It never added much to the world in the great scheme of things, neither will its removal bring about some kind of sweeping equality utopia. Its just another little erosion of choice, something thats been removed because some yoghurt-knitting, tofu-munching sandal-wearing Guardian readers got their undercrackers in a twist over it.
Quite what tangible harm it ever caused I'm at something of a loss - could you be specific ? The girls were doing it out of free choice, and some went on to have lucrative modelling careers out of it. Who's losing out ?
To get anything whatsoever out of ogling a pair of tits in The Sun would mark you out as a complete and utter sad act, in my opinion. But that's not really the point. The point is that it is a line in the sand - all the time it is there on page 3 of a family marketed newspaper, it suggests to impressionable kids that it is OK to judge women purely by their tits. It's a tedious mantra, highly exploitative, and 30 years out of date.