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What things annoy you - even though they shouldn't really?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
When was the last time you went up there, The Albion claimed to have contributed a fair sum of money to this cycle path you call a bridleway.

I was walking on it a month ago -not by an stretch of the imagination could it be called a cycle path. I continue to cycle on the road there, when a cycle path is built, I'll use that


New member
Jan 3, 2007
People who moan about their work. Not like in the Bellcheeses thread, that's just funny , but people at their work moaning as they work. I get that some people have to work on crappy jobs and have little choice but you do have the choice to get on with it and make the most of it without making out you're being forced into some slave labour Hellscape from which there is no escape.

The Spanish

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
carry on baggage. paranoid twits who cannot be separated from their pants and socks for a couple of hours and are so tense a wait at a carousel is beyond them. on carriers where a checked bag is included, this is bordering on insanity.

A classic example of being within the laws but not within the spirit.

These self absorbed and self importnat nincompoops have ruined flying, and then blame airlines for charging them a few quid for luggage, being too dense to grasp the economics that has reduced their ticket price in the first place.

Pogue Mahone

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2011
When was the last time you went up there, The Albion claimed to have contributed a fair sum of money to this cycle path you call a bridleway.

I cycle up this path from the Falmer end. I do this because it cuts out cycling into town and then along the coast road when returning home to Ovingdean from over there.

I never went over that way before they built the 'cycle' lane, as I found it terrifying to ride up this road with some of the heavy traffic, and impatient drivers.

I would still never ride on the road from Falmer, but the cycle path is convenient.

The point that Notters is making, I believe, is that this path is not really suitable for road bikes. It is a gravel path, which means that punctures are much more likely to occur, and this also makes it incredibly dangerous to descend on. For this reason, I always use the road from the Woodingdean end.

If you are a mountain biker, then this path is perfect! Road bikes need tarmac, though.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
All these pet hates seem perfectly reasonable to me. I've got two or three that just wind me up so much and I've no idea why.

1. People who eat crisps and whatnots in a shop before buying them. My missus does it sometimes and I can't stand it. No idea why.

2. films or tv shows where the central character has an evil doppelganger/twin. I just can't watch them, it upsets me. The film Face Off - nope, can't watch it. That episode of Knight Rider where Garthe Knight turns up - likewise. Explain that one then.

and this is my most irrational hatred:

3. In the film Grease there's a bloke who is an extra in it. No idea who he is but he pops up with alarming monotony and I hate him. Every times there's a song he's there over-acting like his life depends on it, which it doesn't. I don't like many musicals but I happen to like Grease - a lot, and this bloke spoils it for me every time.

Here he is early on (although he does appear even earlier

He minces around in this scene like a right ponce

Dancing like a nob in this scene

He gatecrashes practically every shot in the song 'One That I Want'.

And the last scene you see, he's there doing a Charlie Chaplin impression.

I f*cking hate him.

My god this is such a perfect post. Such a weird sensation when someone mentions something that you have known all along but never knew before. Of course I had noticed that waddle, and that hideous moment in the dance scene. But I had never put it together. He truly deserves shooting.


Registered User
Apr 23, 2012
People who moan about their work. Not like in the Bellcheeses thread, that's just funny , but people at their work moaning as they work. I get that some people have to work on crappy jobs and have little choice but you do have the choice to get on with it and make the most of it without making out you're being forced into some slave labour Hellscape from which there is no escape.
Good shout.

It's not so much the griping that gets me but the inevitable 'I could do that job if I had the same luck/knew the right person/was a jobsworth' crap that comes with it.

Stop looking for bloody excuses and work for the job you want, if you fail first time then pick yourself up and go again. It may not be immediate and sometimes something legitimately unfair will happen, but that's not good enough a reason to give up.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Good shout.

It's not so much the griping that gets me but the inevitable 'I could do that job if I had the same luck/knew the right person/was a jobsworth' crap that comes with it.

Stop looking for bloody excuses and work for the job you want, if you fail first time then pick yourself up and go again. It may not be immediate and sometimes something legitimately unfair will happen, but that's not good enough a reason to give up.

Quite. People need to know the difference between unfair and unjust. There is a big difference. The unfair you just have to take on the chin. The unjust is worth railing against.

The Spanish

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
High up on the list people who slurp drinks and hearing others eat apples.

For some unknown reason cashiers who put receipt on palm followed by the money also gets my goat.

