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[Albion] Solly March, local lad and Premier League star, is f***ing brilliant

Quebec Seagull

Vive le football... LIBRE!
Oct 19, 2022
Gatineau, Québec, CANADA
The March to Europe continues unabated!


Joey Jo Jo Jr. Shabadoo

Waxing chumps like candles since ‘75
Oct 4, 2003

Fully deserved, he's been a revelation under De Zerbi. Playing with a confidence we all hoped he had in him.

Seems to have been a shift under RDZ to getting contracts sorted early. We waited until the end of last season to sort out Welbeck and Gross, this season we've given new contracts to Ali Mac, Moises, Lallana and now March.

We're the Stripes

Well-known member
Jul 31, 2005
Fully deserved, he's been a revelation under De Zerbi. Playing with a confidence we all hoped he had in him.

Seems to have been a shift under RDZ to getting contracts sorted early. We waited until the end of last season to sort out Welbeck and Gross, this season we've given new contracts to Ali Mac, Moises, Lallana and now March.
Mitoma next please!


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2003
Can we just keep all the current squad/manager until 2027 please?! I'd buy a four-year season ticket!!
You’ll buy one anyway 😉

Shooting Star

Well-known member
Apr 29, 2011
Get in Silly, thoroughly deserved! Like a fine wine, he gets better with age.

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