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Prime Minister to make a statement from Downing Street - GENERAL ELECTION on 8th June


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Helpful Moderator
Jul 5, 2003
West Sussex
As a UKIP voter last GE I'm hardly going to say yes am I ? No it's not - PR ( and true PR - not AV ) is the way to go BUT my only niggling doubt about that is that local communities would lose connection with 'their' MP. Nothings perfect but the current system is pretty sewn up by two parties ( one at the moment !!!).

Can you imagine the list of UKIPers... their second and third choices are basket cases... what sort of MESS would be 50th on their list??


"the man's an arse"
Jul 7, 2003
Can you imagine the list of UKIPers... their second and third choices are basket cases... what sort of MESS would be 50th on their list??
Given that the 2nd listed Labour MP would probably be Diane Abbott, I'm not sure what your point is. :lolol:

As for me, I'll be largely ducking out of these threads this year. Politics in this country really REALLY depresses me at the moment. It's a shambles unless you're a died-in-the-wool Tory who thinks Brexit is a good thing.

The Birdman

New member
Nov 30, 2008
Haywards Heath
Why are the greens so left wing
I think many labour Tories LIB voters are very green as far as recycling and trying not to damage the environment.
About time Brighton voters woke up and voted for a more serious party and tell the greens to frack off.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2003
Thames Ditton
I voted Brexit, yet I (choose to) live with two Muslims from the Gulf. It's weird that after so much debate you still don't know why people voted for Brexit.

Untangling ourselves from the EU is like removing the eggs from an already baked cake. It will take years that we still do not know what

Why leave the biggest single market in the world. A market where we do 44% of our exports.

Then brexiters say we can trade with the US and Australia. The Australian foreign secretary has already said to Ireland that the UK leaving the EU is a great opportunity for them to trade more with Ireland because they are in the EU and The US has said very similar.

We leave the EU because we don't like them apparently controlling us and yet we are waiting for the EU to decide the trade deal we shall have with them lol the irony

Many large companies already planning on leaving the UK for Dublin and Frankfurt simply because of uncertainty of the next 5-10 years or so.

Not one person can name a EU ruling that they are unhappy with.

I could go on and on… It is ****ing madness

Vote Lib Dems… the only party guaranteeing a 2nd referendum. Corbyn will still continue with Brexit (just not hard)

Oh and potentially lose Gibraltar, Scotland and N Ireland...


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Vote Lib Dems… the only party guaranteeing a 2nd referendum.
But the majority of people don't want another referendum, we've had it already and made our decision. People that voted leave haven't changed their mind. We were told we'd go straight into recession, but it hasn't happened, people are probably more confident about their choice now.

There's zero chance of the Lib Dems winning the GE. Brexit is happening, so:

Vote for whichever party/candidate you think will help us get the best Brexit deal.

Westdene Seagull

aka Cap'n Carl Firecrotch
NSC Patron
Oct 27, 2003
The arse end of Hangleton
Not one person can name a EU ruling that they are unhappy with.

I can - I can name loads but here's three to start with :

Fisheries policy
Weights and Measures Act ( that's the UK version which was forced on us by the EU version )

Edit - Addition - Your post suggests those that voted to leave are somehow stupid or ignorant of EU policies. I object to that implication .... you think I'm either of those ?
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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003

2015: 'Hardworking Families.'
2016: 'Take back control.'
2017: ?????

Soundbites and leaders win elections.

The Tories understand this very well.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

"Ein volk, ein Eich, ein Fuhrer!" ??


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
But the majority of people don't want another referendum, we've had it already and made our decision. People that voted leave haven't changed their mind. We were told we'd go straight into recession, but it hasn't happened, people are probably more confident about their choice now.

There's zero chance of the Lib Dems winning the GE. Brexit is happening, so:

Vote for whichever party/candidate you think will help us get the best Brexit deal.

People voting Remain haven't changed their mind either.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2003
Thames Ditton
But the majority of people don't want another referendum, we've had it already and made our decision. People that voted leave haven't changed their mind. We were told we'd go straight into recession, but it hasn't happened, people are probably more confident about their choice now.

