrug:



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2014
here's an idea. Instead of sending players off, how about refs are allowed to call players
names in return. A sort of quid pro quo deal.

Deadly Danson

Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
I would yes. The biggest issue with officiating in the premier league is consistency. The lack of it leads to their ability to give "odd" decisions that could vary easily be match fixing.
There needs to be a framework in place to address the inconsistency issue. Fines for referees, or suspensions or something. Or to start just simple admission and openness about decisions.
I agree. The consistency is utterly ridiculous. I bet 200 players a season get away with what Dunk said today (although i'm not defending him - he was an idiot).
Then - it seems VAR would have disallowed our first goal had Lallana actually been offside for interfering with play yet we've had blatant offside goals against us (against Villa and City from memory) allowed.
Their penalty - that is NOT clear and obvious - we've seen dozens of those not given with the excuse "we're not here to re-referee the game" (I would have had no issue had the on field ref given the pen).
Our yellow for timewasting - we've seen hundreds of instances where this hasn't been punished until the 89th minute.

The list goes on - its infuriating. I accept refs aren't robots but it's getting totally ridiculous. I don't for a second think it's match fixing but it really isn't good enough.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
I personally, and I know this is maybe just me, would love to see any player sent off as a straight red for talking to a ref like that..

Would soon stop it. I know playing 11s I've never had money and bonuses on the line but honestly there is no need. They're just doing a job and no ref has ever changed a decision because they're being abused.
Well enjoy today then.
at last a player has been given a straight red for showing frustration to the ref.

I now await the immediate cessation of this type of behaviour, from all other Prem players, now that Taylor has courageously led the way.

American Seagle

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2022
I agree. As do the supporters of 19 other Premier League teams who also know that is they who get the worst of the decisions.
I am not implying that they are fixing it in favor specific teams. Why would you think that? Match fixing in terms of numbers of yellows, number of penalties etc etc. It goes a long way to explain the otherwise random nature of some of the decisions: one week certain things are fouls and yellows, the next they are not. One week penalties are given for handballs, the next they are ignored.


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
I agree. As do the supporters of 19 other Premier League teams who also know that is they who get the worst of the decisions.
Sure and 2 or 3 of them have had similar levels of apologies from PGMOL as us.
But I'm sure you will crack on with the "it evens itself out over a season" crap, without any evidence to back that up.

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