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Spoiler alert live feed last night

Evil Edna

Roll the dice!
Jul 15, 2007
Where poet's live.
Marcus v. Lisa

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12.05 til 1.05am

We open with Karly lying on a bed near Lisa picking her nose, Charlie is there and so is Kris. They both pick their noses too. Kris stares up Charlie’s nose. Charlie wipes his bogey on Kris.

Rodrigo comes over to say he is tired and asks if he can turn of the light. They are all no committal and asks what is wrong with people. Charlie talks about not having nice food.

Cut to Kitchen where Cairon, Siavash and Noirin are. They are playing a game? which we have no idea what it is.

Kris is now talking to Sophie who is in her bed. He rubs her back and asks for a cuddle. He tells her she is a drunken. He gets into bed with her saying he will lie here for a minute.

In the kitchen Angel is there and so is Freddy. Angel talks about fasting for 3 or 4 days, to clean her brain. Noirin says it will be good for them to detox, no alcohol, no food, no drink and plenty of exercise.

Back to Sophie and Kris having a gossip under the covers, they mention being pissed off at someone but the covers muffle their words. Sophie is in a giggle mood, she is trying to say something about Angel that she found funny.

Cairon goes to the DR, with Saivash they approach in slow motion. Siavash bangs his head to ‘OH F*ck*.

Sophies says she only has to have two drinks and then she is pissed. Sophie says she has been emotional and started crying in the DR, something to do with missing her mum.

Freddy talks to Angel in the kitchen about hunger strikes at an Ireland prison. Angel says she has been on a hunger strike for years. Freddy says Lisa will try and talk her? Noirin? out of it, so they should go into the bedroom. Freddy and Angel arrive at the bedroom and Angel says ‘no she is not’. Lisa says to Angel are you really going on a hunger strike, Angel replies loudly for the last 7 years darling.

Sree and Marcus are in deep discussion. Sree is talking about Cairon and Siavash, Sree thinks ? is calming down and he like Siavash as a HM. He thinks Angel is in a different world. Rodrigo is a foreigner like him. Sree asks what Marcus talked to Noirin about, Marcus reoplies the glasses. Sree calls Noirin over, she hug Sree and then hugs and kisses Marcus say thanks for coming in (the DR?) there with me and tells Sree how Marcus fought her corner. Noirin says she told BB she had had enough. Noirin goes for a pee saysing she is not going to crack. When she leaves Sree says he likes her so much.

I think the hunger strike is about Noirin’s glasses.

Cairon asks Sree if he is going on hunger strike, Sree says he will talk to BB about the situation. Noirin asks Marcus if he is going on hunger strike and he says no. Cairon says you can be hungry and still have the glasses or just rub it off. Marcus says go into DR with a baby wipe and rub it off saying ‘F*ck you’, that’s what he would do Sree says that is not a good idea, he triess to talk Noirin out of it. Marcus says what point the hunger strike will prove. Marcus tells the bedroom BB said if she takes it off she MAY face a punishment. Some of them think she will be put up for eviction. Freddy says 3 days of hunger strike is nothing. Cairon says there is no point just rub it off and see what happens. Noirin says she is not going to fail by rubbing it off, she said she would do it so she will keep it and take a stance in other ways.

Sree is lying on the bed with Sophie holding her hand. Sree says that she does not follow her strengths. Rodrigo joins them. Sree asks if they liked his food today.

Marcus continues to tries and talk them out of the hunger strike. Freddie says he will wear a towel in solidarity. Marcus says how is everyone going to feel if you are not eating and they are. Noirin says that her mood having to draw the glasses on affects the house. Angel chooses not to eat sometimes and that doesn’t make us feel bad.

Siavash tells Rodrigo he is going to join in the hunger strike. Noirin says she will sleep on it.

Lisa is smoking alone. Fag done gets up and goes to talk to Noirin, Lisa says to Noirin please Noirin my friend please, Lisa says that it is wrong. Noirin replies having to draw on her face for two weeks is wrong. Lisa says she does not agree about the hunger strike but getting into this gang of not eating is pathetic. (I think she doesn’t like the others supporting her more that the hunger strike). Lisa lectures Noirin and people supporting her is ridiculous and she loves and does not want to see her starve.
She doesn’t care about others views, and what support others want to give her, she does want her to not eat and have others encouraging her to not eat. (I think this is more about Noirin making new friends than the hunger strike Lisa!)