There's zero chance of the Lib Dems winning the GE. Brexit is happening, so:

Vote for whichever party/candidate you think will help us get the best Brexit deal.

Oh and you speak for everybody who voted leave?

Not sure who you have spoken to but i have spoken to a fair few people who voted Brexit based on lies and are regretting it now the facts are coming out. Let's a sensible facts driven referendum rather than that vicious scare mongering, hate driven referendum last year.

So tell me what 3 things enticed you into the Brexit vote?

it was not as binary as yes or no.... At the very least there needs to be another vote at least on what the Brexit strategy will be. Surely you can agree with me on that? Did you vote for hard Brexit? What if the new Brexit deal means we have to still deal with the free movement of EU nationals? Many people who voted for brexit would go mental...

As a remainer you can still question aspects of the Brexit strategy... FFS as you Brexiters all say this is our democratic right.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
People voting Remain haven't changed their mind either.
Indeed, and I haven't suggested otherwise. Although (with leave sawpped for remain) SK1NT would say to you:
Oh and you speak for everybody who voted leave?
Not sure who you have spoken to but i have spoken to a fair few people who voted Brexit based on lies and are regretting it now the facts are coming out.
Well there's a monster thread on NSC about that vote, perhaps you can point me to all those leave voters who have changed their mind?

Let's a sensible facts driven referendum rather than that vicious scare mongering, hate driven referendum last year.
We never have sensible elections, they are what they are. Just like the remain camp said we'd be in danger of war if we left, our security would worsen etc. Crap talked on all sides as there always is.

So tell me what 3 things enticed you into the Brexit vote?
I don't think the UK gets a fair deal from an EU that I see as corrupt. For example, the Common Agricultural Policy was never fair, we don't get protection from corrupt officials allowing Spain to over-fish our waters etc.
I don't like the way the EU treats its members like Greece.
I think the EU is heading for more financial problems in the future, because I don't think the Euro works for all countries.
I don't like that the EU continue to want more power on the road to a United States of Europe, which will never work.

I'd ask you for a few reasons why you voted remain, but you won't say anything that hasn't been said before and I don't really care about your reasons. You made your choice, that's cool, I made mine. We are where we are now and need to make the most of Brexit. Of course I understand if you're hoping the Lib Dems can win the election to reverse the decision, but that's not what I want.

At the very least there needs to be another vote at least on what the Brexit strategy will be. Surely you can agree with me on that.
But how the hell would they do that? Have a referendum that gives you the choice between Hard and Soft Brexit, which isn't even a choice our government can make, as it's down to negotiations. And if we want to aim for a Soft Brexit, it would be easier to negotiate if we had Hard Brexit as a backup option to threaten the EU with - we'd lose that option if the country voted for Soft Brexit, the EU would have us over a barrel.

Did you vote for hard Brexit?
Nobody did. Did you vote for giving ever increasing power to the EU? No, we just voted remain or leave, they were our only options.

What is the Brexit deal includes us having to still deal with the free movement of EU nationals? Many people who voted for brexit would go mental...
Kind of like a promotion party 'let's go ****ing mental'? What does that even mean?

Presumably Remainers would choose Soft Brexit over Hard, and Leavers would be split - so I expect the vast majority of the country would choose Soft over Hard if they were the only choices. Indeed I did a poll on here last year which showed just that.

As a remainer you can still question aspects of the Brexit strategy
Of course, we should all be interested in the strategy, it makes no difference if you were a Remainer or Leaver.

... FFS as you Brexiters all say this is our democratic right.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Did you vote for giving ever increasing power to the EU? No, we just voted remain or leave, they were our only options.

Actually Dave managed to get the UK exempt from closer political union with the EU. So in theory no one was voting for increasing power to the EU; how that would have actually worked in practice we will never know.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2003
For me there is no "making the most of Brexit" or "getting the best deal for Britain". It's ALL bad.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2003
Thames Ditton
Well there's a monster thread on NSC about that vote, perhaps you can point me to all those leave voters who have changed their mind?
To initially say that “People that voted leave haven't changed their mind” is a little silly. Obviously people on both sides would have changed their vote however I can honestly say that I am experiencing this mainly from the people who initially voted Brexit (just my experience) It was clear that the majority of lies came from the Brexit camp (350 mill bus) one example however neither side covered themselves in glory.

