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[Politics] Tory meltdown finally arrived [was: incoming]...

cheshunt seagull

Well-known member
Jul 5, 2003
The Tories seem to have a lot of "research groups" for various things, they all seem to be set up for no reason other than to advance some nefarious plan, funded in a highly opaque way and normally leading to disastrous outcomes
One of the features of these 'research' groups is that they show little interest in actually doing any research. They start off with a simplistic position and just look for a few random bits of 'evidence' to back it up knowing that most of the media won't ask any probing questions.

Thunder Bolt

Silly old bat
The Tories seem to have a lot of "research groups" for various things, they all seem to be set up for no reason other than to advance some nefarious plan, funded in a highly opaque way and normally leading to disastrous outcomes
Funded by taxpayers for 'research' in the same way that Johnson engaged with lots of 'consultants' for the river bridge, and Irish tunnel. Lots of real estate sold off with profits going back into the government coffers. Magistrates courts, police stations, fire stations (Johnson sold off 10 alone in London)

We are being robbed blind, whilst austerity bites into every aspect of public services.


Anti-greed coalition
Jul 20, 2003
One of the features of these 'research' groups is that they show little interest in actually doing any research. They start off with a simplistic position and just look for a few random bits of 'evidence' to back it up knowing that most of the media won't ask any probing questions.




Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Gods country fortnightly
The first part of Laura Kuenssberg: State of Chaos is on iPLayer - it's essentially the story of what happened in Westminster from 2016. It includes lots of interviews with civil servants who have not spoken publicly before and is very interesting.
Watching this is a reminder of why the country is on its knees today, literally nothing happened in the zombie government for years…

Then we almost seamlessly moved to covid with the worse leader at the worse time.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 27, 2009
Shoreham Beach
Here we have the Office of Environmental Protection -

identifies possible failures to comply with environmental law in relation to regulatory oversight of untreated sewage discharges ​

No big deal really. just another woke quango...The Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) was legally created in November 2021, under the Environment Act 2021.

Let me get this right. The same government who thought it would be a good idea to focus on their extraodinary success at stopping the boats in the middle of a calm warm summer, has managed to fall foul of a department they created as recently as 2021!

It isn't just the concrete that is crumbling.


Anti-greed coalition
Jul 20, 2003
The first part of Laura Kuenssberg: State of Chaos is on iPLayer - it's essentially the story of what happened in Westminster from 2016. It includes lots of interviews with civil servants who have not spoken publicly before and is very interesting.

Goodness me, when it's all condensed like this it's even more shocking.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
Goodness me, when it's all condensed like this it's even more shocking.

Watching that, it is still incredible the level of decimation in every aspect of a nation that can be achieved in just 7 years of idiocy, incompetence and dishonesty. And that was only episode one finishing with Johnson eventually making his power grab. Truly remarkable :shootself


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 27, 2009
Shoreham Beach
The Tories seem to have a lot of "research groups" for various things, they all seem to be set up for no reason other than to advance some nefarious plan, funded in a highly opaque way and normally leading to disastrous outcomes
Not to mention, many have charitable status so don't pay tax and even worse some are funded as part of government for no apparent reason (ERG)


Well-known member
NSC Patron
May 21, 2004
Here we have the Office of Environmental Protection -

identifies possible failures to comply with environmental law in relation to regulatory oversight of untreated sewage discharges ​

No big deal really. just another woke quango...The Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) was legally created in November 2021, under the Environment Act 2021.

Let me get this right. The same government who thought it would be a good idea to focus on their extraodinary success at stopping the boats in the middle of a calm warm summer, has managed to fall foul of a department they created as recently as 2021!

It isn't just the concrete that is crumbling.
I thought the sewage discharge was Braverman’s latest plan to stop the boats?

Hugo Rune

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 23, 2012
And here we go, the campaign to make the thickest, nastiest ****s in the Country vote Tory in the next election by wealthy non-dom ****ers has truly begun:



Have you considered masterly inactivity?
NSC Patron
Oct 12, 2022
Not to mention, many have charitable status so don't pay tax and even worse some are funded as part of government for no apparent reason (ERG)

I’ve always believed that to have government money you should need to produce peer reviewed and confirmed pieces of research at least every two years or lose your funding.

The fact that the taxpayer pays for the ERG is contempt of taxpayer to my mind.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Sep 1, 2017
Deepest, darkest Sussex


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 10, 2003
And here we go, the campaign to make the thickest, nastiest ****s in the Country vote Tory in the next election by wealthy non-dom ****ers has truly begun:

View attachment 166403

The numbers crossing the channel in small boats ?

There are no records prior to 2018 as the Government considered them "Inconsequential"
2018 - 299
2019 - 1,890
2020 - 8,466
2021 - 28,526
2022 - 45,755

I'm guessing that the Daily Mail's alternative strategy is more of the same. I wonder how much longer racists and bigots can continue to claim a defence of ignorance and stupidity :dunce:
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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2022
Honestly don’t believe for one second that the EU will enter into any form of ‘migrants return’ scheme with the UK, simply won’t happen- Sir Keir sounding a bit like Cameron explaining how we were going to get a new agreement with the EU before the referendum.

Kinky Gerbil

Im The Scatman
NSC Patron
Jul 16, 2003
Honestly don’t believe for one second that the EU will enter into any form of ‘migrants return’ scheme with the UK, simply won’t happen- Sir Keir sounding a bit like Cameron explaining how we were going to get a new agreement with the EU before the referendum.

It's nonsense, about time both parties admit they have zero ideas how to fix the problem.

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