Sree leave DR and tells them they have hot water until tomorrow midnight. Lisa says she want Freddy to put some clothes on. Lisa tells Noirin to just take them off, Noirin says that’s its alright for you guys you will not be up for nomination. Lisa has a go at Angel for striking to make a point. Angel says she is an adult she can make her own choice.

Sree is talking to Noirin about it. He is not making sense.

Lisa is having a go at Freddie. He says she is passionate about it. Lisa says don’t be pathetic, you don’t know what passionate is. Freddy says yes I do. Karly, Charlie and Kris are onlookers. Lisa raises her voice and goes on about what weakness at Freddy coming in with no fags and than taking a drag from someone else and bottled it like a f*cking little wimp. Lisa tells him he has no f*cking strength, you are weak. Lisa says it is wrong supporting that. Noirin walks in, Lisa says ‘Noirin babe they are not being friends, they were not your friends before you came in baby, it’s a game and its just wrong, I don’t agree with you starving, you should just take your glasses off and people encouraging you to stave need to grow up. Noirin says she wont starve, Lisa says a very smug ‘Thank you’.

Lisa to Freddie ‘A f*cking strength, my arse’ Freddie says ‘absolutely’ Noirin smiles to herself about all this. Freddy says I wills support her in rubbing them off too. Lisa tells him he is a such a ********, Cairon laughs and claps. Freddie says ‘dude’ Lisa tells him not to call her a dude. Noirin doesn’t have a happy face. Lisa tells Freddy not to talk as she will be at him all night. Cairon tells him he is not going to win. Freddy says it is not a competition. Cairon says she is not going to starve now, so kill it as Lisa will get the last word regardless, it a done deal. Lisa tell the rest of the bedroom not to give Freddie any fags because she wants to see him flapping when he doesn’t have one tomorrow. Lisa turn to Freddy and says lets starve you of fags, Freddie doesn’t rise to it and says ‘fine’. He says he is happy to give up fags. Angel says to Lisa they are there as an experiment, Lisa comes back with an experiment not to starve yourself.

Marcus says they should shut the f*ck up in and says the glasses are on to get exactly this happening. Lisa tells Marcus she is not going to shut the f*ck up. Marcus tells her not to start flapping her gums towards him, she is not going to bully him like she bullies everyone else, Marcus tells her she will never beat him with her f*cking stupid mouth. Lisa is getting quite agro, Noirin sits beside her. Lisa says you will not beat me, she will not shut the f*ck up for him. Marcus says she is a bully and he is sick and tired of it. Lisa says she is bullying because she doesn’t want her to starve.
Marcus says he has tried to get on with her every single day he has come in the house and all she gives it is wack wack wack (there is a hand movement to go with this) to everyone, you show disrespect to everyone. Lisa starts to go ‘la la la la la’ Marcus says you are doing it now, mimics her ‘ don’t talk to me like that I am 41, I have been all over the world. Lisa continues to go ‘la la la la la’. Marcus tells her she is a hypocrite, a bully and an arsehole, (Freddie can be heard saying hear hear) you get people on your side by giving them fags, you get people out there and whisper behind everybody’s backs, its pathetic. Lisa tells him to shut his mouth, he is pathetic.
Marcus says you think you are so clever. Noirin says they are just trying to get people to argue. Freddie chips in with something about respect. Lisa says ’three on to one’ Freddy says ‘what?’ The argument continues to who started it. Freddie says ’you are a a bit of a bully Lisa’. Lisa asks why is she a bully. Marcus says because everything you say is attached to a threat. Lisa says everything she says is because she is sticking up for people in this house because you lot don’t care.

(Phew .. we go to ads)

I haven’t read this back, so I hope it makes sense.

1.05 til 1.35am

Lisa seems to have left the bedroom.

