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Nigel Farage MEP v Russell Brand - Question Time BBC1 22:35 *** Official Match Thread ***


New member
Oct 22, 2012
perhaps the blue hair was a disguise? (grabbing at straws) may well have a point,blows my balanced audience standpoint out of the water........brighton fella is going to have my guts for garters.

Well i admit it was many years ago but a friend of mine applied to get on QS, he had to put down his political preference among other things, he was turned down. He tried again the next year, same again. The third time he changed views, and said he was a Liberal.....he got on the show and i believe he asked a question.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
perhaps the blue hair was a disguise? (grabbing at straws) may well have a point,blows my balanced audience standpoint out of the water........brighton fella is going to have my guts for garters.

Well if you noticed the audience that were very loud, anti UKIP, and sat together, were right in front of where Farage was sat......maybe i too am clutching at straws


Sanity Clause
May 5, 2008
That first article is a real eye opener. With her blue hair and known past she was obviously known when the audience was vetted. Seems to me that her being a known UKIP hater she was brought in to cause damage, which begs to differ that the audience is balanced.
If she is like many of the left/swp/uaf etc, at demos, and sadly she is fairly typical, then we can see where a lot of trouble starts.

:laugh::laugh:Why would anyone want to do that to UKIP? Especially when they have such a propensity to shoot themselves in the foot on a regular basis ?


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
Well if you noticed the audience that were very loud, anti UKIP, and sat together, were right in front of where Farage was sat......maybe i too am clutching at straws

perhaps she was known and allowed in for balance,if this was the case seems a little odd given her history of being a disruptive bag,im sure they could have picked someone who could have articulated better a dislike of UKIP.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
:laugh::laugh:Why would anyone want to do that to UKIP? Especially when they have such a propensity to shoot themselves in the foot on a regular basis ?

Yep, still a bit more bullet loading never goes amiss eh.......although perhaps this time it had an adverse affect.

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
perhaps the blue hair was a disguise? (grabbing at straws) may well have a point,blows my balanced audience standpoint out of the water........brighton fella is going to have my guts for garters.

no not at all:lolol: im not here to gloat, only to point out a fact that was blatantly obvious from the start.

when you have been to as many demo's as I have you get to know what the opposition look like... she is stereotypical of that look though I thought you would have known that.
cant remember was she wearing glasses..that's usually a giveaway. total misfits of society and a complete waste of space usually failed at uni failed in life and their only claim to fame is by making complete clowns of themselves in public.

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
no not at all:lolol: im not here to gloat, only to point out a fact that was blatantly obvious from the start.

when you have been to as many demo's as I have you get to know what the opposition look like... she is stereotypical of that look though I thought you would have known that.
cant remember was she wearing glasses..that's usually a giveaway. total misfits of society and a complete waste of space usually failed at uni failed in life and their only claim to fame is by making complete clowns of themselves in public.

and are heavily funded by labours trade unionists.


Sanity Clause
May 5, 2008


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Labour MPs have been secretly ordered not to campaign on immigration because doing so could cost them the next election, the Daily Telegraph can reveal.
A private strategy document circulated by Labour HQ and seen by this newspaper warns that the bigger immigration becomes as a campaign issue the more votes the party will lose.
MPs are told to focus on "moving the conversation on" if voters express concerns about border controls to topics Labour is stronger on such as healthcare or housing.
They are also urged not to send leaflets on immigration to all voters because it could be "unhelpful" and "risks undermining the broad coalition of support we need to return to government".
The revelations are a major embarrassment for Ed Miliband, who is expected tell voters Labour understands their immigration concerns and harden the party's stance on cheap foreign workers in a major speech on Monday.
Some Labour MPs have reacted with fury over the strategy document, calling it an "April Fools" joke and accusing the leadership of trying to "massage" their relationship with constituents.
The 33-page document, entitled "Campaigning against Ukip", was produced by the Labour Party and recently distributed to dozens of MPs in danger of losing votes to Ukip alongside detailed constituency maps pinpointing where possible defectors can be found.


Sanity Clause
May 5, 2008
Here is todays......

Apparently Smith was on sedatives at the time, presumably to help prevent his foaming at the mouth ?

Another update on a fast moving story.......