Far too many to note, yes I am a grumpy sod.

on the eating front, people who are seemingly unable to put a fork in their mouth without clattering it onto their teeth. how little motor control do you have?

The Spanish

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
Definitely those.

Also people who, in their 'education' part of their profile say they've studied at 'the university of life', as if that a perceived lack of education somehow gives them some advantage in life. It doesn't, unless their career goal is to be an insufferable ****.

on the contrary, people who put their degree qualifications on their business cards, unless its your very first job after graduating. other professionally relevant qualifications (medical, technical) are forgivable and perhaps necessary. but for anyone else its mental.

1) 10 item or less why let through 12...14...18...25 items. It penalises the quick shopper and aggravates the likes of me, standing in the normal checkouts with my 17 items. Operators should ask the shopper which ten items they would like put through and the rest are to be returned to store.
2) Juveniles riding up to local shops and flinging their bikes flat on the ground, immediately outside the entrance, making other shoppers have to pick their way around or over the machines.
3) Like many others....screaming female tennis players. It serves no purpose other than to distract. Umpires should issue code violation warnings. They don't do it when they practise, so why do they do it on court?
4) Fashions that people rush to embrace like lemmings. Not long ago it was ponytails on men. Then it was body piercing, then it was fancy striped scarves, then it was head-shaving and now its tattoos ( all over the body )
5) ' The Premiership '....yes thats right its rugby, not bloody is ' the Premier League '
6) Big Brother. I thought this unadulterated drivel was being dropped from our screens but I still see that its on. What morons watch it? TV for the mentally retarded.
7) Litter. Just discarded without any thought, irrespective of the proximity of waste-bins. Chucked out of car-windows. Verges and hedgerows festooned with mountains of plastic and aluminium detritus. Smokers buying a packet of fags and immediately discarding the plastic wrapper that surrounds it, swiftly followed by the piece of foil paper inside. No respect. Just a throwaway mentality...' someone will be along to clear it up '
8) Politicians pretending that they are putting the interests of the electorate first....when?
9) Rap....talking garbage to music. The biggest con in musical history. When will the world catch on that its being mugged by street-wise guys, without an ounce of musical ability. Still, if people are stupid enough to be sucked in by it , then I suppose they will continue to trot out this rubbish and make millions. ( I am preparing for a pro-rap backlash on this one! )
10 ) A lot of the young female population of this country. No class, no style, no manners. Boorish and aggressive. Walking about with rolls of body fat hanging out of and over inappropriate clothing. No effort made to be smart. So overweight that you think they are pregnant. They're not. Its just their enormous stomachs ( to go with their enormous arses and enormous thighs. Waddling about like fag-smoking, tattooed hippos. Going out for the evening and getting smashed out of their tiny minds. Vomiting everywhere. We seem to have bred this under-class that have by-passed style and dignity and grace and manners and gone straight to ugliness personified.

Quality rant.

Publius Ovidius

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
at home
Emails from users in our Indian office asking for help but not actually describing their problem and signing it "Do the needful". It does not make sense, they may as well put "JUST FIX IT" annoys every time, it's bloody rude.

They email me in text speak ...I can't tell you how that annoys me.....and they do also on hangouts!


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
carry on baggage. paranoid twits who cannot be separated from their pants and socks for a couple of hours and are so tense a wait at a carousel is beyond them. on carriers where a checked bag is included, this is bordering on insanity.

A classic example of being within the laws but not within the spirit.

These self absorbed and self importnat nincompoops have ruined flying, and then blame airlines for charging them a few quid for luggage, being too dense to grasp the economics that has reduced their ticket price in the first place.

Not paranoia or insanity, more trying to avoid waiting an hour (or more) at the end (on what is usually a weekend day) to get my bloody bag back. Anything up to a 5 day business trip I am strictly hand luggage only......I really can't be arsed to hang around at 6am by the carousel after 14 hours on a plane for someone to eventually lob my case onto a conveyor belt

sir albion

New member
Jan 6, 2007
Serial moaners at work
Slow useless workers
People who hog the middle lane
Woman who don't swallow
Student types
People who're scruffy and unhygienic
Bha fans who keep blabbing on about ex players
Left wing tree hugging nerds
Waiting in queues
Idiots who have to have the latest gadgets first just to feed their image
Fat people

That'll do for now

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