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The REMF 6 - Thanks and Results

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
I don't know where to start. It was in my opinion the best night since the first one. There were a few little niggles but overall it went very well. Next year will be planned from early 2008.

Thanks to Lewes FC for being magnificent hosts and Alan for getting this venue laid on. We wll agreed it was the perfect venue for the game and it gave a great atmosphere.

Thanks to Ian Chapman for staying the whole evening and giving man of the match. The Ian Chapman man of the match will now be a regular feature with Ian's agreement. Thanks to Dick Knight for this attendance, its adds a great deal to the night to have BHAFC's greatest chairman of a generation coming along. Thanks to Ricky Marlowe the legend and Paul Rogers. Thanks to Brett Mendoza who has been a star, thanks to Gully's Girls and Gully who made the night more special. Thanks to Roz our photographer extraordinaire. Thanks to all those who helped publicise this event. Thanks to Lester and Fiona for the raffle sales, Lester beat his record and sold £ 546 of raffle tickets !.

Thanks to all the helpers too numerous to mention. Thanks especially to Kevin Risby and all the Palace players and supporters, you are maginficient and the fund would not be what it is without you. You are winners and to draw 1-1 and score 8 penalties in a row and lose is hard to take but you will be back.

A crowd of around 300 gathered and the bar was packed. We will sort out a PA for next year.

I hope I have not missed anyone out. Roll on REMF 7.

Takings £ 2130
Expenses £ 452
Profit £ 1678

Last year we made just under £ 600 so we trebled our profit. A Fantastic result !.

hans kraay fan club

The voice of reason.
Helpful Moderator
Mar 16, 2005
Chandlers Ford
Well done everybody, especially US himself. The REMF is NSC's single greatest achievement, and if anybody deserves an Nsc knighthood, its this man.

Roll on the REMF creekit.


Abi Fletchers Gimpboy
Jul 15, 2003
Brighton, United Kingdom
Uncle Spielberg said:

A crowd of around 300 gathered and the bar was packed. We will sort out a PA for next year.

tell me about it , who let him on last night :jester:

seriously , fantastic work everyone responsible for making last night happen - enjoyed it very much :)

Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
profit £ 1698 now, I think there are also some more players sponsors etc to come in, please PM me if you have any monies for me, thanks

Beach Hut

Brighton Bhuna Boy
Jul 5, 2003
Living In a Box
Well done US and everyone else who played attended, contributed etc.

I have to say this is the best thing ever that NSC has managed to achieve between all the posters.

Biggie uppie to everyone all round.



Can anyone who has footage of the game please refrain from posting it on a free-to-view website.

If you want your footage used for the official DVD, you can email me at where you can send the footage to me (on CD format) and you will be credited on the website accordingly.

Jul 5, 2003
Adrie, i dont think it'll make any difference. The players will still buy your DVD i'm sure:)



Withdean Wanderer said:
Adrie, i dont think it'll make any difference. The players will still buy your DVD i'm sure:)
It is not right, to have unofficial sources available before the official source. After the selling of the DVDs and the charity has made its profit, we do not care otherwise what happens with the footage then.
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Super Moderator
Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
Penrose, Cornwall
Adrie, calm down.

Everyone knows the amount of effort you put in last night and the appearance on youtube of some footage of the shootout won't have any effect on the sales of your DVD.

Don't worry about it mate - it's just an opportunity for you to show just how professional your production skills are.


Uncle Spielberg

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2003
Adrian I don't think this will undermine your effort at all. Big thanks to you for this :clap: :clap:

ali jenkins

Thanks to Guinness Dave
Feb 9, 2006
That was a TOP, TOP night!

Thanks to US, Dave the Gaffer, Rumble, Alan, the CROWD and EVERYONE else involved.

I had a great night and the fact that we TREBLED the amount of money that we raised from last year just shows the MONUMENTAL effort that has been put in, and I think that all those involved have the right to feel a little smug about the whole event!

Also, What a top bloke Ricky Marlowe is, he told me and Kaney last night that he looks forward to this event all year and i have no doubt that he will want to be involved every year untill he is no longer able to run, and even then he will still try and play!!

And without meaning to go on, the crowd were FANTASTIC! For the 1st 15 mins after half time i couldnt even feel my legs moving because i was going on the ROAR of the crowd!

Once again, a MASSIVE thank you to everyone involved!

TOP EFFORT :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
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Nov 11, 2005
Graceland Memphis
8-8, and you f***ed it up.

Seriously though, a great night all round.:clap2:

And Kevs appearance for all of 5 seconds.:lolol:


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
Gareth you have surpassed yourself this year.
Well done to the team and everyone who helped out in any way.
A superb night all round and great money making effort.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Lady Bracknell

Handbag at Dawn
Jul 5, 2003
The Metropolis
An absolutely splendid night and well done to everyone. The atmosphere was wonderful and I reckon it was one of the best Memorial Matches we've had.

I've finally finished editing and uploading all 90 or so pictures which are available from the link below:

REMF 6 - all the pictures

(PS. I didn't like to say this before in case I tempted fate but I'd like it noted that I managed to stay upright while in charge of a camera for an entire 90 minutes at Lewes FC. And, as a rare bonus, avoid being put into plaster the day after a visit to the Dripping Pan too...) :D


Sussex born and bred
Jul 5, 2003
dahn sarf
roz said:
An absolutely splendid night and well done to everyone. The atmosphere was wonderful and I reckon it was one of the best Memorial Matches we've had.

Agree completely. Playing it at the Dripping Pan was inspired. It just goes to show that even Lewes' ground is better than Withdean for atmosphere.


New member
May 9, 2004
roz said:
An absolutely splendid night and well done to everyone. The atmosphere was wonderful and I reckon it was one of the best Memorial Matches we've had.

I've finally finished editing and uploading all 90 or so pictures which are available from the link below:

REMF 6 - all the pictures

(PS. I didn't like to say this before in case I tempted fate but I'd like it noted that I managed to stay upright while in charge of a camera for an entire 90 minutes at Lewes FC. And, as a rare bonus, avoid being put into plaster the day after a visit to the Dripping Pan too...) :D

Well done Roz, I thought you were brave to even go there.

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