He now quits as UKIP candidate for South Basildon and East Thurrock. This is a bit of a problem for UKIP as Neil Hamilton had already been parachuted in as candidate after Natasha Bolter had stomped off claiming the party general secretary Roger Bird, had tried it on with her.

So now UKIP, the alternative choice to the discredited 3 party system, now has to find candidate number 4. Smith lasted just 4 days .... you couldn't make this stuff up could you ? hang on, it gets better.....

Mr Hamilton, UKIP's deputy chairman, said his decision to withdraw from the Basildon selection process was nothing to do with expenses, but that it was a UKIP "dirty trick" to stitch him up.

So, UKIP are stitching up their own candidates now ? remember, you vote UKIP, you get UKIP :rolleyes:


Oct 3, 2006
Burgess Hill
Here is todays......

Apparently Smith was on sedatives at the time, presumably to help prevent his foaming at the mouth ?

UKIP, the gift that keeps giving!

There should be changes to the information sheet that comes with those sedatives to make you aware of the additional side affect that it can turn you into a homophobic racist. In which case you would be advised to always carry a copy of the prescription just so people don't actually think you are a homophobic racist.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Here is todays......

Apparently Smith was on sedatives at the time, presumably to help prevent his foaming at the mouth ?

Ah yes, the good old bastion BBC.

John Humphrys: Sheltered, liberal BBC staff did not interrogate immigration for fear of appearing 'racist'
The BBC has been staffed with too many 'Oxbridge liberal males' making it 'relentlessly middle class' and unwilling to confront immigration, the broadcaster John Humphrys says.
The BBC has been staffed with too many “Oxbridge liberal”-types whose “relentlessly middle-class” view of the world coloured its coverage of immigration, the broadcaster John Humphrys has suggested.

Humphrys, the journalist and Today programme presenter, said the BBC had employed people who feared that questioning immigration would make them appear “racist”, admitting the corporation had failed to investigate it “rigorously enough”.
Saying many members of staff lead “sheltered” lives in which they did not encounter the reality of areas affected by mass immigration, he added they had “failed to look at what our job was” in relation to the contentious issue.
His criticism follows widely-reported findings from the BBC Trust last year, in which the watchdog claimed there had been a “DEEP LIBERAL BIAS” within the corporation, particularly in relation to its coverage of immigration and the European Union.


Sanity Clause
May 5, 2008
Ah yes, the good old bastion BBC.

John Humphrys: Sheltered, liberal BBC staff did not interrogate immigration for fear of appearing 'racist'
The BBC has been staffed with too many 'Oxbridge liberal males' making it 'relentlessly middle class' and unwilling to confront immigration, the broadcaster John Humphrys says.
The BBC has been staffed with too many “Oxbridge liberal”-types whose “relentlessly middle-class” view of the world coloured its coverage of immigration, the broadcaster John Humphrys has suggested.

Humphrys, the journalist and Today programme presenter, said the BBC had employed people who feared that questioning immigration would make them appear “racist”, admitting the corporation had failed to investigate it “rigorously enough”.
Saying many members of staff lead “sheltered” lives in which they did not encounter the reality of areas affected by mass immigration, he added they had “failed to look at what our job was” in relation to the contentious issue.
His criticism follows widely-reported findings from the BBC Trust last year, in which the watchdog claimed there had been a “DEEP LIBERAL BIAS” within the corporation, particularly in relation to its coverage of immigration and the European Union.

I could have linked in any number of newspapers and news agencies reporting THE FACTS of this story, shall we try to find one that you like ?

It's a fine mess isn't it ?


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Russell Brand.
Whatever happened to Russell Brand? There was a time when the words that came out of him did justice to all the drugs he was taking, when Russell, and perhaps only Russell, could see the funny side of turning up for work the day after the Twin Towers attack dressed as Osama bin Laden, when you could look through the tendrils of diseased hair and see in his eyes that he knew it was all baloney.
The Russell of then could say things like: “All penguins are the same below the surface, which I think is as perfect an analogy as we can have for the futility of racism,” but the Russell who was on Question Time last week didn’t really say anything at all.
This must have been a big disappointment to the BBC, which is busily reshaping the entire Corporation around him. No sooner had Question Time ended than up flashed an advert for Russell’s next incarnation as the presenter of a BBC3 programme investigating the “War on Drugs”, and that’s when he’s not all over Newsnight or explaining “The Philosophy of Russell Brand” on Radio 4.

