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there was no moon landing .... discus

Curious Orange

Punxsatawney Phil
Jul 5, 2003
On NSC for over two decades...
No offence but when did the TV outsmart Physics? Maradona claimed he never touched the ball with his hand whilst live on TV, do you believe that too?

I'm sorry, is that an argument? Does You Tube and Wikipedia trump physics too?

I take it that Al Queda sticking up their hands and saying "We done it Guv" doesn't count, 'cos they're terrorists and therefore not trustworthy?


Jan 18, 2012
By all means my crazy little poppet. No evidence has ever been presented to me in the last ten years that would ever convince me those buildings were destroyed by the US Government. I have watched Loosechange and listened to all the so called scientists and experts and to a man they have all been discredited by people that actually know what they are talking about. Additionaly, nobody has ever produced evidence to satisfy me as to WHY the US Government would do such a thing. Nobody has ever produced any evidence to satisfy me as to HOW the US Government could have done this.
I have looked into it and it boils down to this: It is nothing more than a bunch of vacuuos, attention seeking spods with massive gaps in their developement and much lacking in their social aptitude that they have filled with nonsense to try and make some kind of sense of a world they have no capability of interacting with on any level apart from wild theories and accusations.

If you have looked into this and have managed to reach such a strange conclusion, can you please provide me with the evidence that supports your theory?
Could you also explain to me, how jet fuel managed to melt 16 vertical columns in the middle of each tower, that were put their to withstand natural disasters and terrorist attacks?

The Large One

Who's Next?
Jul 7, 2003
Rosa means Pink in spanish. Where is the 'e' in Rosa? What weight can you have to your arguments if you can't read?

:wozza: Tragically, I knew you were going to post something like that.

The fact is - and as someone whose name is Rosa, I thought you would have plainly understood this obvious tidbit - 'rosa' and 'rose', culturally, historically and horticulturally are considered one and the same. Indeed, many horticulturalists refer to roses by their Latin name.

You're evidently not familiar with the concept of 'sub rosa', for example...?

I can read perfectly well thanks, and beyond English; I also have reasonable passing interest in etymology. Pity you're not so familiar with the roots of your own name.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
If you have looked into this and have managed to reach such a strange conclusion, can you please provide me with the evidence that supports your theory?
Could you also explain to me, how jet fuel managed to melt 16 vertical columns in the middle of each tower, that were put their to withstand natural disasters and terrorist attacks?
The point is I accept the official story. The evidence that supports that version of events is overwhelming. You believe in an alternative theory and therefore the onus is on you to prove it.
As I feared. No straight answers. Prick.


Jan 18, 2012
Oi! Numbnuts, you got your answer from me. Now why don't you answer me straight. Why do you believe in this theory that the US did such a thing and how they did it?. Please provide indisputable evidence if you attempt to answer this question.
Please add some flair and magic. I'm hungover to buggery and you are entertaining me endlessly.

Answer the question if you want to debate, try not be rude I have not called you names. I will answer your questions with logic. Why can't you do the same?


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Answer the question if you want to debate, try not be rude I have not called you names. I will answer your questions with logic. Why can't you do the same?

I have given you my reply. I have no need to prove anything to you. The onus is on you old bean. Now, do we get this straight answer or are you going to continue to avoid it?

Now, once more why do you believe in this theory?


Jan 18, 2012
The point is I accept the official story. The evidence that supports that version of events is overwhelming. You believe in an alternative theory and therefore the onus is on you to prove it.
As I feared. No straight answers. Prick.

I was giving you the question and this is your answer? Why the need to use the word 'prick'? Is this the after effects of alcohol and an unstable sex life?

Manx Shearwater

New member
Jun 28, 2011
Could you also explain to me, how jet fuel managed to melt 16 vertical columns in the middle of each tower, that were put their to withstand natural disasters and terrorist attacks?

You have the same spelling issues as falmer I see.

How do you know the vertical columns melted? My understanding is that steel doesn't need to melt in order to be weakened to the point where it can no longer perform the support capabilities it was originally designed for.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
And if you really want evidence here is why I believe it: I watched saw the footage of two aeroplanes flying into the twin towers. This combined with the eyewitnesses saying what they had seen plus the guilty party admitting to the crime leads me to believe. You?


Jan 18, 2012
to nibble
Why join a debate if you will not prove your point?
Why join a debate if your only contribution, is name calling? ie, crazy little poppet, old bean, dick, prick, numbnuts ect.

I read your reply and asked for evidence supporting your theory, you haven't provided it. You would rather just name call, great debate!


New member
Jan 3, 2007
I was giving you the question and this is your answer? Why the need to use the word 'prick'? Is this the after effects of alcohol and an unstable sex life?

I use the word prick because it sums you up perfectly. No straight answers. Aviodance of the real issue. total lack of viable evidence. Stroppy, teenage attitude. Blindness to the facts presented to you and not insignificantly some major projection issues. Something you, Colinz and Falmer all share. You, my crackpot buddy are a prize twat. Enjoy your shitfest, you've earned it.


