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[Politics] Thread for all the things we are being gaslit into being angry about.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
As a fully paid up member of the lefty wokaratti I am finding it hard to keep up with all things I am supposed to be angry about at the moment. As I often forget that I am supposed to care about certain stuff I thought it was handy to have them all in one thread.

Last week seemed to be black mermaid, this was tough for me as not being a 10 year old girl makes it hard for me to get upset triggered about mermaids.

This week we seem to be back to a female James Bond. I have no idea of this is actually happening but apparently I am supposed to be angry about it. Again this is hard because I haven't really been that interested in James Bond since A View to a Kill (I went for my birthday and Duran Duran did the song - it was ace). My passing interest of watching a couple of the Daniel Craig ones with my son hasn't really equipped me to get cross about it.

I wonder if there was this uproar when they decided to make him Scottish?

Anyway, what are the other things I should be getting angry about? (children's books badfish, don't forget children's books - they are changing them, and this time it's bad.

Culture Wars, what are they good for . . . Huh!! Distracting the voters Hun!



Jul 14, 2008
The Astral Planes, man...
I'm angry because we can't light our homes with gas any more, apparently it causes polar bears to fart too much or something.

Instead we have to pay about £10 for a low energy lightbulb that lasts for about 2 minutes before it blows and we have to buy another one.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
I'm angry because we can't light our homes with gas any more, apparently it causes polar bears to fart too much or something.

Instead we have to pay about £10 for a low energy lightbulb that lasts for about 2 minutes before it blows and we have to buy another one.
Are you trying to work that low energy lightbulb with gas, that might be your problem?


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
This female James Bond thing. There can't be a female James Bond, because James Bond is male. But there could be a female 007.

I'm sure that if she was fabulously attractive some of this ire would soon disappear.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 1, 2009
As a fully paid up member of the lefty wokaratti I am finding it hard to keep up with all things I am supposed to be angry about at the moment. As I often forget that I am supposed to care about certain stuff I thought it was handy to have them all in one thread.

Last week seemed to be black mermaid, this was tough for me as not being a 10 year old girl makes it hard for me to get upset triggered about mermaids.

This week we seem to be back to a female James Bond. I have no idea of this is actually happening but apparently I am supposed to be angry about it. Again this is hard because I haven't really been that interested in James Bond since A View to a Kill (I went for my birthday and Duran Duran did the song - it was ace). My passing interest of watching a couple of the Daniel Craig ones with my son hasn't really equipped me to get cross about it.

I wonder if there was this uproar when they decided to make him Scottish?

Anyway, what are the other things I should be getting angry about? (children's books badfish, don't forget children's books - they are changing them, and this time it's bad.

Culture Wars, what are they good for . . . Huh!! Distracting the voters Hun!

As a fully paid up member of the lefty wokaratti I am finding it hard to keep up with all things I am supposed to be angry about at the moment".

Really? Seriously? It's really so simple. You just need to be outraged (and preferably abusive if you want to be taken seriously by other wokeratti) with anyone or anything that doesn't completely and wholeheartedly endorse your values.

Check out threads on, say, cats ................... or Potter (being shite that we were all bloody glad to get rid of) ..........or Brexit .............. agree with the majority. You'll be fine - chums galore! :thumbsup:


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 1, 2009
This female James Bond thing. There can't be a female James Bond, because James Bond is male. But there could be a female 007.

I'm sure that if she was fabulously attractive some of this ire would soon disappear.
If James Bond wants to identify as top totty, shirley that's his/her right, Or Shirley's anyway....................


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
As a fully paid up member of the lefty wokaratti I am finding it hard to keep up with all things I am supposed to be angry about at the moment".

Really? Seriously? It's really so simple. You just need to be outraged (and preferably abusive if you want to be taken seriously by other wokeratti) with anyone or anything that doesn't completely and wholeheartedly endorse your values.

Check out threads on, say, cats ................... or Potter (being shite that we were all bloody glad to get rid of) ..........or Brexit .............. agree with the majority. You'll be fine - chums galore! :thumbsup:
They are all over Facebook news articles too. Outraged and angry about the idea of a female James Bond or a Black Mermaid.


Colonel Hee-Haw of Queen's Park
NSC Patron
Apr 5, 2014
They are all over Facebook news articles too. Outraged and angry about the idea of a female James Bond or a Black Mermaid.
Except that their wouldn't be a female James Bond, that's the point.

It's like outrage is a drug these days.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Feb 1, 2009
They are all over Facebook news articles too. Outraged and angry about the idea of a female James Bond or a Black Mermaid.
Really? Fair enough - is there a FB place where I can go to say I don't give a shit about either?

On the subject of James Bond, can't say I'm an expert. Only read a couple of the books, and couldn't stand the smug imperialist bastard, the complete antithesis of long hair, hippiedom and all things wonderful for a young man 50 or more years ago - but - serious question - did the books ever actually specify that he wasn't black or mixed race?


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
As a fully paid up member of the lefty wokaratti I am finding it hard to keep up with all things I am supposed to be angry about at the moment".

Really? Seriously? It's really so simple. You just need to be outraged (and preferably abusive if you want to be taken seriously by other wokeratti) with anyone or anything that doesn't completely and wholeheartedly endorse your values.

Check out threads on, say, cats ................... or Potter (being shite that we were all bloody glad to get rid of) ..........or Brexit .............. agree with the majority. You'll be fine - chums galore! :thumbsup:
As a fully paid up member of the lefty wokaratti I am finding it hard to keep up with all things I am supposed to be angry about at the moment".

Really? Seriously? It's really so simple. You just need to be outraged (and preferably abusive if you want to be taken seriously by other wokeratti) with anyone or anything that doesn't completely and wholeheartedly endorse your values.

Check out threads on, say, cats ................... or Potter (being shite that we were all bloody glad to get rid of) ..........or Brexit .............. agree with the majority. You'll be fine - chums galore! :thumbsup:
Btw, no not really and no not remotely seriously.

I find the whole thing a bit daft if I am honest.


Huge Member
Oct 19, 2003
Except that their wouldn't be a female James Bond, that's the point.

It's like outrage is a drug these days.
I must admit to not thinking too deeply about how the writers would go about having a female James Bond but yes I would assume that it would just be a new 007. Although we are expected to believe that he has hardly aged in the last 50 odd years and been English, Australian and Scottish during that time. Perhaps our willing suspension of disbelief could stretch to him now being a woman.

FWIW just for shits and giggles it would be brilliant to present a trans bond for the next film . . . Imagine the outrage . . . Played by Eddie Izzard . . . 😂😂

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