We never have sensible elections, they are what they are. Just like the remain camp said we'd be in danger of war if we left, our security would worsen etc. Crap talked on all sides as there always is.
Agree! However this was probably the single most important post war referendum and it was filled with hate and bile. Remember that "Britain’s full" ad with a line of what looks like immigrants queuing to get into the UK… that was disgusting. We need immigrants in our country. The NHS Is one example of this. Less than 3% of EU migrants claim benefits. The rest pay into society. If you are struggling to get a Drs appointment or your kids into a school blame the government and how they spend all our taxes.

I would also like to add we haven't actually left the EU yet. So you cannot prove the war or security issues as untrue. All I do know is a few days of triggering article 50 Michael Howard has already claimed the UK could go to war with Spain over Gibraltar. We have also threatened to remove our Intelligence if we do not get a favourable Brexit negotiations and this was after a few days. How soon do you want to see war lol?

I don't think the UK gets a fair deal from an EU that I see as corrupt. For example, the Common Agricultural Policy was never fair, we don't get protection from corrupt officials allowing Spain to over-fish our waters etc.
I don't like the way the EU treats its members like Greece.
I think the EU is heading for more financial problems in the future, because I don't think the Euro works for all countries.
I don't like that the EU continue to want more power on the road to a United States of Europe, which will never work.

Fishing law. Setup by the EU to stop the depletion of fish from our seas. FACT: The majority (around 70%) of fishing business is done by Scotland. They had a majority remain vote.

Yes the EU didn’t treat Greece well (however we were part of that) Greece didn’t help themselves either.

How doesn’t the Euro work for all Countries. We don’t even have the Euro?

That is your opinion that they want to be a United States. I don’t think that is what was happening
I would like to add none of the above is likely to affect you. However leaving IS going to increase your food bills, your gas and electric bills.

I'd ask you for a few reasons why you voted remain, but you won't say anything that hasn't been said before and I don't really care about your reasons. You made your choice, that's cool, I made mine. We are where we are now and need to make the most of Brexit. Of course I understand if you're hoping the Lib Dems can win the election to reverse the decision, but that's not what I want.

I like being able to travel and work through all over the beautiful cities of Europe as a citizen

I like being part of the BIGGEST trading block in the world as I see this is making our country prosper immensely

I for one like have an over ruling body looking after my interest rather than just our government.

I like being part of a big community and retain my identity as a Briton.

I like the EU laws that are trying to safe guard and look after the future of our environment for our children and their children.

I like their laws that stop big companies making me work all hrs god sends for a pittance.

I like the maternity and paternity EU laws brought in so I can spend more time with my family.

I really could go on………..

But how the hell would they do that? Have a referendum that gives you the choice between Hard and Soft Brexit, which isn't even a choice our government can make, as it's down to negotiations. And if we want to aim for a Soft Brexit, it would be easier to negotiate if we had Hard Brexit as a backup option to threaten the EU with - we'd lose that option if the country voted for Soft Brexit, the EU would have us over a barrel.

Nobody did. Did you vote for giving ever increasing power to the EU? No, we just voted remain or leave, they were our only options.

Exactly the referendum what basically a load of shit. You cannot apply a Boolean answer for Brexit. There should have been more options. I am happy to stick with Brexit but I feel I have a right in what type of Brexit it will be.

@Triggar the EU already has us over a barrel. THEY ARE THE ONES DECIDING WHAT TRADE RULE THEY OFFER US NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND and I can promise you it won’t be more favourable than the deal we had being in the EU. We will be made as an example. if we got a better deal having left the EU, they would be jeopardizing the EU

I may not have addressed everything but all these quotes are getting confusing :) If we stick with Brexit.. I’d like it soft :)
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Westdene Seagull

aka Cap'n Carl Firecrotch
NSC Patron
Oct 27, 2003
The arse end of Hangleton
I like the maternity and paternity EU laws brought in so I can spend more time with my family.

