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Positive news on Falmer!


Jul 26, 2004
Gary Stevens Neighbour said:
Away in Leeds on business and had a call from a mate to tell me about Falmer... awesome news and very positive!

hope everyone sings and shouts on Sunday to give the team the boost it needs on the field!

Whilst the news is not bad, it is not particularly good either.

As i understand it, we have simply saved the time it may have taken in the courts to get the approval recinded. The new Secretary now has to ask for more submissions and to decide again.

More f***ing delays, with no certainty that the decission will be the same as lardy-boy's! ???


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NSC Patron
May 3, 2006
Gary Stevens Neighbour said:
hope everyone sings and shouts on Sunday to give the team the boost it needs on the field!

I think they'd get upset if I was singing and shouting about Brighton whilst at work and serving customers, but I guess I could try it :)

Does this mean we all have to send Ruth Kelly Christmas cards with a reminder inside that LDC and their cronies have been lying through their asses throughout their anti-stadium 'campaign'?


Jul 26, 2004
Nemesis said:
Does this mean we all have to send Ruth Kelly Christmas cards with a reminder inside that LDC and their cronies have been lying through their asses throughout their anti-stadium 'campaign'?

Nope, but probably cards and flowers on 14th February... ... ... :nono:

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