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[Albion] So is Lallana coming back into our setup


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Apr 9, 2017
Ballarat, Australia
I don't think it takes a genius to decipher the barely disguised discussion with Adam Lallana during his farewell that there is a good chance he will be returning to the club in some role. Just wondering what that could be. I would love him as manager.but obviously he wouldn't be ready for that. Any thoughts
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Green Cross Code Man

Wunt be druv
Mar 30, 2006
Why do people keep on thinking good ex players should become a future manager,
it rarely works when an ex player becomes a manager for a former club,
different skills are required to a player
Why do people keep on thinking good ex players can't become good managers? There are loads of great players who have gone on to become great managers.

Green Cross Code Man

Wunt be druv
Mar 30, 2006
I see zero evidence to suggest lallana would become a good manager other than he speaks quite maturely for a player.
Of course there's zero evidence, he has never been a manager. I have no idea if he would be good or not but it's premature to judge a person on zero evidence.

Big Vern

Feb 28, 2024
He’s certainly vocal, on and off the pitch, that’s important in my opinion, especially with so many young inexperienced players in the squad. Would love to see him back in some capacity


I've changed this
Nov 1, 2017
Great player, seems like a nice guy. Might be good at the coaching lark, who knows, but when it comes to ex-English footballers, my money is on, not.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2007
I see zero evidence to suggest lallana would become a good manager other than he speaks quite maturely for a player.

Lallana is and has been like an on field coach since he came here. His understanding of the game was on another level and he's constantly barking orders at the entire team.

Granted he was playing walking football for the last year or so, but a player who has played at the level he has with the clearly stated desire to be a coach suggests he's got a fair chance hasn't he?


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jul 7, 2003
I don't think it takes a genius to decipher the barely disguised discussion with Adam Lallana during his farewell that there is a good chance he will be returning to the club in some role. Just wondering what that could be. I would love him as manager.but obviously he wouldn't be ready for that. Any thoughts
I think you may be putting two and two together and getting five.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Mar 27, 2013
Burgess Hill
Lallana is and has been like an on field coach since he came here. His understanding of the game was on another level and he's constantly barking orders at the entire team.

Granted he was playing walking football for the last year or so, but a player who has played at the level he has with the clearly stated desire to be a coach suggests he's got a fair chance hasn't he?
This. Also, he doesn’t need to be a ‘manager’, the coaching teams at PL clubs are enormous……plenty of roles he could potentially fill. Very recently completed his UEFA A licence I believe.


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2022
Yup, yesterday he said it wasn't a goodbye, more a see you later and he'd already let the hierarchy know that he hopes to be welcomed back next year or whenever.

By next year, I wonder if he means next season (which would mean he doesn't actually leave) or have a year away and come back the season after.



Well-known member
Jan 30, 2004
Only if he does it for free to pay us back for what he's sponged off the club during his non-playing 4 years at the club. His unavailability this season has cost us as much as the actual players we can rely on being fit and ready to play.

Maybe sponged is a tad harsh. Having said that I thought the 'Lallana Love In' yesterday was decidedly over the top. He's a Southampton and Liverpool legend but far from an Albion one. You saw glimpses of what a great player he was before the body gave up, and no doubt he was was good in the dressing room with his experience. As players go he's quite eloquent and obviously got on with Roberto. However, just not enough time on the pitch.

One factor of his departure made me laugh and that was more family time due to geography. There's me thinking his family is still up Liverpool way when in fact they are only in Bournemouth. For £90,000 a week I'd tolerate the 2 hour trip


Well-known member
May 21, 2014
He was probably being paid double what the manager gets (got) paid so it's unlikely to be any time soon.

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