Charlie having a go at Freddie now. Freddie says he would really like to cook on a couple of occasions. Charlie says you cooked and wasted half the salad. Freddie says ‘we ate all of that food, nothing was wasted.’. Charlie says he felt like he had to f*cking eat it, he didn’t like it but there was nothing else, and Freddie just started wading in and cooking it, he didn’t even ask, which would have been nice. Freddie is trying to get a word in. Kris joins in. Freddie says he apologised for that there and then, it was a silly mistake, he also made a lovely stir fry that everyone enjoyed. Charlie said that he was just being nice eating that as all the vegetables were not cooked properly. Charlie says he is not being horrible but…

Marcus says its better to get it all out to clear the air, so they can move on. Marcus says he has told everyone how he feels at the time apart from Lisa, he has tried to get on with her every single day but he just can’t do it. Noirin says that her glasses was personal to her. Marcus says to Freddie he was not sticking up for him, it was just his personal observation towards Lisa. Marcus says he would much rather be her friend but she doesn’t like him. He has tried to be nice to her but it’s a wall straight up. All he hears is treats, I’m going to do this and so on. When someone asked him who was going to win he said Charlie straight away as you are the party and its hard for you to see others not getting on. Charlie says he is not a licky arse but he has not seen Lisa bullying, they need to pull together as a team, Lisa just cares for Noirin and did not want to see her not eat. Noirin says she can look after herself. Charlie says people would be sympathetic if she was up for nomination for taking them off. Charlie says some people just don’t get on so you should be pleasant to each other. Marcus says he has tried but there is a real atmosphere, when you get that back off her, why should I. Everyone else is cool, he goes on to explain why he likes everyone. He then says Lisa has had a hard life and has a hard centre, she could learn from BB about getting on with people and respecting people, but it wont happen as all she does is go on about how she is not changing for anyone, saying she does care about anyone. She has come in this house to get back with her ex-girlfriend. No one is more than a sentence away from being on her hit list. All she bangs on about is her girlfriend. I said in the DR I hope she finds that happiness. Marcus says he thinks she doesn’t like any of us.

Charlie disagrees and says she does like him. There are certain people but once you are over her wall, she is there for you.

Marcus goes on about how likeable Charlie is and Freddie agrees. Charlie jokes to Freddie that he only wants to get in his boxers.

Marcus wants to talk to her by herself, when she is out of the DR. Noirin thinks he should do.

Lisa comes out of DR.

Noirin says are u 2 going to talk now.

Marcus says he will do he is not going to says sorry, he doesn’t dislike her, it just what he has seen when he came into the house. Lisa is quiet and asks him to just leave it. Marcus says if you change your mind just pull me aside and we can talk. Lisa says she knows her views but she is not going to argue that’s it.

1.35 til 1.55am

Back from the ads.

Lisa is having a fag, she is with Noirin and Cairon, she says she gets on with everyone apart from 3 people. (who’s the third? Angel?)

The talk comes back talking about Noirin’s glasses. Noirin says that the others did not tell her to do it, she asked if anyone else wanted to do it with her. (Ah! So Lisa is upset about them supporting Noirin and not being asked first, heaven forbid Noirin should be friends with her enemies). Lisa says Freddie was only mouthing off at her cause he had back up from Marcus. They tell her Marcus told Freddie he wasn’t sticking up for him. Lisa asks what Marcus said about her, they explain, she says she will talk to him but you can’t get on with everyone. Lisa says that Marcus know nothing about her back ground. Noirin asks if she will talk to him in a few days, Lisa says know and she is not a bully, she was just sticking up for others, she will just look out for herself. Cairon and Lisa now talk about Freddie, they really don’t like him. Lisa says she has clamed down but she is pissed off. She goes on about telling Freddie to put some clothes on. Lisa reiterates that she does not want to talk to Marcus again.

Cut to Freddie in bathroom with Angel, Siavash is in the shower, he is talking about where he apologised to everyone over something, but Lisa went around stirring it. She does has a soft side though.

Back to garden, Lisa thinks the others want to join in the hunger strike as something to jump on, that’s their fun. Cairon says she should just wipe off the glasses. Noirin says BB told her has she did it to become a HM she has to have them on while she is a HM. Noirin says she hasn’t been herself from the start because of it.

In the bedroom Kris and Charlie are chatting on the bed. Kris says Marcus did not rant and had put a lot of thought in to what he said tonight.

Sree comes out to the garden to hug Noirin. Lisa says she is going to make a cup of tea, Sree says he will make it. Cairon is left in the garden by himself.

Charlie says he doesn’t want to get into any more arguments.

Karly and Sree are in the kitchen. Cairon comes in says something to Karly, she tells him to F*ck Off, he says sorry.


We are back to a loss of coverage.

By cmrxx

Jimmy Grimble

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