Jan 18, 2012
And if you really want evidence here is why I believe it: I watched saw the footage of two aeroplanes flying into the twin towers. This combined with the eyewitnesses saying what they had seen plus the guilty party admitting to the crime leads me to believe. You?

Did you also observe how many eyewitness claimed to hear several explosions one after another?
Sounded like demolition bombs not a plane crash.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
to nibble
Why join a debate if you will not prove your point?
Why join a debate if your only contribution, is name calling? ie, crazy little poppet, old bean, dick, prick, numbnuts ect.

I read your reply and asked for evidence supporting your theory, you haven't provided it. You would rather just name call, great debate!

If you think I'm going to sit and post endless footage of experts and endless clips of news footage from the day, think on flowerpot. I'll leave that to you. There are reams of evidence in the public domain. All of it stands up to scruitiny. Now, let's try one more time for a straight answer from you shall we love? Why do you believe the US Government blew up the WTC?


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Did you also observe how many eyewitness claimed to hear several explosions one after another?
Sounded like demolition bombs not a plane crash.

Christ, really? Go back to school. I'm done here.

Manx Shearwater

New member
Jun 28, 2011
Did you also observe how many eyewitness claimed to hear several explosions one after another?
Sounded like demolition bombs not a plane crash.

I imagine if you were in a building a plane crashed into it and you didn't immediately know it was a plane, it would probably sound a bit like an explosion, high velocity impact, burning jet fuel, etc. Hence I would probably expect a large number of witnesses who weren't fully clued up would describe it as an explosion. I can't understand why you think that would be unusual?

Besides, a plane blowing up IS an explosion isn't it??
Last edited:


Jan 18, 2012
I use the word prick because it sums you up perfectly. No straight answers. Aviodance of the real issue. total lack of viable evidence. Stroppy, teenage attitude. Blindness to the facts presented to you and not insignificantly some major projection issues. Something you, Colinz and Falmer all share. You, my crackpot buddy are a prize twat. Enjoy your shitfest, you've earned it.

Twat, shitfest and prick! This is your conclusion to the debate is it? It's incredible how your claiming i'm the one with the stroppy teenage attitude when all you can bring to the table are signs of immaturity and a lack of intelligence within your words. Whats the next insult Nibble? personally I'm surprised your allowed to talk to people on here like you are! Would you talk to a girl like that in public? Hope not, living on your own must be hard. Hope you kick in the booze buddy

Manx Shearwater

New member
Jun 28, 2011
falmer, not only did you admit to displaying symptoms of paranoia earlier in the thread, but you're now displaying symptoms of schizophrenia, and not only that, your other persona appears to be a girl!!

You have SERIOUS issues mate.


New member
Jan 3, 2007
Twat, shitfest and prick! This is your conclusion to the debate is it? It's incredible how your claiming i'm the one with the stroppy teenage attitude when all you can bring to the table are signs of immaturity and a lack of intelligence within your words. Whats the next insult Nibble? personally I'm surprised your allowed to talk to people on here like you are! Would you talk to a girl like that in public? Hope not, living on your own must be hard. Hope you kick in the booze buddy

Rosa, I think you'll enjoy NSC. Cup of tea and a quick wank before Great Railway Journeys so I'll f*** off now. Love you x

I've just read this thread and I'm afraid Colinz and Falmer have showed far more knowledge and a better understanding of science than most who have written on this thread. Both Colinz and falmer have showed back-up, science and experts all claiming that 9/11 defies science. Your only response to obvious logic seems to be offensive, obvious signs of denial. Shame such a good thread is destroyed by a load of ignorance, yet again!

Bollocks. Absolute bollocks. They have spouted half understood gibberish put forth by people who in general wouldn't know a science lesson if it bit them on their tits. I have a degree in applied physics, I spent 8 years at school and college and 4 years at university (it was a sandwich course) studying physics and they are talking utter f***ing crap. colinz understanding of newtonian mechanics is less than laughable, it is embarassing to whoever it was who was supposed to teach him the basics.

I spent £10,000 gaining a pilots licence and colinz understanding of aeroplane mechanics and principles of flight is as laughable as his (non) understanding of newton.

I don't have an engineering qualification but I do know, personally, people who do and who know about buildings and large scale structures and take their word for it, colinz and falmer are talking bollocks about that as well. I suggest instead of listening to their shite go and find a nice professor at a local university. Tell him you would like to talk to him about the towers falling as you have been reading stuff on the internet and you would like to talk to someone who knows their stuff instead of morons on youtube and wingnut conspiracy sites. Listen to what they say and when they tell you the towers fell because planes flew in to them , and I am willing to bet my mortgage that it is almost certain they will, come back here and either tell us they have convinced you or that they are also part of this f***ing imaginary global conspiracy.

What colinz and falmer are saying is shite, from start to finish.

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