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[Albion] Was there a better site than Falmer


Active member
Aug 9, 2017
Following the ‘abysmal’ transport threads…was there a better site (for the ground) than Falmer and if so where was it?

To answer my own question, I would say yes and probably Toads Hole Valley (given the proximity to Hove and Preston Park) which is now highly likely to be developed…regs differed at that time though I assume.

mile oak

Well-known member
May 21, 2023
Absolutely. Ive long said Falmer is too reliant on trains and we all know the problems there. But with all due respects isnt this a pointless thread. We aint going anywhere and have to make the most of what we have. We can improve things starting with Falmer station upgrade needs double size at least and more trains and more carriages.


Feb 8, 2011
In an ideal world...
Following FT, there is a pair of 12 coach trains waiting to fill up to go to Brighton & Lewes. Once full they leave. There is then a second wave of 12 coaches to take another load. After which it'll return to the standard service.
From Lewes and Brighton there and then specific trains to ferry people onwards.

As I said, in an ideal world.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex
In an ideal world...
Following FT, there is a pair of 12 coach trains waiting to fill up to go to Brighton & Lewes. Once full they leave. There is then a second wave of 12 coaches to take another load. After which it'll return to the standard service.
From Lewes and Brighton there and then specific trains to ferry people onwards.

As I said, in an ideal world.
Using the Thameslink class 700 trains which can cram in a whole load more people than the Southern class 377s

Deadly Danson

Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Following the ‘abysmal’ transport threads…was there a better site (for the ground) than Falmer and if so where was it?

To answer my own question, I would say yes and probably Toads Hole Valley (given the proximity to Hove and Preston Park) which is now highly likely to be developed…regs differed at that time though I assume.
Toads Hole would have been awful. No close station and highly residential. There really wasn't a perfect site but Falmer was the best.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Aug 25, 2011
Withdean area
Absolutely. Ive long said Falmer is too reliant on trains and we all know the problems there. But with all due respects isnt this a pointless thread. We aint going anywhere and have to make the most of what we have. We can improve things starting with Falmer station upgrade needs double size at least and more trains and more carriages.


The Board examined every other possibility and each was flawed / in discussions with authorities would never have been allowed.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
Following the ‘abysmal’ transport threads…was there a better site (for the ground) than Falmer and if so where was it?

To answer my own question, I would say yes and probably Toads Hole Valley (given the proximity to Hove and Preston Park) which is now highly likely to be developed…regs differed at that time though I assume.

Since I'm too late to call @Dr. No, No there wasn't.


Plastic JCL
Sep 14, 2016
Following the ‘abysmal’ transport threads…was there a better site (for the ground) than Falmer and if so where was it?

To answer my own question, I would say yes and probably Toads Hole Valley (given the proximity to Hove and Preston Park) which is now highly likely to be developed…regs differed at that time though I assume.

Somewhere with LESS transport options would have been a better site? What?

Cheshire Cat

The most curious thing..


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 1, 2009
Falmer, for many reasons (transport being glaringly obviously one of them), is not ideal. Never was, never will be. Was there anywhere better? Don't know - many years since I lived in the area.

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