Russell was royally squished on Question Time, first by shadow minister Mary Creagh, who took exception to his interruptions and told him: “One of things people don’t like is men talking over women on these types of shows and our voices not being heard.” Then by a member of the audience who called him a hypocrite and challenged him to stand for Parliament. Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader, who Brand, 39, had been brought in to provoke, looked on with Zen-like sanguinity.

Oh, there were a few riffs of the familiar, falsetto, clause-mangled agit-prop, but by the last question, on grammar schools, he was looking worn out and pleading: “I dunno much about it.”
The less Russell knows about things, the easier he is to like. Some years ago, he wrote a rather touching autobiography, My Booky Wook, a catalogue of youthful calamities, which explained much about why he was suited to comedy. One anecdote has him taking a pub stripper back to his flat, and then in post-coital rapture, retreating to the bathroom to smoke heroin. Apparently dissatisfied with his attentions, the stripper slaps him in the chops and in the ensuing struggle, Brand finds himself stark naked on the street at 3am with the front door slammed in his face. The woman refuses to let him back in and he ends up in a basement gay bar being goosed as he tries to phone a locksmith.
t was on such stuff - the drugs, the sex, the follies - that the hyper-caffeinated, bad-boy shtick was built, and for a while Russell was very good at it. He was the only child of a lower middle class Essex couple who split up before he was a year old, and although he loved his mum and worshipped his absent father, his childhood was duly wrecked. At 15, afflicted by everything from ADHD to bulimia, and seemingly unschoolable, he landed a part in an amateur production of Bugsy Malone, and used it as a stepping stone, first to drama school, then to the stand up circuit.
There was a kind of camp-gothic ghastliness about his appearance on stage, and while he struggled to grasp the difference between eloquence and verbosity, he was never short of things to say. The source material was his life, spun into an endless yarn of low-living and self-abasement, and whatever else people thought about him, he was prepared to admit his mistakes. Soon he was being talked about, television came calling, as did Hollywood. He married Katy Perry, an American pop singer, described by GQ magazines “a full-on male fantasy”, but their union began badly when Katy was bitten by a spider at the start of their honeymoon in the Maldives, rendering her unfit for traditional newlywed activities. Little more than a year later it was all over.
Then, sadly, Russell stopped being funny. His over-hyped remake of ‘Arthur’, the Dudley Moore comedy classic, flopped calamitously, his US TV show, Brand X was dropped, and in England he remained badly tainted by the fall-out from his BBC radio taunting of veteran actor Andrew Sachs. At which point, Russell decided to get serious.

And finally............
It is perhaps a tribute to his irritant-value that the harshest criticism of his ideas has come the political Left, with the likes of author and journalist Nick Cohen calling the book: “atrocious, long winded, confused and smug,” and warning that: “If the British Left falls for him, it will show itself to be beyond saving.”


New member
Oct 22, 2012
From a Leftie....who has woken up.

“I fell out of love with the EU, and so should you,” writes Mehdi Hassan in the current New Statesman. I hope Mehdi won’t demur when I describe him as a man of the firm Left: open-minded, curious, interested in new ideas, but in no doubt about where he sits on the political spectrum.
Mehdi is kind enough to give me some credit for having jolted him out of his “wild-eyed teenage Europhilia”, notably through the video below; but, of course, his conversion owes far more the euro crisis. I’ve observed a similar shift in other Leftist Euro-enthusiasts. At some stage in the past five years, they noticed that they had somehow ended on the side the Eurocrats preaching austerity from private jets rather than of the millions being thrown out of work by the single currency. As Mehdi puts it:
The Left across Europe has been seduced by the EU’s promise of workers’ rights – forgetting that you can’t enjoy those rights if you don’t have a job to begin with.
Mehdi, so far at any rate, is ahead of the pack. Most British Leftists still tend to give Brussels the benefit of the doubt. It’s not that they refuse to criticise the EU; but their starting assumption is that European integration is positive, and that opposition is small-minded.

brighton fella

New member
Mar 20, 2009
Ah yes, the good old bastion BBC.

