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[Albion] Premier League 2-3/12/23


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2005
I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t like the double height LED advertising at the Ethihad….they surely must have turfed out supporters from the front rows to accommodate them….who cares about the fans, when you can advertise your sport washing state sponsored business model instead?
they’re staggered, so no impact to the fans


A different kind of pasty
Jul 5, 2003
West, West, West Sussex
Does anyone know anywhere I can find half time match stats? Got 28/1 bet on both City and Spurs having 3+ corners each half but didn’t see first half count. I think it might be in?


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
Sussex By The Sea
Does anyone know anywhere I can find half time match stats? Got 28/1 bet on both City and Spurs having 3+ corners each half but didn’t see first half count. I think it might be in?

I use OPTA website but not sure if its available to after full time? Your bet should say whether it's come in or not though.



Anti-greed coalition
Jul 20, 2003
Well this has been entertaining.

Not enough to cheer me up, but entertaining enough ....

Then the referee realises he hasn't done anything stupid yet ... So does.


Well-known member
NSC Patron
Nov 15, 2008
More terrible reffing in the Man C game. Plays advantage to City then blows up when Grealish away and clear.
I might need to look again, but it looked potentially offside to me. How would people have responded if Grealish scores and it's pulled back for offside because the ref didn't give the freekick?

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