There's a lot of mis-informed bullshit in your post but I thought I'd highlight this one. The Blair government brought in the current maternity and paternity leave laws - they were not as a result of EU requirements. So if you want to thank anyone for them then thank Blair ..... the EU had eff all to do with them.

The Clamp

Well-known member
NSC Patron
Jan 11, 2016
West is BEST
To initially say that “People that voted leave haven't changed their mind” is a little silly. Obviously people on both sides would have changed their vote however I can honestly say that I am experiencing this mainly from the people who initially voted Brexit (just my experience) It was clear that the majority of lies came from the Brexit camp (350 mill bus) one example however neither side covered themselves in glory.

Agree! However this was probably the single most important post war referendum and it was filled with hate and bile. Remember that "Britain’s full" ad with a line of what looks like immigrants queuing to get into the UK… that was disgusting. We need immigrants in our country. The NHS Is one example of this. Less than 3% of EU migrants claim benefits. The rest pay into society. If you are struggling to get a Drs appointment or your kids into a school blame the government and how they spend all our taxes.

I would also like to add we haven't actually left the EU yet. So you cannot prove the war or security issues as untrue. All I do know is a few days of triggering article 50 Michael Howard has already claimed the UK could go to war with Spain over Gibraltar. We have also threatened to remove our Intelligence if we do not get a favourable Brexit negotiations and this was after a few days. How soon do you want to see war lol?

Fishing law. Setup by the EU to stop the depletion of fish from our seas. FACT: The majority (around 70%) of fishing business is done by Scotland. They had a majority remain vote.

Yes the EU didn’t treat Greece well (however we were part of that) Greece didn’t help themselves either.

How doesn’t the Euro work for all Countries. We don’t even have the Euro?

That is your opinion that they want to be a United States. I don’t think that is what was happening
I would like to add none of the above is likely to affect you. However leaving IS going to increase your food bills, your gas and electric bills.

I like being able to travel and work through all over the beautiful cities of Europe as a citizen

I like being part of the BIGGEST trading block in the world as I see this is making our country prosper immensely

I for one like have an over ruling body looking after my interest rather than just our government.

I like being part of a big community and retain my identity as a Briton.

I like the EU laws that are trying to safe guard and look after the future of our environment for our children and their children.

I like their laws that stop big companies making me work all hrs god sends for a pittance.

I like the maternity and paternity EU laws brought in so I can spend more time with my family.

I really could go on………..

Exactly the referendum what basically a load of shit. You cannot apply a Boolean answer for Brexit. There should have been more options. I am happy to stick with Brexit but I feel I have a right in what type of Brexit it will be.

@Triggar the EU already has us over a barrel. THEY ARE THE ONES DECIDING WHAT TRADE RULE THEY OFFER US NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND and I can promise you it won’t be more favourable than the deal we had being in the EU. We will be made as an example. if we got a better deal having left the EU, they would be jeopardizing the EU

I may not have addressed everything but all these quotes are getting confusing :) If we stick with Brexit.. I’d like it soft :)

Fantastic post.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2003
Thames Ditton
There's a lot of mis-informed bullshit in your post but I thought I'd highlight this one. The Blair government brought in the current maternity and paternity leave laws - they were not as a result of EU requirements. So if you want to thank anyone for them then thank Blair ..... the EU had eff all to do with them.

Was a very quick put together email. However i did think this may have been labour. Knew it wasnt the ****ing Tories that's for sure.

However the EU is the biggest trading block in the world of which 44% of our exports go to... That is crucial info and is FACT.

Please don't reply... i don't want to waste a week of my life arguing against brexiters. I stayed away from that EU thread for this season.


Well-known member
May 25, 2007
Yea, lets get rid of London and Cornwall. How about we have Sussex as it own country too, yea?

So much anger lol

I'm not angry in the least, just an Englishman, happy to live in England.

Having lived and worked in all of them I'm comfortable with the Celts running their own countries and no longer sponging off us...

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