John Humphrys: Sheltered, liberal BBC staff did not interrogate immigration for fear of appearing 'racist'
The BBC has been staffed with too many 'Oxbridge liberal males' making it 'relentlessly middle class' and unwilling to confront immigration, the broadcaster John Humphrys says.
The BBC has been staffed with too many “Oxbridge liberal”-types whose “relentlessly middle-class” view of the world coloured its coverage of immigration, the broadcaster John Humphrys has suggested.

Humphrys, the journalist and Today programme presenter, said the BBC had employed people who feared that questioning immigration would make them appear “racist”, admitting the corporation had failed to investigate it “rigorously enough”.
Saying many members of staff lead “sheltered” lives in which they did not encounter the reality of areas affected by mass immigration, he added they had “failed to look at what our job was” in relation to the contentious issue.
His criticism follows widely-reported findings from the BBC Trust last year, in which the watchdog claimed there had been a “DEEP LIBERAL BIAS” within the corporation, particularly in relation to its coverage of immigration and the European Union.

:lolol::lolol:its that trustworthy BBC again:facepalm: why don't these idiots just grow up and get a sense of humour, i don't even know what the bloke was supposed to have said but I can imagine it was petty and trivial, some people need lessons on how to laugh at themselves instead of biting every time a loose word is used, I call my mate a work a fat b*stard he calls me a ugly c*nt f*cking what its no big deal we are the best of buddies.
to be honest with you directly I see the word BBC I gave up looking, knew it would be a waste of time, although some on here use it as their bible.:facepalm:


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
Labour MPs have been secretly ordered not to campaign on immigration because doing so could cost them the next election, the Daily Telegraph can reveal.
A private strategy document circulated by Labour HQ and seen by this newspaper warns that the bigger immigration becomes as a campaign issue the more votes the party will lose.
MPs are told to focus on "moving the conversation on" if voters express concerns about border controls to topics Labour is stronger on such as healthcare or housing.
They are also urged not to send leaflets on immigration to all voters because it could be "unhelpful" and "risks undermining the broad coalition of support we need to return to government".
The revelations are a major embarrassment for Ed Miliband, who is expected tell voters Labour understands their immigration concerns and harden the party's stance on cheap foreign workers in a major speech on Monday.
Some Labour MPs have reacted with fury over the strategy document, calling it an "April Fools" joke and accusing the leadership of trying to "massage" their relationship with constituents.
The 33-page document, entitled "Campaigning against Ukip", was produced by the Labour Party and recently distributed to dozens of MPs in danger of losing votes to Ukip alongside detailed constituency maps pinpointing where possible defectors can be found.

i am confused now.......who do i believe?

The private strategy document circulated by Labour HQ indicates UKIP support since the 2010 election has been made up of previous voters.......45% conservative,15% Lib Dems,11% Labour and 2% BNP

Dave keeps saying Ukip is full of BNP supporters,Do i believe daveinprague or the latest Labour Party Statistics ......crumbs what a dilemna


Deleted member 22389

i am confused now.......who do i believe?

The private strategy document circulated by Labour HQ indicates UKIP support since the 2010 election has been made up of previous voters.......45% conservative,15% Lib Dems,11% Labour and 2% BNP

Dave keeps saying Ukip is full of BNP supporters,Do i believe daveinprague or the latest Labour Party Statistics ......crumbs what a dilemna

You have to remember the Tories, Lab and the Lib Dems have done nothing wrong, in fact they have been absolutely bloody perfect haven't they. Thanks to all three parties and the decisions they have made over that last 15-20 years is why we are here today. And when UKIP manage to fill the papers with crap, it shows you how petty politics has become in this country, and proves how the established parties have lost the trust of the general public.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
You have to remember the Tories, Lab and the Lib Dems have done nothing wrong, in fact they have been absolutely bloody perfect haven't they. Thanks to all three parties and the decisions they have made over that last 15-20 years is why we are here today. And when UKIP manage to fill the papers with crap, it shows you how petty politics has become in this country, and proves how the established parties have lost the trust of the general public.

I agree with you,but at least UKIP and to a much lesser extent the Greens are at least sticking their oars in towards the established parties,this can only be good for me and you eventually.......

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